Victoria’s Rich Client

Read Me Tonight Season 1 – Story 11

Victoria (28) was a real estate agent in London who outside of her work also enjoyed a committed relationship with her girlfriend. But when she gave a VIP a private inspection of a beautiful London apartment, Victoria succumbed to the dominant lesbian sexual energy of the client. Find out how far Victoria had to go to rent out the apartment.

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Victoria's Rich Client Read Me Tonight Lesbian Sex Stories Book Cover
Source Amazon: Victoria’s Rich Client

Read Time: 19 Minutes

Victoria (28) is an experienced British real estate agent from London who looked after rental properties south of the river around Brixton and Peckham. She was on the taller side at 5’9” with medium free-flowing brown hair that highlighted her facial curves. A pretty brunette, born and raised in London’s inner-city suburbs.

She had a skinny frame that complimented her nicely in the professional outfits she wore at work – office skirts, shirts with jackets, high heels, mostly black or grey colors. She had the confident and friendly demeanor expected from someone who had been in her position for 5 years and became a Senior Property Manager.

Victoria enjoyed the work. It kept her busy most days and she could still switch off properly in the evenings. Weekend work was only reserved for premium property inspections and usually just a couple of hours in the mornings. She had plenty of personal time to enjoy.

And that personal time she happily spent with her girlfriend. They met each other as friends back when they both studied Law at university. Their friendship quickly evolved into an intimate curiosity and becoming a faithful couple. Only their close friends and family knew and were happy for them.

After they graduated Victoria ended up in real estate as her girlfriend started a career in corporate law. The strong foundation they had kept them closely together, even when Victoria got rudely seduced by a rich client one weekend in June.

Victoria’s girlfriend was originally from the Birmingham area and had a private family gathering that Victoria was not attending. She spent time catching up with her family and while away, Victoria focused on work and showed more inspections that weekend.

On the Saturday Victoria lined up twice as many than before and agreed to 1 special request for a VIP apartment on Sunday. The extra potential business would be worth it in the long run.

The apartments for the Saturday had multiple interests and Victoria expected around 10 visitors to come through at each. It kept her busy for at least half the day. She did not know much about Sunday’s VIP inspection, just that her boss asked her to do it privately and that the client was rich.  

Luckily, Saturday’s turnout was so good that by the time Victoria came home in the evening she could barely enjoy her food without being flooded with application emails from potential tenants. She had new business to follow up on for the next week and it felt great.

She spent a couple of hours video calling with her girlfriend to catch up and then prepared her outfit for the VIP inspection.  

It was scheduled for 9 AM at a stunning penthouse-style apartment that had its own rooftop terrace, a large balcony, space for a barbecue or outside dining area, even a garden. It was Instagram worthy and the kind of apartment only certain rich folk could afford.

Victoria did not know much about the potential client, but it was always a pleasure to visit that particular property. Victoria previously failed at renting it out on 2 occasions. It had to happen the third time she confidently assured herself.  

On the Sunday morning Victoria made it to the apartment nice and early, 20 minutes before the client. She barely had to do anything to prepare it since the last time, the apartment was kept ready for someone to move in at any time. Almost picture-perfect. Victoria did not mind spending some time there by herself pretending like it was hers. Perhaps one day.

She switched on the coffee machine thinking the client may appreciate a cup and opened the balcony to allow fresh air to come in. She also scattered a couple of her brochures around the living room and kitchen.

At 9 AM sharp, just when she finished a cup of fresh coffee, Victoria saw an email notification pop up on her phone. It was from an Olivia, and it had the apartment and their appointment in the subject line. Victoria opened it quickly.

It was a short message. It asked Victoria to meet Olivia outside in 5 minutes, she was on the way and arriving soon. Sure – Victoria thought – no problem.

Victoria washed her cup and placed it back on the rack. Then went outside with her phone and jacket in hand. She waited right outside of the front door entrance as requested. 5 minutes later, Victoria saw a white Range Rover pull up to the entrance.

A woman stepped out of the Range, presumably Olivia, and walked over to greet Victoria with a handshake. She looked like in her early thirties and wore sneakers, black jeans, shirt and jacket combination along with short hair and a clutch. A bit like a blonde tomboy on quick glance, but with feminine curves and minor makeup on the face. Victoria could not help but feel an attraction, Olivia looked like a nerdy girl from back in university that was smart and casual yet very sexual, just Victoria’s type. Conservative fashion and under-dressed, but with personality, natural beauty and physique that still made most feel attracted to it.

And indeed, she introduced herself as Olivia. She also thanked Victoria for making time to see her on a Sunday and followed Victoria inside.

Wowwas the first reaction when they walked in.  

I’ll buy it – Olivia instantly joked and explained the apartment was exactly what she was looking for. She still insisted on being shown around.

After the entrance area and living room, Victoria showed Olivia to the kitchen. She had the coffee machine ready to brew and Olivia gladly accepted a cup.

The kitchen had an unobstructed view of parts of the city and Olivia kept commenting on how great it looked. She also looked through the cupboards and amenities, making sure the basics were there and worked. Victoria assured her the apartment got booked a lot through Airbnb for short term stays and was cleaned regularly. If Olivia was to take it on a rental agreement, the security locks would be changed, and any other furniture requests could be discussed.

The counters were also big enough to cook for a family and it had an attached island that served as a mini bar. It had high-quality counter-top material as one would expect.

As Olivia drank the coffee, she asked several questions about the paperwork and rental conditions. All straight-forward – pets were considered upon application, entertainment could be hosted up to 15 people, smoking on the balcony only, furniture requests and warranties included, rent paid monthly with 2 months as a bond and the move-in date was ASAP.  

Once they finished the coffee the tour began. Victoria showed Olivia the 2 bedrooms, both with en-suite bathrooms and one of them had another balcony. She showed her the main guest bathroom that also had a bathtub. Also, the pantry and spare study room nearby the kitchen.

At the end of the hallway, after both the bedrooms, was a walk-in closet. An entire room, bedroom size, just for clothes and shoes with pre-built racks, drawers and cupboards.

Olivia explained how she had busy weekdays consulting for many top restaurants around London. In the evenings, that walk-in closet could be her own personal project. To turn it into something luxurious, like the old MTV Cribs episode with Mariah Carey she reminisced.

Olivia appeared to love every room. She commented how they were either ready-to-be-used or what potential changes she would make.  She visualized herself living there. A great sign for Victoria, who would finally get a premium commission on the property after multiple failed attempts.

The apartment looked exactly like in its advertised pictures, and the atmosphere had a celebrity-like feeling to it. The kind of apartment famous people would stay in. The type of apartment a young professional could utilize to their benefit, such as Olivia who had the cash flow from her restaurant work.

For the most part, Victoria focused on making Olivia want to sign on the contract. Her attraction for Olivia was still there, but she looked at it as business. When happily in a relationship, she could still enjoy the odd look here and there appreciating another human. It was not a sign of intimacy.  

When they made their way back to the kitchen, Victoria asked if Olivia wanted another cup of coffee. Instead, Olivia reached for her phone and rang the downstairs driver in the car to bring something to the apartment. Victoria was curious.

A few moments later Olivia’s driver came to the door and Victoria noticed he brought a pen and a bottle of champagne.

Olivia thanked the driver, who then immediately turned around and returned to the car.

Olivia explained she wanted to sign the rental agreement and to move in 2 weeks later. The champagne was to celebrate.

It was a bit early to be drinking on a Sunday, but who cared. Victoria finally rented the apartment, it felt like a huge relief. A drink would be appreciated.

Olivia gladly popped open the bottle and poured them 2 glasses on the counter. She apologized to Victoria about the drinking but explained she had been looking for an apartment like that for months. Finally, she could put her focus back on work and not have to search anymore.

They spent a good 20 minutes on the balcony celebrating with their bubbly. After a few top ups, they went through the entire bottle.  

They also talked personally about each other’s lives. Olivia explained she was too busy to date anyone and spent most of her days running between restaurants putting out fires. Victoria explained she was working that weekend with her partner away and a bit about the other apartments she looked after.

So, you’re partner, he’s away today? No wonder you could show me this place so early – Olivia said.

Yes, normally I don’t work Sundays. And the partner’s a she by the way – Victoria replied.

Ah, that’s ok. Hope she is not missing you too much? Olivia cautiously joked.  

Victoria enjoyed the conversation. It felt like a victory. But maybe she overshared that last part unnecessarily and broke the professional boundary with a client. She replied nervously and tried to retract.

Don’t be silly, I like getting to know the people I work with. And besides, I know most of my female staff personally, so it doesn’t freak me out, trust me – Olivia casually replied. The remark surprised Victoria, who did not know how to take it.

Luckily Victoria did not have to respond, when Olivia said it, she also poured the last remaining champagne into their glasses. Victoria also noticed Olivia took a step closer to her when pouring and allowed their hands to touch each other naturally. It happened suddenly and caught Victoria off guard, and she wobbled in her stance, needing to hold the balcony rail firmer.  

With the empty bottle, Olivia leaned passed Victoria and left it on a nearby bench. She stopped Victoria’s breath with her perfume scent, leaning in and out in close proximity. Afterwards, they both looked at each other quietly and cheered the last glass to finish up.

And with the last swig of the champagne, Olivia slowly grabbed their glasses and took them back inside. She placed them on the counter-top and reached for a nearby pen and the rental paperwork. She signed on multiple pages by the time Victoria joined her.

There, the place is mine now – Olivia proclaimed.

Victoria congratulated her and without thinking also gave Olivia a gentle brush on the shoulders.

Can you show me the bathroom en suite again? Olivia asked.

Sure, follow me – Victoria replied.

And when they got to the main bedroom again, Victoria let Olivia walk in first.

Olivia walked to the bathroom and into the shower, that was large enough for 4 people with an over-sized shower-head. She turned around to Victoria and smiled victoriously.

The main bedroom’s en suite was very spacious, besides the large shower and screen doors it also had a basin with extended cupboards, heated floors, comfy seating and a large mirror on one entire side of the wall. Victoria felt slightly tipsy from the champagne, but it was overshadowed by the personal satisfaction of renting out the apartment.

Abruptly, Olivia walked out of the shower and made her way to the toilet.

You don’t mind if I try it, do you? Olivia asked, and quickly unbuttoned her pants and slid them down to the knees. Before Victoria could reply, the panties were also down. They were nice black Victoria’s Secret-ish and probably pricey.  

Victoria reluctantly noticed Olivia’s curvy booty before turning around to sit, along with her thighs and small bush on the front of her crotch. It was a sexy sight, quickly interrupted by the sound of Olivia peeing and catching a glimpse of Victoria staring. It all happened too fast for Victoria to refuse, and she quickly looked away out of embarrassment. Olivia smirked.  

When Olivia was done, she fixed her pants and walked to the basin near Victoria, who was frozen in an awkward feeling of anticipation to return to their normal conversation.

As Olivia washed the hands, she stared down Victoria with a cheeky smile and stepped towards her. With one of her wet hands, she reached around and grabbed the back of Victoria’s ass and firmly squeezed it with the intent to wipe her hands dry at the same time. Victoria jolted and began to push herself away and giggled.

I can’t, really…! Victoria proclaimed and tried to move back. Her face flushed red in excitement, but her mind rejected every form of the advance.

Oh come on, don’t be a teenager. You’ve been staring at me since we first met and now you want to act shy. Don’t you want to successfully rent me this apartment? Olivia fired back. She cornered her with an animalistic seductive energy Victoria never experienced before.

Victoria only read about that happening to others, yet there she was, in a similar situation, confused, shocked and with feelings of guilt, but with soaked panties. For some reason she was wetter than ever in recent times as far as her memory went. She never before had been excited after seeing someone pee, or with any forceful interactions, but with Olivia she found herself in deep unexplored waters.

With every step back Victoria took, Olivia took one forward. The more Victoria resisted; the more Olivia persisted. Olivia even tried to sneak in a kiss on Victoria’s lips whenever she could.

Please don’t, I really can’t, maybe if I was single but not now… – Victoria pleaded.

Olivia kept at it, and as soon as Victoria spoke, she was met by Olivia’s kiss on the mouth.

Victoria kept her mouth shut but eventually caved in. The more Olivia tried the weaker Victoria’s defense was getting. Olivia’s hand squeezed her tighter and a finger pressed down her ass crack through the clothes. Even though her mind still resisted, Victoria’s body went along with Olivia’s rhythm and was ready for more.  

Victoria took another step back but was met by the mirror on the wall. Olivia pushed herself against Victoria.

She averted Victoria’s mouth, found her way into the neckline and gave Victoria hickey kisses. Olivia’s other free hand found the front of Victoria’s crotch and began rubbing against it.

With the eyes closed, Victoria reminded herself the last time she was fingered and kissed up against a wall was ages ago in school. Together with a friend she regularly experimented in parks and lane ways behind the houses in her neighborhood.

I can’t cheat… – Victoria managed to say in between heavy breathing.

Who said anything about you cheating? Olivia replied seductively.

Olivia stopped kissing Victoria’s neck but continued rubbing on both sides of the body standing up against the wall. She looked at Victoria intently.

Open your mouth – Olivia requested.

Victoria was frozen and nervously looked back at Olivia.

Olivia then leaned in and forced her tongue inside Victoria’s mouth. Finally, their tongues met, and Victoria felt her last walls of defense caving in. Victoria let herself be taken in the kiss.

They spent several minutes making out deeply, with Victoria kissing back albeit more reserved than Olivia.

Victoria felt her work skirt being bent around her waist, leaving the panties exposed. She wore white ones, not exactly the sexiest, but nobody told her she would be showing them off that day.

Olivia pulled on them and shortly after, both of her hands disappeared inside. The left hand went in from behind, down the crack of the booty and made Victoria’s knees weak. A finger made its way to the hole in the middle and firmly pressed against it. Grinding up and around it. It teased and made Victoria grab her for balance.

The other hand went inside the front, brushing along the patch of hair down to the soaked lips. With both hands busy, Olivia rocked Victoria’s body back and forth against herself and the wall. She also caught her in another kiss, melting their bodies together. NO ONE can find out about this – but oh my God this feels amazing! Victoria thought.

Victoria remembered Olivia’s kiss in detail, the fancy taste of the lips and tongue like truffle or saffron, the feeling of a slice of melon or pineapple with a sharp juicy taste and the smell of a scented candle somewhere in the background. Maybe it was Olivia’s short hair that gave her the authority, maybe it was the lust, but it was something powerful. Victoria held on to Olivia’s waist as her body went along to the touches.  

Victoria soon started feeling an intensity build up, she wondered if she would be able to up against the wall like that and with jelly legs. Through her breathing, spasming and clutching Victoria let Olivia know something was coming. If the climax had the energy of a girl itself the 3 of them would be the Powerpuff Girls, it was amazing.  

When the final spasms broke her free from Olivia’s touch, Victoria steadied herself and stepped to the side. She awaited Olivia’s next move.

Victoria still had her dress up and panties down when she recovered. Olivia lunged forward and kissed her again. Not long after, dipping down in front of Victoria in a crouched position.

In a swift move she further pulled down on Victoria’s panties, stopping at the knees. Olivia gently held her by the waist and looked up to meet Victoria’s eyes, then looked down again to the glistening lips below Victoria’s patch of hair.  

Olivia opened her mouth and met Victoria’s wet crotch with her face.

A little treat – She said after 2 licks.

Victoria felt a sudden rush of tension, interspersed with relief and the tightening of her abs in intervals. Hope it tastes fresh! Victoria nervously thought.

She just rented out this rich apartment and found herself in a moral dilemma, getting off on the client’s sexual seduction while her girlfriend was away for the weekend.

Olivia’s dominant energy was strong though, there was little chance to ignore it.

Her mouth worked Victoria’s inner slit. Lapping up and down while the tongue twirled and sucked inside. Victoria’s hands held Olivia’s head for balance and comfort.

Abruptly, Olivia’s right hand did another reach around. Her fingers parted the booty cheeks and directly went for Victoria’s hole. A finger playfully touched it in circular motions.  

It made Victoria breathe deeper and heavier, grinding back on Olivia. The bathroom acoustics were filled with moaning, breathing and wet rubbing sounds.

In a sudden jolt for Victoria, Olivia pushed the finger inside. Half of it went in and paused. Victoria’s knees weakened and she slumped into the wall, even more so when Olivia simultaneously sucked on her crotch with a fierce tongue still working hard.

Olivia played with her ass in a come-hither motion that tantalized Victoria. When the entire finger was inside and moved in rhythm, Victoria released a second powerful climax. It shook her core.

It also made Victoria moan a prolonged cry of pleasure, creaming into Olivia’s mouth. Olivia wanted to eat it all up.

When Olivia stopped, she pulled back her face and licked her own lips satisfied. She looked happy.

When she stood up, they kissed again and calmed down.

Olivia then grabbed hold of Victoria’s ass again. Uh oh, what is she doing to me now? Victoria thought.

Olivia’s finger found its way again to Victoria’s ass. With her other hand Olivia grabbed the other ass cheek and pulled Victoria closer into an embrace. Without much warning, the finger went inside Victoria’s hole again.

The feeling made Victoria screech. It instantly felt like another powerful climax was close to forming. She never experienced something so intense. The sex life with her girlfriend happened mostly in the weekends due to work and was reserved to PG-13 type of activities. That finger in the booty reinvigorated Victoria.

After a few short minutes of loudly moaning again, Victoria came to a grinding halt and Olivia pulled her finger out. Victoria leaned into her and let herself be held by Olivia.  

They hugged for a few more minutes, and Olivia massaged her ass cheeks softly with the hands.

See? You did nothing, I did all the work. Don’t worry so much – Olivia quipped. She then walked to the basin to freshen up.

Victoria took a moment to adjust her panties and the rest of her clothes. She then also freshened up.

I will need to tell her about this you know – Victoria said, still feeling a bit guilty. Even though there was no doubt she enjoyed it.

That’s up to you, if you want some more you know where to email me at – Olivia replied and walked out of the bathroom. A few moments later Victoria joined her back in the living room. Olivia was ready to leave with the paperwork in hand and a big smile on her face.

A small kiss followed, and they said their goodbyes. Victoria instructed Olivia when and how to pick up the keys for the apartment and wished her a great stay.

When Olivia left, Victoria watched her Range Rover drive away from a window. She made herself another cup of coffee and then also left.

Back at home she finished up the necessary work for that apartment. Then showered and changed into comfy clothes for on the couch.

As for Victoria’s girlfriend?

Since Victoria never pursued that client again and kept it as the one-off it was, she told her girlfriend over a dinner shortly after. She explained it as the crazy and inappropriate situation it was. Her girlfriend as shocked as she was also got excited at the idea of bossing around Victoria. Something they never did before in their relationship.

It worked out in the end given the innocent circumstances. Maybe it would have been different if Victoria kept it a secret, if she pursued another encounter, or if during that time she also returned the favor to Olivia?

The way it happened helped to spice things up in her relationship. And ultimately, Victoria did not regret it.

We hope you enjoy the other lesbian sex stories from Season 1.

For more about Victoria check out How a Real Estate Agent Got Seduced into Lesbian Sex by a Rich Client with extra articles and Pornhub videos.

Have you got any experiences like Victoria’s? Tell us about them discreetly. Read Me Tonight Lesbian Sex Stories.

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