Nora’s Neighbour

Read Me Tonight Season 1 – Story 9

45-year-old Nora was a married professional woman from a small town in the Netherlands who started a secret affair with her neighbors friend’s daughter after helping out on the girl’s 19th birthday. What started off friendly evolved into a raunchy lesbian relationship that lasted for years.

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Read Me Tonight Nora Neighbour Season One Lesbian Sex Story Book Cover
Source Amazon: Nora’s Neighbour

Read Time: 25 Minutes

Nora (45) is a happily married Dutch woman from a regional town in the Netherlands nearby the Belgian border. Her husband was 10 years older than her and ran his own successful interior design business. Nora herself managed a corporate catering company and enjoyed a MILF status. They lived in a large house on a quiet street a short drive from the nearby major cities. Their two kids were in the late teens and abroad to study and work as interns for an extended period.

Their house was at the end of a cul-de-sac in a quiet neighborhood and they shared the block with only 4 other houses. It was quite picture-perfect like from a movie. They moved and settled in 3+ years ago, with a good work/life balance after the kids went abroad and became good friends with their neighbors too. Life was good.

Regularly, people told Nora she was sexy, good looking, pretty etc – if it was not her husband, it was a colleague or a client or one of their new friends. She had long curly brown hair and was approx. 6ft in height. She confidently wore dresses and appropriate tops for her age and looked like a slightly more mature, Dutch version of Sofia Vergara.

The neighbors were also a married couple and similar in age to Nora and her husband. Both were accountants, and also Dutch. They only had a daughter, Sara, who Nora first met when she was 16, and years later celebrated the 19th birthday with.

Their houses had connecting driveways, and both had large areas between and behind them that were full of garden trees and bushes. Nora was usually home at 7 PM, cooking food and relaxing. Her husband often came home later, and the neighbors were both the same. A lot of times, Nora saw Sara hanging out in the backyard by herself or with her friends. She enjoyed the freedom of working parents. But was also a very responsible girl, who never did anything to cause trouble which Nora respected a lot.

On a few occasions Nora smelled a hint of what probably was a joint, but Sara enjoyed it quietly with another female friend and like always never caused any problems. Nora ignored it, everyone she knew had done it before, she kept an eye on Sara for more serious trouble.

But Sara’s 19th birthday celebration changed everything for Nora.

That week of the birthday, Nora received a text at work from Sara’s mother. She explained they were going away Friday night and came back the following Saturday evening. Sara would be alone celebrating her birthday somewhere out with friends. She asked Nora if Sara could have her number in case anything happened that night. Of course, Nora replied.

They ran into each other later that evening in the driveways and Sara’s mother thanked Nora again for being the back-up mom. She further explained Sara had a house party her friends were throwing her but promised to come home at a reasonable time, and alone. She suggested Nora could keep an eye out and check on Sara if required. Not a problem, happy to help – Nora assured her.

Before the neighbors left, they all met again in the driveway that Friday. Nora came home from work, just as the neighbors were getting ready to leave. Sara said goodbye, excited to see them go for the night as any teenager would. When they drove off, Sara greeted Nora and went back inside the house.

Nora spent the evening cooking and drank a bottle of wine by herself. She noticed when Sara left the house, dressed up for a fun night out.

She made herself a tasty meal and had more wine watching Seinfeld episodes. One of her favorite shows.

Around 10 PM later that night, her husband came home from work. She could tell he had a few drinks when he kissed her good night and shortly after went to bed. Leaving her alone again, to enjoy Seinfeld.

Then, 20 minutes after midnight Nora received a text.

Hey Mrs N, really sorry to text but are you still awake? Think I locked myself out xx Sara

Nora giggled at the message, still awake and watching TV. She walked over to the window and saw Sara standing in their driveway, alone and holding her phone. Nora quietly opened the front door and called out to Sara.

Yeah come on in silly girl. How was your night? Nora said playfully. Expecting Sara to be drunk.

It was great and thank you so much – Sara hugged Nora and let herself in quietly. She smelled of alcohol and perfume, but still took good care of herself and was respectful of Nora.

When Nora followed her back to the living room, Sara already made herself comfortable on the couch next to where she was sat. The couch had an over-sized pillow Sara used and Nora brought her a nearby blanket. Sara’s light jacket was folded on a dining chair.

Join me with some Seinfeld, maybe it’s before your time but still worth seeing – Nora suggested and handed Sara a bottle of water.

I’ve seen quite a few episodes already, what do you mean ‘before my time’? Sara laughed, and explained she knew a lot of pop culture history from top ten lists online which she then researched more. Seinfeld was one of the better shows rated in TVs sitcom history.

I quite like the characters and the positive messages of Frasier, it’s one of my guilty pleasures. Most people think it’s boring – Sara quipped.

I love Frasier – Nora laughed.

Nora finished a second bottle of wine after dinner. When she opened a third, she played it off as the second to Sara. Not wanting to come across like a big drinker.

Nora poured herself another glass, and noticed Sara stared at the wine and a nearby empty glass on the table. Sara’s long, straight black hair opened her face in an elegant kind of way and matched it with her black dress and heels. She looked thirsty for some wine.

Want some? Nora asked.

If I may… – Sara replied quickly. Implying that she did not want to impose.

Here – Nora poured her a smaller amount in the other glass. She wanted to be considered the ‘cool mom’ by someone other than her own kids. And besides, Sara was old enough.

Nora enjoyed the company. It was nice to share a drink with someone and laugh at the same thing. She felt like they clicked that night, but maybe it was the wine influencing a bit too.

At 1.15 AM Nora noticed Sara had dozed off. Her wine glass was mostly finished, and she looked comfortable on the large pillow. Nora turned the TV off and went to bed. She had enough wine that night to put her to sleep instantly.  

In the morning, Nora and her husband treated Sara to a breakfast and let her use the shower to freshen up. Because Sara slept in, slowly ate the food and freshened up, the afternoon went by quickly. Around 5.30 PM her parents arrived back home and joined them at Nora’s house.

Her mother was annoyed but relieved Nora was there to help.

That Saturday Nora spent quality time with her husband and did not hear from Sara or her mother. But the next day, she got another text from Sara.

Thank you so much for last night. I got in trouble but don’t regret it. Should watch some more shows together xx S

The text surprised Nora. She hid her reaction from her husband and went to the bathroom to reply. She was confused about what Sara implied with the watching more shows together.

Hey, of course, glad I could help. Don’t get locked out again. xx

Casual enough, Nora did not want to come across funny.

Sara texted Nora again the following day at work. That time, with a picture of a George Constanza meme from the show. It had 3 screenshots with captions: the first 2 of George, Elaine and Jerry sat in the coffee shop and George saying, “I feel when lesbians are looking at me, they’re thinking” and “That’s why I’m not a heterosexual”. The third was the Forever Alone meme face.

Nora replied with 3 laughing emojis. It did make her laugh, but she did not expect Sara to text her like that – her next-door friend’s daughter.

And again, that following day, at work, Sara texted Nora. With a picture of herself wearing a new fancy dress in front of the mirror in some store’s changing rooms. She asked Nora how it looked and if she should buy it for her next night out.

It looks lovely, you should wear it – Nora replied. She wanted to compliment her more because it looked fantastic on her, but Nora did not want to get into such a conversation with someone younger like Sara.

Lovely… like a table cloth?! I want to look sexy lol

Sara was trying to get a deeper reaction out of Nora.

Ok ok, sexy – Nora texted back, accompanied by a laughing emoji.

She also got an emoji back from Sara. Nora could not gauge the intention and it played tricks on her mind. Not even many of her own friends texted her like that. She was susceptible to it.

The rest of that week at work, all Nora could do in between breaks was look at Sara’s picture with the new dress in the changing room. She oddly felt attracted to Sara in that picture and liked the idea that no one knew she had it in her phone. But she did not receive any more texts from Sara.

Also, on Thursday, Nora kept checking her phone for something from Sara. She longed for a friend like that and wanted to keep their new friendship going. She felt guilty towards her friend though, Sara’s mother.

Eventually she received another text.

Hey so I got that dress from the other day. Want to see the shoes I’m matching?

Nora perked up at the text. YES!

Sure, show me.

And Sara sent another picture. It was of her legs and highlighted white sneakers from a low mirror. Even though Nora saw Sara’s legs the week before on her couch, seeing them in that picture took her breath away for a second. She felt a tingle in her lower stomach and became slightly anxious. No one could find out that deep down, the picture turned her on.

Nice sneakers, make sure you bring your keys this time. xx

Nora replied jokingly.

Thanks xx If I forget them can I count on you to be awake?

Wow! Nora’s mind raced. She was not sure what the best reply would be.  

Sure xx

Nice and short. The conversation already was a guilty secret for Nora, she did not want to make things worse.

And that following Friday, Nora arrived home and started her end-of-the-week routine. First a wine bottle was opened, that time she put Frasier on and began cooking.

At some stage the husband also came home. He ate with Nora and hung out for a bit sharing wine. But just before midnight he left to go to bed. Nora was alone again.

Hey can we have a drink? xx

Sara texted at 1235 AM. Perfect!

Nora anticipated Sara might be in touch. As much as she enjoyed her own routine and spending time with her husband, she anticipated more that night. And when she freshened up after work, she subconsciously put on some of her finest bra and panties and used a tasty body lotion on herself instead of a perfume.  

Yeah come around to the back – Nora replied.

They met near the backyard side door and Nora showed her in. She motioned for Sara to be very quiet.

Sara wore her new dress from the picture, and it looked amazing. Nora had to hide the fact she blushed. Sara did not look THAT different from the last time they hung out, but Nora looked at her differently that night. Sara’s signals confused Nora.  

Back at the couch, Nora poured 2 new glasses of wine and shared it. Frasier played in the background, somewhere in the second season.

They rejoiced and drank their first glass together quickly. Nora kept having to remind herself to be the responsible adult.

How come you’re here with me watching Frasier? No boys to seduce or is everyone too busy texting each other instead? Nora quipped playfully.

Nah don’t worry, there were boys… but I enjoyed last week and wanted to hang out again – Sara replied.

I think it was George that did it – Nora joked.

They watched Frasier and drank wine for an entire episode without even looking at each other. But still talked a lot, like good friends would.

The episode they watched was “Slow Tango in South Seattle” – where Frasier revisited an old romance from when he was a younger college student and his then older piano teacher.

Sara sat closer to Nora that time, practically next to her but they were not touching.

Sara leaned back in the couch and one her legs brushed up against Nora’s. They both laughed at Frasier, and Nora tried not to notice their legs touched. She wanted to feel them. Devour them like a turkey leg.

Need a refill? Nora asked.

Yes please – Sara replied.

You’re not telling your mum about us hanging out, are you? Nora asked curiously. The thought crossed her mind and it was an important one to ask. It could look funny in the wrong context.

No, no need to. They always work late and sometimes even assume I’m already in my room and go straight to theirs when they come home. I’m a responsible, free girl – Sara explained confidently. With a cute, twinkly smile.

Sara proceeded to ask Nora several questions about her marriage and why she was drinking at home alone. Nora explained as much as she felt like explaining, but mostly gave vague answers about work commitments and people’s different life cycles.

At the beginning of the next Frasier episode Sara finished her glass of wine and slammed it back. She laid in the couch again and let her head rest. She motioned Nora on the shoulder to also lay back next to her.

Sara had a determined yet innocent look in her eyes. Nora laid her head back next to Sara’s on the couch, and they both turned and smiled at each other. Both might have been a bit tipsy at that point with strong eye contact and a childish infatuation.

You know, I appreciate you didn’t crack on to me last week – Sara said bluntly.

What?! Nora laughed out loud shocked.

Yeah, a lot of people crack on to me. Guys, girls, my age, your age. Subtle or creepy. They think I don’t notice sometimes, but I do – Sara replied and explained it as innocently as a girl her age would.

Well, I’m not like everyone else. I live next to you – Nora replied.

I know, and you let me stay here last time and hung out with me, gave me drinks and a blanket. I really like that – Sara said.

Nora smiled and appreciated the kind words. Sara was quite mature for her age and it impressed. A comfortable silence fell that lasted around 30 seconds. They barely broke eye contact with each other.

It took Sara only 2 seconds to lean forward and plant a kiss on Nora. And a confusing 5 seconds later their kiss was still going. Nora noticed Sara opened her eyes again and had a different kind of look in her eyes. Sara broke the kiss and apologized. But Nora immediately planted another one on her, a bit aggressively.

For a few minutes they broke and re-started their kisses, eventually opened their mouths and relaxed their tongues on each other. They began making out on the couch like after a first date.

Nora managed to put her glass of wine back on the table. But never broke free from Sara’s lips and tongue. The alcohol had taken its toll. They turned it into a deeply passionate make out session where Sara even felt up Nora like a potential lover.

Nora suddenly had her first moment of slight panic. She pictured someone like her husband walking in on her and the much younger Sara. It would be hard to explain the context and a real predicament to be in for someone married with kids.

She stopped kissing and tried to distance herself from Sara. But Sara was not having it and moved closer. Nora moved again, but Sara grabbed her by the hands and palmed them.

Don’t freak out, I’m consenting you know that right? Sara quipped.

Yeah but, we can’t possibly keep this a secret. How? Nora replied worried.

By being quiet – Sarah argued. And pulled Nora in by the head and continued kissing. Her other hand traveled between Nora’s legs.

Sara’s hand motioned on top of Nora’s pants. She felt everything through her clothes. Even though she was startled Nora did not resist anymore. Instead, she froze almost trance-like and let Sara take the lead. To control the pace and depth of kissing, how much passion and speed and when to twirl the tongues. To control the hands on Nora and to make her long for more.

You shouldn’t make any sounds – Sara whispered in Nora’s ear. Her hand focused two fingers firmly on the middle of Nora’s pants and made Nora writhe.

Sara kissed and licked down Nora’s neckline. Each spark made Nora’s toes curl. In return, Nora drifted a hand up Sara’s side and kept her in a close embrace. Also, a sign telling her to keep doing what she was doing.

When Nora finally relaxed all the bets were off. Sara became a sexual being, not the innocent girl who lived next door. Clearly, she wanted it to happen and Nora felt the same.

With both her hands Nora helped Sara to stand up in front of her. She held Sara by the sides and managed to reach around and squeeze the booty cheeks. Smiling up at Sara seductively.

Sara in return took off Nora’s shirt and pulled it over her head. Nora’s boobs in the bra bounced immediately and captured the attention of Sara. But Nora stopped her from reaching them.

Nora stood up next to Sara and kissed her again. Nora also unzipped Sara’s dress from the back, and Sara naturally folded her shoulders so it could be removed easier. The dress fell to the floor, and Sara stepped out from it.  

Sara had beautifully supple breasts in a cute pink and brown matching bra and panties. Nora could tell from the front that the panties were a thong. She yearned to see Sara’s ass.

Sara reached around and pulled Nora in closer to kiss more. Nora kept one eye open and looked down to the top of Sara’s ass mound, the beginning of the crack. She quickly got aroused at the sight.

Nora undid Sara’s bra and threw it away. She cupped her breasts and held her by the nipples, also teased by gently biting Sara’s lips.

Sara guided one of Nora’s hands down to her panties and inside to find out how wet she already was. With her own hands Sara unbuttoned Nora’s pants and expertly undid Nora’s bra. 

They both had a hand in the front of each other’s panties, fingering and moaning into each other during a make out. Sara’s other hand joined and pulled on Nora’s pants to come off. Nora did the rest for her and quickly paused, looking at Sara who took off her own panties in the meantime. Full nudity. Nora could not believe what she was getting herself into.

Nora motioned for Sara to sit upright on the couch and stood in front of her. Sara came into direct eye contact with Nora’s crotch and looked at it intently. The wet, top parts of Nora’s lips and small bushy area above it, the V-line shape next to it. Sara opened her mouth slightly and the eyes went on innocent mode. Nora saw a part of Sara’s tongue came out in between the lips, like someone too shy to openly yearn for something the mind was fixated on.

Nora decided to pull Sara’s head into her pussy. Sara’s tongue immediately parted the lips and pushed itself in between with fast twirling motions. Nora felt Sara’s chin also moved down the length of her slit as she licked.

She let Sara lick her for a minute before wanting to try another position. Nora quickly sat down on her bended knees and positioned in between Sara’s legs. Sara sat back into the couch and let Nora kiss down her stomach to between the thighs. Nora’s tongue lapped up and down as Sara enjoyed in silence, Frasier still played in the background. Sara enjoyed getting licked so much that she started imagining herself having sex with Roz and Daphne from the show.

Oh my god this feels so good, wish Roz and Daphne were here to play with us – Sara said.

Nora spilled out in laughter. Her face rested on Sara’s wet lips as she laughed in response. But immediately continued licking the girl.

Sara began riding her hips to Nora’s mouth. Sara’s stomach muscles gradually tightened and her hands gripped Nora firmer. She also put a hand on her mouth to prevent making any noise.

Nora ate her up, proudly enjoyed the taste and felt every sensation in Sara’s body. The trembles, pauses in breath, electric tingles. Sensing everything drove Nora crazy herself.

The gradual build up and climax left Sara frazzled and lusting for Nora. Their lips met again when Nora came up and passionately kissed. And they kissed for a few minutes when Nora pushed Sara back on the couch. She helped Sara’s legs up as well, laying Sara down on her back extended across the couch.  

Nora stood up and carefully lowered herself on top of Sara’s smiling face. In the last few seconds, she saw Sara stick her tongue out.

It felt weird again, sat on top of Sara like that and nervous that someone could walk in. Nora found it hard to relax, even though Sara’s licking was great. Sara did not mind Nora’s age and ate her mature slit up like dessert after dinner. Sara definitely had done that before; her tongue knew what it was doing.  

It took several minutes of adjusting in her seat before Nora relaxed. Sara’s consistent pace of licking also helped. Nora moved herself on Sara’s mouth and held the couch for balance support.

Sara’s own hands were fingering herself to Nora’s crotch riding her face. They were in sync with each other. It was unusual, but instinctive and sexy.

All the natural actions and reactions helped Nora to build up to something powerful. The previous nervousness coupled with the sensations from Sara’s mouth shook Nora to her core. She released herself with aggressive spasms of pleasure, feeling Sara fight back with her mouth from below.

Nora eventually stood up and helped Sara to join her. Sara’s face and hair looked messy and used, her mouth was visibly glistening around the lips and edges.  

Hey you coming or did you fall asleep on the couch?

The text appeared on Nora’s phone nearby on the table. It was from her husband upstairs, and after 1 AM.

Nora instantly worried he might come down to check on her. Sara also panicked and quickly dressed herself. After a quick peck on the lips, Sara slipped out minutes later through the back door.

Nora cleaned up their glasses from the table and adjusted the couch pillows.

Not yet, watching Frasier. Have a good night love xx – Nora replied to her husband.

She watched one more episode but all she could think about was Sara. What they did was something amazing. Hopefully it would remain a secret, as a sense of worry overcame Nora and it was hard to shake until at least a few days later. By that time no one had contacted her about Sara. And by then Sara also chimed in with another text.

Hey Mrs N what are you doing most week nights? xx – Sara texted.

YES! A new friend with benefits was on.

I’m free sometimes. What about Wednesday night? Nora replied.

Perfect, I’ll text you to come meet me in our backyard xx – Sara quickly replied.

Strange, why the backyard? Nora wondered. But it did not matter in the meantime, everything seemed peachy.

Nora managed to put her thoughts about Sara partially on hold those following days at work. Only at home in the evenings would she get more horny thoughts again. Wednesday evening came around in no time.  

She had to finish work later than usual that day and had some food on her way home instead of cooking. As usual she got a text from her husband that he was finishing late again.

By 830 PM she showered and made herself comfortable when another text from Sara appeared.

Can you meet me now near our driveways? I need to be inside in less than an hour again though

Nora went outside and greeted Sara who was already there waiting for her. Sara wore some gym clothes and looked dressed down compared to the previous times. Still very fit and cute; Nora happily embraced her. But they did not kiss since they were openly in front of their houses.

Come with me. Since we have limited time, I thought maybe we could hang out in the backyard for a bit before my folks come back. We have a shed – Sara innocently suggested. Nora followed her through to their backyard and where the tool shed was in a distant corner away from the house.

Inside, Sara closed the door behind them and playfully pushed Nora into a nearby bench full of tools. Nora laughed and anticipated more.

I thought maybe you could have me some more, just here without being inside? Sorry if that’s a bit weird – Sara explained, looked over at Nora and bit her lips in an innocently naughty way.

Oh, no my dear that’s fine. You want something quick then eh? Nora replied and slowly walked over to Sara to kneel in front of her.

She tugged on Sara’s tights from the mid and yanked them down, exposing Sara and leaving her startled. Sara’s panties were next, and Nora promptly slid them down to around the knees.

Sara was not completely excited yet but still a bit wet from wherever she just came and exercised at. Whether it was cardio or weights, Nora did not hate the taste of it. It was positively interesting; Sara was like a snack that could not be ruined. Nora waited for days to have her again.

Nora and Sara’s eyes met and stared intently back at each other as Nora sucked on her lower lips. After a minute Sara could barely contain herself and moaned with her eyes looking up at the ceiling. She also reached on the nearby bench for balance.

Sara planted her feet firmly on the ground, spread them slightly and held Nora. It took only a couple of minutes, and Nora noticed Sara’s muscles tightened. Long squeezes of her abs were followed by exhaling and moaning. Nora loved the sound of herself munching, it had a distinctive romantic tone to it albeit also a bit dirty.

Nora held Sara by the ass and rocked her head in and around Sara’s crotch. The energy was electrifying, and she felt another climax building in Sara. The girl had almost a cute and predictable reaction to her, knowing how to take charge of the interaction with Nora but not her own body.

Oh yes, yes, please, yes, yes… *silent sound*, yes – Sara blurted out loud with her eyes closed. The impending orgasm was going to strike any moment, all the signs were in the clear.

Nora felt one large push forward from Sara’s hands followed by a pleasurable screeching sound. Then it was over, and Sara stepped back. Nora wiped the edges of her mouth and looked up at Sara.

Sara giggled and motioned for Nora to kiss her.

Your turn – Sara said. And she let Nora stand up against the tool bench. Sara crouched down and lifted Nora’s comfortable house dress. Her head disappeared underneath it.  

Sara used both of her hands and pulled Nora’s panties to the side. Nora leaned on the bench and let the girl eat her. That second time she was ready for it. Relaxed, and prepared for Sara to do her thing.  

Sara’s tongue flicked fast and munched away in the lips. Nora swayed her hips back to the mouth and minutes later found a consistent enough contact with Sara’s tongue to experience a minor pleasure. It was definitely worth it, but given they were outside in a shed that was not her strongest release.

She pushed back with her crotch, stroked Sara’s head and allowed her muscled spasms to relax. Sara came out from under the dress and adjusted herself, gladly wiping her lips like she enjoyed the flavor. They both smiled and kissed again.

Can we keep playing around like this? Sara asked.

Text me discreetly and we’ll see what we can do – Nora replied and kissed her again.

They carefully left the shed and went their separate ways. Nora had dinner, Sara probably showered and waited for her parents to bring food.

Their secret relationship lasted over a year before Sara also had plans to go abroad for her studies. They either met early weeknights in or around the shed or sometimes Friday nights at Nora’s. Sometimes both.

After a while, Sara also shared stories about guys she was dating. But always came back to Nora for some good old licking.

In the first year when Sara went abroad, they would even occasionally FaceTime each other. Usually when Sara was drunk Friday nights. Sometimes it was only a few minutes to catch up, but sometimes also to show her having sex with someone or being eaten out. They had an amazing little relationship going on.

It did fizzle out at some point after they spent enough time away from each other, but it was great while it lasted. No one found out that was a part of Nora’s life. She became a sexual partner and mentor for someone much younger than herself, which in return helped to reinvigorate her own life. Nora had a new energy like she had more things to accomplish.

She made sure to never initiate sexually with Sara in case someone would see it. Sara had the freedom to ask Nora if she was free to catch up.

Some secrets were best kept for yourself. Only shared with anonymity.

We hope you enjoy the other lesbian sex stories from Season 1.

For more about Nora check out How a Married Dutch Woman Secretly Had Lesbian Sex with Her Neighbour’s Daughter with extra articles and Pornhub videos.

Have you got any experiences like Nora’s or times where relationships were secretly explored? Tell us about them discreetly. Read Me Tonight Lesbian Sex Stories.

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