Monique’s Soccer Club

Read Me Tonight Season 1 – Story 12

Monique (22) was a Dutch student who used to work at the bar of her local amateur soccer club during tournaments. She was sexually a late bloomer, until an app where other girls met through secretly changed her forever. Things gradually escalated and Monique found herself inside a dark goal post on a field surrounded by 5 girls from a visiting team.

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Monique's Soccer Club Read Me Tonight Lesbian Sex Stories
Source Amazon: Monique’s Soccer Club

Read Time: 25 Minutes

Monique (22) is an innocent-looking Dutch student from a small town in the larger province around the city of Eindhoven. She was focused on her future with strong aspirations to be independent from her parents and live on her own in a bigger city. But that motivation was not always there for her and just a few years ago she was still unsure of her direction in life.

She was a size 10 brunette, with girl-next-door looks and as a teen had a shy and reserved personality around most adults. She grew up with a mixed group of friends and enjoyed the usual rebellious things but felt like a late bloomer compared to everyone around her at the time. Her father worked at a local amateur soccer club and Monique used to work in the bar whenever tournaments were held, serving food and drinks to supportive locals and visitors.

Monique remembered that time in her late teens fondly. She had good grades in school, had friends to hang out with without any peer pressure or popularity contests and earned decent money working at the soccer club. The town she grew up in had a smaller population and never gave her the confidence that she could settle down like her parents. Monique had her sights set on the bigger cities.

Compared to her friends, she was a late bloomer when it came to decide what she wanted to study, what career she wanted to explore, and her sexuality spectacularly bloomed well after her friends already experienced relationships. She gradually experimented with a couple of boys and even discreetly with a childhood girlfriend but never felt like she had someone to talk to who was similar. Her sexual encounters were innocent and experimental, until she became more confident to take raunchier risks and to explore her newfound sexual imagination.  

After her first couple of experiments with boys, Monique mistakenly fooled around with one of her closest childhood girlfriends one night they tutored each other for exam preparations. That one experience was much more life changing and passionate than any of the previous boys she hung out with. While they kept it between them and never did it again, it gave Monique a deep infatuation for girls that persisted to this day, only considering to be with another guy on very rare occasions. She also watched tons of lesbian porn from various categories and soaked it all up, almost educationally. The fantasies took over Monique’s concentration and nearly affected her grades when she graduated.

Working at the soccer club’s bar, her fantasies became wilder and more realistic each time she had the chance to watch the female teams play. Once a month, and usually two or three times during the summer months, the club hosted girls’ soccer tournaments. Teams of girls of similar age from various cities around the Netherlands would visit for the day and play each other for an amateur title. Monique secretly loved working on those days more than anything else back then.

The soccer girls came in various shapes and sizes and Monique played a game with herself to try and see the beauty in most of them. Whether it was a cute face, a body feature or their interaction with her at the bar, Monique always found something appealing. She tried to be extra nice to a lot of the girls back then, even the mean and cold ones. And after weeks of pining and going home after the tournaments to furiously masturbate, Monique had an epiphany.

She heard from her friends about a discreet messenger app called Kik. If she created an anonymous account, she could try to get in touch with some of the soccer girls to see if they wanted to talk on the app. Without openly being herself, Monique could find out if other girls had the same lesbian infatuation. Plus, it was safer to experiment with out-of-town girls than the locals who might know her directly or through mutual friends.

When she got the app, Monique scoured every possible way to find profiles in her larger area. There were profiles who were too far away and multiple failed attempts where she got ghosted. But eventually she managed to meet 3 girls. Two were her age from another school a couple of towns away but close enough to meet. The third was an older woman in her 30s who Monique traveled to Eindhoven and met with one weekend, disguising it as a shopping trip.

She became confident in using the app, and gladly chatted to them both casually and sexually. She verified with a blocked number as well as by adding each other on Facebook that the girls were real and then decided to meet.  

Monique was very nervous for the meetings with the girls her age, they awkwardly met each other somewhere secluded and stood around having small talk before deciding to do more. Both times Monique had to break the ice and initiated the first anxious kiss and hand touching.  

The two girls she met were from the same school and in a similar experimental boat as Monique. And funny enough, when she added them Monique saw they had no mutual connections between them and did not know of each other’s interests.

Monique met them discreetly at night at a park halfway from each other’s houses. The first girl was very shy and with an alternative fashion sense, explaining to Monique that was her secret side she wanted to explore. For most of their encounter she was frozen and let Monique take charge with the experimentation. After awkwardly kissing each other, Monique took inspiration from her favorite videos and licked the girl standing up against a tree for quite a while without the girl ever seeming to climax. Kissing the girl felt awkward because of the nerves and lack of intimacy but Monique enjoyed licking her, it was an acidic and syrup-like texture that Monique did not mind after the first 30 seconds or so.  The girl looked at Monique the entire time but was too nervous to show any emotions, then suddenly said she had to go home and never got in touch with Monique again.

After that first time, Monique knew she wanted to taste more but was unsure if she was any good at it. Luckily, the second girl was much more experienced and clearly in the closet, a girl’s hockey player who was not as nervous and showed Monique more passion. Once they moved on from the small talk the girl passionately made out with Monique and returned the licking favor. They took turns on each other multiple times and Monique loved it. She could still taste the girl on her tongue back at home, the salty mango flavor coated her mouth and it made her feel dirty in a good way. She kept in touch with that girl and they occasionally met again as the years went by. It was their secret.

The older woman she met was a single mother of one who was also exploring lesbian fantasies through the app. They agreed to meet in the city center of Eindhoven and walked around together browsing through shops. For nearly an hour they never agreed on a spot quiet enough to do something. In the end, the woman suggested they went to a bathroom stall in the train station, which Monique was not entirely comfortable with but still went along. They washed their hands at the basins until they could slip into a stall unnoticed. Instantly, the woman wasted no time and aggressively made out with Monique and touched her over the clothes. Monique felt pushed onto her knees, and saw the woman unbutton in front of her and slide the pants down slightly. Before Monique could react, the woman used one hand to pull aside the panties and the other hand grabbed Monique by the back of the head and pulled her face closer into the crotch.   

In hindsight, Monique did not enjoy that third encounter and did not keep in touch. The woman instantly used sexual pressure on her within minutes after being very nice and polite for over an hour. She did not like being forced to her knees when she was going to do it freely anyway. And the woman’s wet lips below were not even 100% clean, the acidic flavor was even stronger than the first girl. In that moment, Monique felt dirty enough to do it but in hindsight was shocked with herself she did it with an older stranger.

Her infatuation persisted though. She began feeling urges for other girls in her school and regularly used them in her imagination for powerful orgasms late at night in bed.

With some experience under her belt, Monique’s inspiration hit a high note. The next time the soccer club hosted a girls’ tournament, she toyed with the idea of leaving folded notes with her Kik username in the visiting teams’ dressing room before their arrival. That way the girls that saw it could optionally reach out to her or ignore it. If someone else found it? They would not know whose Kik it was since Monique had no personal information or photos attached to it.

Meid die graag beft, Kik me xxx

Short and to the point. Translated, it read Girl who loves to eat, message me on Kik with her username written next to it.

The summer months just started, and the club was hosting 2 female tournaments on back to back weekends, it was the perfect timing to try Monique’s risky idea. For 3 more upcoming months the club hosted 2 tournaments in each, 6 in total.

But unfortunately, the first time she tried, she failed to get a message from any girls. Monique waited and waited, checked her phone throughout the entire day and evening, but received nothing.  

On the second tournament that followed, she struck gold. She received 2 messages by the evening when the last game was being played. And even though 2 girls messaged her that time only one of them had the nerve to meet Monique. They messaged curiously, almost assuming that the note was a setup.

Monique assured them she was for real. Both girls explained they were curious about the note and thought it was sexy. The one Monique met happened to be in the same vicinity to the bar when they were chatting. They nervously met each other with phones in hand in front of the local team’s dressing room who were already gone for the day. Monique had already finished her work and stuck around to watch the final match, no one was focused on her. She led the visiting girl inside who quietly explained she only had 10 minutes away from her team until they had to leave.

The girl wore new sporty shorts and top after changing from her match earlier that day, a thin blonde Dutch girl who was a bit taller than Monique. The pair nervously kissed each other. But after a moment, the girl sat down on a bench in a changing booth and looked at Monique expectantly. Monique felt the gesture and went along with it. While sat, the girl took off her shorts, pulled her panties aside and spread her legs with a rushed horny expression on her face. Monique crouched down and munched the girl for only a few minutes before it abruptly ended with a kiss and a hug.

And similar encounters happened during the following tournaments. 1 or 2 girls would message Monique, both very fit and feminine girls who were shy and secretive to openly lesbian and quite slutty tom boy-ish girls. It was all fun to Monique, who felt excited and jittery each time she waited to meet a new girl somewhere discreetly in the club’s building towards the end of the days. She went back to that same changing booth other times as well until one girl suggested an evening stroll with Monique along the outer playing fields that were not being used. By that time, it was also dark, and the fields were surrounded by large fences and bush land, at night time perfectly secluded for such an open space.

The girls got each other off multiple times since they had the space on the field to lay down. They made out, rolled around on each other and took turns eating between the spread thighs under a star filled sky. The coldness of the night and the grass beneath them felt exhilarating. They did not even need to be quiet; they could openly moan and talk. The girl was thinking out loud, saying various sexy things like Keep doing that baby and Your mouth is so hungry to also other more unexpected things. The dirty talk opened Monique’s mind to a new world of fantasy possibilities.

Other things the girl said were –

I can’t believe you’re eating me like this, and we just met

You’re doing this again next time I’m here, won’t you?

Oh my gosh lucky it’s dark, your face must be so wet

I bet you do this regularly at these tournaments, you’re so good at it

Ha! If she only knew! Monique giggled.

That outer field became Monique’s new spot for the remaining tournaments. There were only 2 left after that night.

And unfortunately, the next second to last one was anticlimactic. No girl responded. Making Monique nervous about missing out again in the last tournament.

But fortunately, that last one proved to be the most successful of the entire season. Maybe even too successful depending on who Monique asked.

Monique worried all day again about not getting a response. But a true gem landed in her Kik around 7 PM at the end of that last day. All the festivities were done and only at the bar were some groups of people still drinking and talking.  Outside the last remaining visiting team of girls stood around eating snacks and waiting to leave. Their chaperones or parents must have been inside enjoying some after-game drinks and socializing. The lights on the fields were turned off and most of the visitors who came to watch had left. Monique hung around after she finished work soaking in the people and soccer matches playing on the TV.

Hey are you for real? The message popped up on Monique’s phone with a picture of a brunette girl with sunglasses, selfie-style and seemingly the same age.

Yes, glad someone messaged – Monique replied.

Luckily I found it, had to keep it to myself most of the day. Not all the girls like the lesbian stereotype and especially our coach – The unknown girl quipped back.

You’re not the only one though, you said not all the girls? Monique curiously asked.

Are you open to a group? The girl replied. Ducking an answer.  

What do you mean a group? How many are we talking about here and what are you suggesting? Monique asked, slightly confused by the odd request. Left-field to what she normally received.

5 if that’s ok – The girl quickly said.

Wow! Monique thought nervously. What the heck was this supposed to be? Images of entire teams of girls changing in the rooms went through Monique’s mind. But even in her infatuation phase of physical attraction to the female anatomy, she generally fantasized about groups only briefly and then singled out one girl.

When she got no reply from Monique, the girl messaged again.

Don’t worry, we’re discrete. 2 of us including myself are lesbians and have over the months convinced 3 of the other girls to join us very hush hush. I’m Winnie – The girl explained.

Ok haha! Sorry I have no experiences with a group but kind of interested – Monique replied.

Just showed the girls your note and they’re getting horny. We’re in the bathroom near room D away from the rest and just hanging out waiting for the parents to drink with the coaches. Are you still nearby? What’s your name? Winnie messaged more. Monique liked the show of character.

Monique took a few minutes but managed to convince herself to go through with it. How bad could it be? She thought.

I’m Monique. And yes, I’m actually near the main room people watching. I’m local here. Monique replied, opening herself up to more.

Do this often? Me and the other girl usually get off in front of the 3 ‘straight’ girls while they watch and then we do the same for them – Winnie explained casually.

Yes, have met girls before who were coming through here. Also, in those bathrooms near room D actually – Monique replied playfully.

Hot! Winnie quickly replied.

Monique did not respond. She was still nervously contemplating the final decision.

So what do you like doing? Winnie followed up.

I get a mix of replies both lesbian and curious. I’m easy going though – Monique said suggestively.

Can I suggest something? Winnie asked.

Sure – Monique replied, and felt an uh-oh moment coming.

Eat us – Winnie’s mic drop. Monique instantly laughed and nervously read it again feeling a change in her breathing. Luckily, no one noticed her reaction.  

What? She replied. Testing Winnie’s seriousness.

Eat us. The girls usually get it from me, it would be hot if you did it and we all watched. At your pace and just us girls type of fun. Could stand somewhere and drop our shorts one by one, start where you want – Winnie explained.

Monique felt a damp and cloudy presence emerge between her legs reading the explanation. Winnie suggested she ate all of them, possible in a circle standing around somewhere, for who knew how long. The imagination floated through her mind and made it hard to keep a straight face. She warmed up to it and courageously replied.

Wow! Not sure. Can we meet at least? I’m a bit shy though in person – Monique replied cautiously. Keeping the option open.

Sure, you can come to that bathroom now it’s just us in here. I will wait at the door for you. We don’t have to talk a lot, just see if we like each other and then see what happens. The girls aren’t bad looking you won’t regret it – Winnie explained convincingly.

Are you all clean? Monique asked.

Yes, and yes – Winnie quickly replied.

Monique waited for another follow up message.  

Come, just don’t be weird – Winnie jokingly said.

Ok, see you in 2 minutes – Monique finally replied.

Monique anxiously stared at her phone and the message she just typed.

She got up from her seat behind the bar and made sure no one noticed she left the main room to go down the hallway. Someone else poured the beers and lively debate went on about famous players and whatnot.

A strange nervous feeling came over her as she approached room D. When she passed room C, she nearly thought about returning.

Monique decided to knock on the door first. Winnie could show her in if she was there for real rather than burst in not knowing what was on the other side.

When the door opened, Monique was immediately relieved to find it really was Winnie from the Kik picture and a group of girls huddled behind her near the sinks. They were for real. And Monique also saw slight panic in Winnie’s eyes, the same nervous feeling. The girls were all too shy to look Monique directly in the eyes. Everyone smiled and greeted her, but had an expression on their face that read – Damn, we are all here like we said we would, now what?

Monique walked in and the door closed gently behind her.

So, we’re all here! Winnie said nervously, breaking the ice.

Yeah! Can’t believe it – Monique laughed out loud.

All the girls laughed back with her. But no one said a word. The tension in the room was anxious and it felt hard to talk. Monique assured herself the girls were all cute and had the fit sporty bodies and black soccer shorts matching under a vest. Their legs were strong, and Monique checked them out nervously, finding each girl’s gaze and locking eyes to secure an energy.  

Monique finally managed to meet Winnie’s eyes in a flirty way after getting passed the initial awkwardness.

Want to do it? Monique suddenly asked them after being impatient with their small talk.

Winnie looked at the girls, who all immediately smirked and showed the intention for more. The mood became less awkward and Monique’s first sexual thought crept in. Let’s do it!

But then, they heard loud noises outside passing by from the hallway. It brought everyone back to the fear of getting caught and made Monique aware of how what they wanted to do was less romantic and more slutty than cute.

We should probably not do it here – Winnie said.

Yeah, I know another spot though, come, through the back door to the left. One of the fields has a dark corner where we can have privacy – Monique suggested. The girls giggled in return and nodded their heads.   

One by one, they snuck out the bathroom and followed Monique outside. They quickly crossed over to the dark side of the fields and followed the path around to the back corner. Far away from the main building, surrounded by the large fences and trees.

Monique ducked on to the field and walked to the front of the goal post. The girls followed her.

She turned around and waited for the girls to surround her in a half-circle near one of the posts. She quickly felt surrounded but saw everyone smiled at her with positivity.

Monique walked herself into the goal until she felt the net touch the back of her head. The girls stayed where they were.

Let’s just do it – Monique said quickly.

And a moment later, Winnie took the first step forward. Monique lowered and positioned herself down on the knees with her legs bent and balanced by holding Winnie.

She watched Winnie pull down on the shorts until they were around the knees. And immediately after, also the white panties.

Monique directly stared at Winnie below the hips and was about to lose herself to the moment. What she saw was smooth and rich in juicy lady lips.

A short moment later, Monique began the first lick for the group. She positioned her arms on Winnie’s upper legs and leaned forward to eat. And during the first couple of minutes felt Winnie adjust the stance and held her by the head firmly. The other girls huddled around and came in for a closer look, staring down at Monique on her knees eating crotch. Their looks changed from innocent and friendly to raunchy and turned on.

Monique savored it as a salty but clean flavor that resembled vodka. Winnie clearly enjoyed it and slightly moaned in the hot summery night. She increasingly heard the girls in the background making playful and flirty comments about how sexy Monique’s face looked like doing that.  

Their eyes made Monique feel dirty and used, but it was what she was there for. Monique had a certain power with her mouth, and it felt incredible.

Winnie guided Monique’s head back and stepped away carefully with the shorts still down. She motioned another girl to come over. Monique felt how excited Winnie was, but the situation was probably stacked against a comfortable orgasm out in the open. Monique did not adjust herself; she remained on her knees and even began touching herself watching the next girl approach.

The next one was shorter and with darker hair and muscly legs.

I’m the other friend Winnie mentioned. Try me – The girl said, tugged on her shorts and panties and walked over to Monique. The girl’s already creamy lips met Monique’s face. It was the second taste that evening and just as nice as the first Monique thought to herself. Not a bad start to this!

Monique’s mouth munched up the girl’s slit feverishly and grabbed the girl by the ass cheeks from behind rather than balance with the side. The other girls cheered and had their hands inside their own shorts rubbing along. It was a quiet, moaning group of girls who did not know each other and perhaps had no business ever being there but enjoyed the sapphic lust. Not judging each other for the licking.

Monique also felt the hands from the girl stroked her hair while she ate, making her feel appreciated with a face full of pussy.

The second girl had Monique licking longer than Winnie, before also similarly stepping away for another to take the place. Monique wiped the edges of her mouth and chin on the jacket. She saw the wet stain it left on the sleeve and made her chuckle inside.

The next third girl stepped forward.

You are so much fun. Sorry if I’m a little hairy, I like to rock a bit of stubble – She said jokingly.

Shorts went down, panties went down. Stepped forward. And Monique ate again.

That girl was very skinny, Monique could tell even in the dark. The hair she referred to was indeed there, prickly and small under Monique’s nose and on the chin. It was a nice change of texture, tasting the sticky juice in the middle with a returning sensation that gave off a candle-like aroma. The more Monique lapped the girl up, the more it brushed along Monique’s cheeks as well and caused her to breath simultaneously into the lower lips.  

The girl tilted her head looking up at the sky and used her hands to guide Monique. She encouraged more lapping motions and made it a challenge for Monique keep up with consistent strokes. The girl increasingly moaned louder and longer though, suggesting an actual climax was on the horizon.

She had Monique eat her for an even longer time, before one of the remaining girls mumbled.

Stop having her for so long, we also want to have a go – One girl interjected.

The third girl grumpily complied and stepped away. The remaining two girls approached Monique together. Winnie and the others watched and moaned along with their own hands fingering inside the shorts.   

The two girls also dropped their bottoms for Monique and gave instructions.

Please lick us both, we want to make out while you do it – One girl requested. The rest giggled including Monique.

When she heard it, Monique dove in to the girl on the left. With the hands she drew in the girl on the right closer. The 2 girls immediately opened their mouths and closed their eyes to make out. Monique took in the left girl with her tongue, but also touched the right girl inside the wet slit and motioned in playful circles.

With about a minute each, Monique swapped and took turns in between the two girls’ lower lips. She smooched everywhere, kissed and licked up the slits like slices of melon.

The left girl, and then the right girl again. An eating frenzy happened, with Monique convincing herself that the girls had a nectar she needed to have.  

10 minutes later, Monique began feeling streams of juice run down her face, chin, neck and inside the jacket. It tasted delicious to Monique and felt much less awkward that far into their lesbian gangbang. All the girls were a real treat for Monique’s complicated tastes.  

Suddenly, Winnie walked over in a hurry and surprised them all when she gently pushed one of the girls to the side.

I’m about to come, please suck on me – Winnie instructed, followed by the rest of the girls huddling around again.

Monique had a half-circle of visibly excited crotches in front of her. She touched herself furiously trying to match Winnie’s orgasm in her mouth. Once one of them managed to climax, the rest quickly followed in the footsteps.  

Winnie squirmed and spasmed her body to Monique’s head, who happily accepted the final offering. Monique lost herself in the pleasure she felt deep inside herself, with Winnie’s pulsating lips throbbing to her tongue’s movements. For the remaining glorious minute of the release, Monique muffled her mouth on Winnie and thrust herself into a mutual climax.

When Winnie stepped back, she grabbed Monique by the side of the face and tilted it sideways. Monique’s mouth was still open, showing a bewildered expression. She looked covered in donut glaze, shiny even at night time. Another girl pulled Monique’s head closer, and for a short minute or less, rubbed Monique’s face into her slit and released after shocks. The remaining girls simultaneously peaked at the sight and squirmed up against each other balancing with the shoulders.  

Everybody took a minute to deeply exhale and catch their breaths. For another moment, Monique still had her face inside the girl’s sticky lips but was not licking with intent anymore. When the girl calmed down, Monique gave a clean-up lick. Lapping up the remaining sludge and making the other girls break out in laughter.

Winnie adjusted the clothes first and a minute later so did everyone else.

One of them helped Monique back up to her feet, but she could not remember which one. She felt blurry. It was like the mind had a minor headache from the power of the orgasm.  

The girls comforted each other on how much fun that was and thanked Monique for her special contribution. Their energy sobered up again, but it felt like they made a new friend with Monique.  They wanted to do it again but sadly realized the girls came from far away.   

When they walked back along the outside of the fields, they made sure to carefully in groups of 2 walk to the main building’s back entrance. Luckily, no one even noticed.

The parents and coaches were still drinking and cheering along to one of the matches shown on TV.

The girls smiled at each other and went back to the bathroom to freshen up. Not much was spoken during that time, but everyone was respectful with Monique.

She kissed with Winnie before they said goodbye and touched the other girls briefly with a hug. When she left, Monique rode her bike home with a permanent smile that lasted for days.  

For the following months the club had their annual off-season time and Monique focused her attention elsewhere. She still occasionally fantasized with lesbian videos but never felt the urge to check Kik again. In the new soccer season, she worked less at the club and moved away to study at another university. There she discovered that putting the Tinder settings to find girls could lead to more fun. Glorious promiscuity can sometimes start off innocent.

We hope you enjoy the other lesbian sex stories from Season 1.

For more about Monique check out How a Lesbian Dutch Girl Secretly Had Sex with Other Girls at a Soccer Club with extra articles and Pornhub videos.

Have you got any experiences like Monique’s? Tell us about them discreetly. Read Me Tonight Lesbian Sex Stories.

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