Linh the Wedding Planner

Read Me Tonight Season 1 – Story 17

Linh (31), was a Vietnamese writer from Melbourne who was asked to be the maid of honor and wedding planner for her best friend’s wedding. While initially reluctant, Linh changed her mind when a much more experienced friend of the family offered to help. The Vietnamese woman flew back and forth as a personal favor to the bride’s mother, and also befriended Linh intimately.

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Linh the Wedding Planner Read Me Tonight Lesbian Sex Stories
Source Amazon: Linh the Wedding Planner

Read Time: 31 Minutes

Linh (31) is a self-employed Vietnamese content writer from Melbourne Australia who lived on her own in the western suburbs and had siblings in Sydney with more family back home in Vietnam. Linh early on decided to study in Melbourne and was the first of the family to permanently move.

When they were old enough, the other siblings used the encouragement from their parents and moved together to study and set up a life for themselves with the help from Linh. But she had a few advantages to settling in quicker her siblings did not.

Linh grew up a size 14 tomboy and was a late bloomer compared to her younger siblings. But by the time they were all in their late teens and twenties, Linh outgrew her tomboy looks and focused on feeling great, feeling positive and turned weight into muscle where she wanted it. Along with long, vibrant brown hair she naturally embodied a thick, PAWG appearance with rich lips and a photogenic pretty face.

Within a few years Linh met her new long-term group of friends when they studied in the fields of Marketing and Journalism. By the time she had a fourth job, Linh knew she did not want to stay employed forever. The structures and politics of employment often do not suit creativity and natural pressure-free ongoing happiness.

Towards the end of her twenties, she made the switch to self-employing as a writer. Being creative with the connections and knowledge she had, Linh built a portfolio of clients to write content for in blogs, newsletters, and social posts. It gave her the freedom to control her own time and schedule and allowed to focus on the skill of writing.  

Her sexual life though, mostly consisted of drunken hook ups. And mostly with guys. While open to flirting with girls, she hardly ever met any that seemed open to more. In Linh’s 10+ years in Melbourne she only explored female interests in a couple of instances.

But one opportunity to sleep with an older woman in her thirties changed Linh’s sexuality forever. And for the better.

Her closest friend from university, Jenny, celebrated the 34th birthday but also got proposed to by a boyfriend of 5 years. The same night, Jenny asked Linh to be the maid of honor. Linh felt inclined to agree, albeit reluctantly in the beginning.

Together they called Jenny’s mother in Vietnam to announce the engagement and rejoiced. There was no active father figure since early on.

Jenny’s mother asked if a close friend could help with the wedding planning. Her name was Bian and she always wanted to help with her friends’ daughter’s wedding as a personal favor. Jenny’s mother would put them in touch by email so they could take it from there. Bian was 50 and supposedly a successful owner of a couple of restaurants in Hanoi. Her husband could easily take over a few weeks at a time so Bian could fly back and forth to Melbourne and help arrange the wedding plans.  

The request surprised Linh but also relieved her of some responsibilities. She could share duties with someone who was close to the family and had experience managing operations.

Everyone agreed and felt excited about the wedding. Jenny’s mother was over the moon.

After the happy phone call, Jenny’s mother sent Linh the email introducing Bian. But an entire day went by without a reply, Linh wondered if she had to initiate instead and nervously thought about what to write.  

She eventually got the reply she was waiting for. Bian’s message read with a friendly tone, and suggested they met as soon as Bian could fly over after a few weeks’ time. It would be the first of many trips to Melbourne, seeing venues and discussing ideas before deciding on a course of action and making it happen.  

Linh did not think much of the arrangement yet, and until she had the chance to meet Bian continued compiling her ideas and initial plans for the wedding. In her mind, she built Bian up to be a potential tyrant who would take over and micromanage due to age and experience in life.

But when they finally met at a Vietnamese restaurant and greeted each other with a warm embrace, Linh’s mind quickly changed. The first impression Linh got upon seeing Bian was – Vietnamese Jennifer Lopez MILF. Bian was hot as fudge and had the smell and look to match of a sexual temptress. She looked mature in every beautiful sense of the word.

That first dinner they had, Bian paid for everything and was very welcoming and caring towards Linh. It felt reassuring and Linh instinctively felt drawn to Bian’s energy.

And she was surprised at how easily they agreed on most of the ideas for the wedding. Bian shared a lot of the same style which helped to get off to a great first start. Not the terrible tyrant after all.

The wedding ceremony would happen at a Vietnamese community church, then a special car would take them to another venue for the after party. The guests could be seated in groups of 4-6 and the venues would need to have DJ, video projecting, and microphone facilities. Also, a dance floor and the drinks should be included in the total wedding venue package.

Bian suggested they decide what to show during the presentations. Ideally, something funny, meaningful, and paying tribute to the newlyweds.

And Bian preferred to plan it on a Saturday, to increase the chances of guests being able to come. Linh argued that as plans B and C, Thursday and Friday afternoons and evenings were also strong options. Anything on Mondays and Tuesdays could not have a good turnout.

Bian became friends with Jenny’s mother only a decade ago. Linh often heard about her, always in a positive light but never in depth, not even how Bian and Jenny’s mother met and became friends. It sparked Linh’s curiosity, and as time went on and Linh got to know Bian more, the fact no one ever elaborated was a bit funny in hindsight.

Jenny brushed it off as her mother having met Bian at a restaurant once on an outing with work, something Bian also vaguely confirmed. But when Linh asked both briefly touched upon it, never revealing any specific details.

The next day after their first dinner, they already started seeing ballroom venues. The wedding planning officially started. And in the coming months, Bian flew to Melbourne every last week of the month. Flying in at night on usually Thursdays and flying out again on Sundays.

In total, they saw 7 venues, narrowed it down to 2 and then picked the one.

In between Bian’s visits, they exchanged emails about the designs and any contact details of people they needed to speak with. But it took time to warm up to each other like friends. Initially there was a professional undertone to the planning of the wedding and every time they met.

The age difference probably did not help, also the 3 weeks apart where they relied on emails and messages. Every time Bian was in Melbourne they had dinners together but always talked about the wedding for most of the time. Linh was respectful of Bian’s time and contributions, but she also felt attracted to her like a dog in heat. She increasingly spent time thinking about Bian during their time apart and wanted to know more about her on a personal level.

On the last day of Bian’s third trip they got the official confirmation from their preferred venue. It was the first win in the overall planning schedule, and a great excuse to celebrate. Linh followed Bian to the airport for a meal and drinks before the flight. It felt like a relief for both, like a mutual accomplishment.

Hope the meal will taste as good as it looks – Bian raised a glass of wine and cheered with Linh before digging into their bowls of pasta.  

To a successful wedding – Linh cheered back and drank a big sip.

As the weeks went by, their planning became more precise. They arranged for a photographer, decided on catering and discussed seating. Pictures, videos, and speeches also came up and were allocated.

Gradually, Linh noticed the tone of Bian’s messages change to a more casual, and much funnier, borderline flirtatious nature. Bian complimented Linh on every accomplishment along the way and how Linh managed them. On occasions, Bian went overboard with the compliments and followed it up the next day by blaming it on alcohol. Linh laughed it off but started to notice it.

The more Bian visited, the more Linh was secretly looking forward to seeing her. No one knew of Linh’s affection.

And after a handful of Bian’s visits, things between them changed for the better. Linh got what she wished for throughout the pining.  

The next Friday Bian arrived, she asked to meet Linh only for a quick dinner. She had other plans for that night and wanted to continue their planning on the Saturday after a lunch at the hotel.  

Linh suggested a Thai restaurant for a change and found Bian already inside waiting for her at a table. The waitress showed her in, and they greeted each other.

Don’t tell anyone, I brought us 2 bottles. This place is BYO – Bian whispered mischievously.

Linh laughed and agreed.

They shared all the classic Thai meals and caught up more as friends than family acquaintances planning a wedding. Pad Thai, a curry, a salad, a fried rice, and watermelon juices. The 2 bottles of wine were just enough to last them through the meal. Linh was satisfied from all the food and could not feel any effects from the wine until she stood up. The influence suddenly hit her like a brick.

Are you planning a wedding for yourself any time soon? Bian asked Linh when she returned from a bathroom break.

It’s on the radar, but there is no one yet to do it with – Linh replied.

You’re still having a lot of fun then? Bian fired back.

The question instantly made Linh laugh. Bian drank the last bit of the wine at that point.

Yeah, just not as often as you’d think or want – Linh replied blushing and giggled.

They poked each other back and forth a few times about dating, Linh was sure she felt a playful energy in the air. She shared a couple of her recent encounters with guys, not mentioning any of the times secretly with girls. Bian shared similar stories with the husband and from before they met.  

When they finished dinner and dessert came, both felt too heavy to enjoy it. Bian mentioned her plans to catch up with an old friend. They were going to a comedy show.

They agreed to meet 11 AM on the Saturday at Bian’s hotel to put together the ceremony’s video presentation, then they had another meeting at the venue later that afternoon. And with that, Bian was the first to wrap up their dinner. They hugged outside and went separate ways.

Linh went home feeling tired and stayed in, anticipating the next day ahead. She arrived back at the hotel right on time and texted Bian just as the time struck 11.

I’ll be down to grab you in a min X

Bian texted back. Linh anxiously awaited.

Moments later Bian surprised Linh by greeting her in baggy casual clothes Linh never saw before.

Hey! Come, follow me. Sorry, I just woke and need to freshen up. We stayed out for drinks later than I thought – Bian giggled and explained.

Linh followed her, and they went to Bian’s room on the eighth floor.

Make yourself comfortable – Bian said as they walked in.  

She disappeared into the bathroom while Linh sat on a lounge chair and found the remote for the TV.

I’ll get ready quickly, just need a shower – Bian shouted. Moments after Linh heard the shower stream.

While Linh waited and listened to the local news channel, she also opened the laptop on the bed to a folder of pictures they prepared for the presentation.  

Linh’s heart froze when Bian emerged from the bathroom, in a robe and with a steamy aura of shower mist behind her. As a mature Vietnamese woman who hit 50, glistening from the shower, Linh found herself captivated by the beauty. She fought back every instinct to stare at the parts of Bian’s body that were exposed by the robe, as incredibly difficult as that was.

Bian crouched next to the suitcase and found a t-shirt, jeans, and panties. In no time, the room was filled with the scent of her coconut body lotion.

Linh watched Bian take the clothes back to the bathroom, making eye contact only once with a wink in the smile. It felt like Linh only continued her breathing once Bian left the room again. She felt feelings of desire even before Bian’s shower energy floated through the room.

When Bian emerged again, she wore the new clothes and dressed smart-casual. Perfect for a weekend and what they had planned. Linh could not resist and commented the clothes made Bian look a few years younger.

Thank you love. Show me the pictures – Bian replied, threw the open robe on the bed, and sat down next to Linh’s laptop. Linh wondered how nice the robe must have smelled with her body and coconut lotion scents blended inside, ingredients for a cute afternoon of secretly lusting.

Linh opened the folder of pictures in a slideshow and leaned back on the bed when it started. There were 102 pictures to go through and Bian smiled or giggled with almost every picture. For Linh, a lot of them were memories she cherished, for Bian it was exciting to see more of her friends’ daughter’s personal life.

They narrowed the list down to the ones for the presentation and left it for Linh to edit. Two hours later, they made their way to the venue.

The venue’s bar manager met them at the entrance. The first impression was great. There was an impressive ballroom and bar that could be flexibly catered, fully stocked and split in three separate areas depending on the size of the event. The bar manager gave them a detailed tour of the place, discussed every facility, service and amenity provided and brought along the necessary paperwork he needed from them that day. Linh and Bian commented to each other in Vietnamese he was very organised and pleasant to work with.

They also were able to provide their notes and instructions for certain things they wanted to do on the night itself so he could get back to them by email about how it could be done.

When the tour and Q&A came to an end, the bar manager suggested –

There is a corporate event happening in the third ballroom, I can tell the bar staff to give you a couple of free drinks if you would like to take a look

They happily agreed, excited to see what a busy event would look like.

The bar staff gave them large glasses of chilled Rose wine before they joined the corporate event. They probably saw over 200+ people around the room, all enjoying various finger foods and drinks, even cocktails. It looked like a networking event with groups of people scattered around talking lively and some were dressed corporately, others much more casually.

The music sounds pretty good – Bian commented.

Linh agreed. They stood on the edge of the ballroom and smiled to each other frequently, drank their wine and did some ‘people watching’. 

The venue staff walked around with a tray full of champagne and they helped themselves to more. They began drinking as if they belonged at the event, with some dancing thrown in as well every time a classic song was played. Even Bian shook and swayed along to Linh’s dancing initiatives. In the darker mood lighting of the ballroom and after a few glasses, Linh once again began warming up to the idea of intimacy with Bian. She wanted to grab her during the dancing, smell her hair and perfume and plant a long kiss – from afar.

They lost track of time and stayed nearly three hours at that corporate event. Other people noticed them, but no one approached. Luckily, as Linh was enjoying her 1-on-1 time with a tipsy Bian.

Let’s grab some food on the way back to the hotel – Bian eventually interjected, suggesting they call it a night.

Not long after leaving, they spotted a KFC and bought a pack of wings with drinks. In their tipsy state, it tasted like the best they ever had. It was just what they needed to sober up slightly.  

They shared a comfortable silence and barely spoke when they ate but also when they arrived back at the hotel. But then, Bian suggested Linh came up to the room so they could recap the day, possibly also raid the mini bar for more. Linh immediately agreed before Bian could even finish asking, she wanted the opportunity for more private time.

Back inside the room, Bian adjusted the temperate and closed the curtains while Linh got comfortable on the edge of the bed. Bian also opened the minibar and grabbed a white wine. She poured them a new glass and shared it with Linh.  

Enjoy, we found a great venue – Bian said.

Cheers! Linh replied, holding the eye contact with Bian as they took the first sips.

They both took big sips of the wine, drinking nearly the entire glass in under a minute.

Drink up – Bian gently said.

Why? Linh giggled and replied, gushing at Bian.

I want to ask you something – Bian replied, half seriously and half-jokingly with her tone. Sizing up Linh in a mature kind of way.  

Sure… – Linh replied and tried to hide her face with the glass of wine.

Sometimes you look at me a certain way, I don’t know how to explain exactly but – Bian paused.

Linh burst out in nervous laughter and responded innocently.

What do you mean? Linh casually replied.

Bian put the glass of wine on the nearby nightstand. Will you stay the night with me? The bed is big enough. Later, let’s find out – Bian asked.

Sure – Linh replied almost immediately, without thinking, hesitating, or looking away.

Linh worried if she asked about what Bian meant with the request, the conversation could turn awkward. They were both under some degree of influence and Linh decided to go along with every tipsy suggestion. She was tired enough to rest, but if Bian was flirting with her for more? Yes please!

Bian took both their glasses and put them on the minibar. She looked inside again, grabbed a can of Coke, and opened it. After a few sips, Bian gave it to Linh. Then she playfully walked away towards the bathroom and turned to Linh as she walked in, keeping the door open.

Linh also had a few sips of Coke and joined, getting the sense that Bian was insinuating they freshened up together.  

Do you have an extra toothbrush kit? Linh asked.

Bian handed it to Linh from a nearby cupboard. For a few silent minutes, they brushed their teeth and glanced at each other with a shy but deeply connected eye contact. Bian finished first and walked back into the room, leaving Linh to finish up alone.

Linh was startled when she made it back to the room. She instantly noticed Bian’s legs and ass with the black panties as Bian bent over to undress and folded the clothes neatly on a chair.

Bian noticed Linh staring at her bottom half and smiled quietly, not seeming to mind the attention.  

Let’s go to bed, take yours off too – Bian instructed kindly and lifted one side of the bed sheets to crawl under.  

Linh did as she was told. She also undressed to a top but no bottom and jumped into bed next to Bian.

Initially, they laid away from each other on separate sides but kept eye contact. The way they smiled was cute and anxious, but eventually slowly moved closer to a more natural embrace for two people sharing a bed.

Linh rolled closer to Bian, then turned around facing the other way. She felt Bian press up against her, and an arm folding around to hug. When they found a comfortable spooning position, their bodies gently rocked back and forth in sync. It felt sensual and it was making Linh very wet, very fast.

Gradually, Bian’s hand drifted up and down Linh’s body, gently caressing her with the tips of the fingers and nails. Linh also felt Bian’s breathing closing in from behind near her ears and neck. The hand started from Linh’s shoulders and made its way down the hips and upper legs. Then back up again, gently across the stomach and in between Linh’s breasts on top of the shirt.

Linh let it all happen and used her own hands to reach around and pulled Bian closer. Sending signs of approval for the touching to continue. Bian’s perfume in the bed sheets tantalized every one of Linh’s senses. 

Bian’s hands finally drifted across Linh’s stomach to the top of the panties. She pressed up against the panties and teased with soft strokes. The alcohol allowed them to explore feelings they might have ignored sober; they barely spoke but moaned with eyes closed.

Bian sent shocks through Linh’s body when the hand slid inside and went straight for the lips. Three of Bian’s fingers gently entered through the slit and rubbed the surrounding areas. Linh heated up quickly and the abundance of juice showed.

But just as suddenly, Bian pulled the hand out from Linh’s panties. Linh slightly turned her head back to have a look, and saw Bian lick the hand’s fingers and smile, before putting it back inside Linh’s panties. She tasted Linh and smirked.

Linh held her tightly, reached around and moved their bodies in sync, giving a rhythm for Bian to follow.

After a few minutes of ‘spooningering’, Linh turned on her back and looked up at Bian hovering over her with the hand still working. The room was dark except for a night light in the background. Linh noticed Bian’s tired face that somehow still had a lot of passion for their fun.

Linh used one of her free hands and pulled Bian in for a kiss, lasting the rest of their make out. The lips embraced and tongues met, allowing for moaning in between quick breaths.

With some skill, Bian simultaneously rubbed the hand up and down the length of Linh’s slit. From the top, she palmed the fingers to connect inside the sensitive parts of Linh. At the bottom, she smoothly inserted a finger, pressed up against the spongy roof inside and stayed consisted with Linh’s body rocking because of it. The amazing bursts of pleasure quickly built up to a peak.

Nearly, yessss! Linh managed to proclaim before Bian forced her into another kiss. With the intensity of Bian’s touching increasing, the flood gates opened for Linh. The air traffic controller gave the clear go-ahead signal for arrival.  

The speed of Bian’s touching also increased. Leaving Linh in the experienced hands of Bian to get off in a flurry of moans.  

Then it happened – Linh let out a small cry and let her body spasm a couple of times before subsiding. Her abs violently contracted but then easily calmed down again.

When things became sensitive, Bian took her hand out from Linh’s panties and immediately licked them clean again. Taking in all the juices of Linh. It was an oddly intimate thing to see.

Not long after the powerful release, Bian embraced Linh again from behind. Spooning again.

They did not speak. They laid in each other’s arms content and fell asleep.

Linh woke up the following morning, groggy, and the first thing she saw was a concerned-looking Bian on a chair nearby the bed. Still in the sleep attire.

Linh announced she woke up and Bian turned the attention on her.

I’m really sorry, what I did was wrong, and I feel terrible. I hope you know it was not malicious – Bian worried and tried to explain herself.

Linh said nothing and tried to fully wake up.

We shouldn’t have shared the bed together and I should not have touched you. Please… – Bian almost started crying.

No, please don’t. It’s fine – Linh quickly interjected.

Linh climbed out of bed and walked towards Bian. She reached for Bian’s hands and helped her stand up. They faced each other.

I allowed you to do it, I’ve wanted it for some time actually – Linh explained.

Bian burst in nervous laughter to get rid of worried feelings of harassment or misconduct.

Yeah, so don’t worry. I plan on keeping this to myself – Linh further explained. Assuring Bian.

Bian smiled upon hearing Linh explain her side of the story and their hands locked fingers.

In fact, I’ll show you – Linh spoke again after their moment of comfortable silence.

Using Bian’s hands for balance, Linh dipped down to her knees. She put herself directly in front of Bian’s panties. Bian nervously giggled watching it happen.  

This will show you – Linh said and pulled Bian’s panties, down to the ankles and let Bian step out from them with one leg.

Linh felt such a brazen act would be the most effective and fun way to coerce Bian. Besides, the outburst and worry gave Linh all the sexual power and Linh already wanted it.

Linh reached around Bian’s ass and held onto the cheeks firmly. She started using those for balance, then learned forward into Bian’s crotch.

Bian was hairless, and her lips were in good shape. In the morning, Linh tasted some sourness first before Bian’s flavor came through.

Linh decided to go all-in. Her tongue swirled around the inside of Bian’s lips. She lapped at every acidic juice her mouth could gently suck on. It was a beautiful sight of pure eating.

Every time she did it, Linh reminded herself why she did not do it more often. She loved the feeling of instant gratification from her tongue’s slurping. Pussies were excellent fruits to have even though not all tasted the sweetest.

Bian had her eyes closed, letting it all happen and enjoyed the moment. Her hands held the top of Linh’s head, guiding along in the licking. The whole situation felt taboo, no one should ever have seen it. But it felt great, Bian moaned along to Linh who also dove in quite hungrily with sounds.  

I cannot believe you are doing this – Bian exhaled in her deep breathing. Moaning loudly after a few minutes of pulsating with the stomach.

Sit down on the bed – Linh replied from down on the knees.

Bian walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. Linh joined, crawling until she grabbed the knees and gently spread them apart.

Not wasting any time, Linh found balance again and resumed eating Bian. Bent over into the seated position required less effort from Linh, everything was opened in front of her to enjoy.

The aroma was incredible and musty, Linh lapped up the lower lips like they were her own sweet and savory breakfast.

It took a mere 5 minutes for Bian to start jolting and holding the breath erratically. With each small release came cries of pleasure and they increasingly got louder and louder.

In the final minutes, Bian firmly held Linh’s head closely in between the thighs as she spasmed out a climactic routine that left Linh’s mouth glazed. At the end Bian loudly exhaled and fell back onto the bed.  

Linh adjusted herself and continued kissing around Bian’s sticky lips and inner thighs. But after a minute of Linh cleaning up after herself, Bian mentioned that she was too sensitive and rolled further up on the bed. Linh wiped her mouth clean on the sheets and joined. They kissed passionately, in a softer and slowed down innocent kind of way after the intensity from before.  

They showered together without saying much. And not long after getting ready, it was time again for Bian to head over to the airport. Linh went along to say goodbye, she felt they were stuck to each other for the day, considering what they had done.

When they were saying goodbye over a coffee at an airport cafe, they finally addressed what happened.  

No one can know about this – Bian strongly urged.

Linh agreed, but suggested since they were going to keep it a secret and there were a few more trips planned, they might as well play around some more. She felt no more hesitation in stressing how much she was attracted to Bian.

Maybe… – Bian chuckled and kissed Linh goodbye on the cheeks.

They embraced one last time and Bian left to board the flight.  

In the weeks that followed, they did not message each other as regularly as before. And mostly about the wedding planning again.

Linh was worried that Bian went cold after their hot encounter. She quite enjoyed it.

Three more trips followed. Then it was time for the wedding. Luckily for Linh, her urges for Bian would be satisfied again.

All three trips that followed they stayed together at Bian’s hotel.

On the first of the three trips – they met for dinner on the Friday and Linh managed to turn the conversation to sex after the main course. They laughed and giggled their way through the rest of dinner and back at Bian’s hotel, Linh found herself on hands and knees again. That time, with the head up Bian’s dress crouched in front of the couch.

Bian got in the habit of rhythmically grinding back to Linh’s munching mouth, latching onto Linh’s lips like a sealed hatch in the final moments of pleasure.  

The following Saturday night, Bian returned the favor to Linh multiple times. Linh spent the entire day at Bian’s hotel. Eating, drinking, licking. So many times, back and forth, they were enamored with each other’s bodies. Addicted to getting each other off as many times as their bodies allowed.

The second of the three trips – they met up to see a movie in the cinema and towards the end of the credits, when the room was empty, Bian fingered Linh in their back-row seats. Secretly, quietly, gently. Linh also returned the favor. And back at the hotel, Linh took off every piece of clothing Bian had on except the shoes and proceeded to lick her standing up with the legs stood open.

Bian liked telling Linh she tasted like honey and yogurt. Linh liked joking that Bian tasted like the best oyster she ever had in her life.

They ate each other in the shower, by the sinks, on the couch with the TV on. Also, in bed taking turns under the sheets or in cheeky 69 positions or sat on each other’s faces. Linh in particular loved the kneeling power she had over Bian. It felt servant-like with an added layer of worship making it much more exciting.

They would also go to great lengths to touch each other with tender love and care. Like sensual sessions between secret lovers who enjoyed the sapphic side of life.

The third of the trips – Linh could not see Bian the Friday night due to other plans with friends. She made up for it on the Saturday with an extended massage and tongue lashing.

At some stage though they also had to discuss the end of their newly established affair. The wedding was coming up, and most of the groundwork was completed. The day itself would present its challenges and they could not see each other at night with more people around. The other families would be there, and things would look suspicious quickly if they were not careful.

Linh was sad the arrangement was coming to an end and made sure to appreciate every last minute of it. Including the airport coffee goodbyes, the right dose of energy for the rest of her weekend.

The Wedding Day

One of Linh’s most challenging days to date. As one of the planners and closest friends of the bride, Linh had a constant eye on what everyone was doing. She felt like the manager, the master of ceremonies – who also had her eyes on Bian the entire time whenever she could discreetly peek.

The day started off drama-free, with a lot of hair and make up and breakfast being done. Luckily, all the right people showed up on time and they progressed through the first few stages of the day smoothly. Everyone enjoyed a family gathering for lunch and after that, it was time for the bride and groom to get dressed and go to the church.

Friends and colleagues and other closely related guests arrived throughout the celebrations. It was a sweet and peaceful ceremony, with the strength of the bride and groom shining through in the speeches and pictures presentation. Linh felt honored to have planned it.

After the ceremony, everyone took time congratulating the newlyweds and took lots of pictures together. With all the careful planning, they still had nearly two hours before the after party kicked off at the ballroom venue.

All the tables were pre-decorated, had bottles of wine and whiskey, cutlery and plates laid out with menus options. Waiters walked around with trays of drinks, flowers and balloons were scattered everywhere. The venue did a great job to accommodate Bian and Linh’s design wishes.

When all the presentations were done, the DJ finally sounded off the first song of the playlist. The younger crowd gravitated towards the dance floor while most of the elders remained in their seats. Food was served and a lot of drinks were flowing three hours later.

Bian was mostly hanging out with Jenny’s mother and Linh danced with the other bridesmaids and Jenny. Everyone was having a great time and could not thank Linh enough for organizing it.

But Bian and Linh exchanged eye contact several times, even had small talk grabbing the same drinks from a waiter but were never alone long enough to talk privately. Linh admired Bian’s dress, a very elegant and golden low-cut dress that complimented the physique, breasts, and neckline. Truly classy and graceful for the mature age and the subject of many MILF fantasies in that ballroom that night – that was a sure thing. Bian also appeared taller due to high heels, a small detail Linh picked up on since she knelt in front of her many times and experienced the height.

At some point just before midnight, Linh noticed Bian walked towards the hallway bathrooms alone. That was the moment, the opportunity, and she excused herself from the partying group.

Linh followed Bian to the bathroom, which was outside of the ballroom down a long hallway. Inside, Linh noticed Bian was at the sinks washing her hands. No one else seemed to be there and they instantly made eye contact through the mirror.

Bian quietly walked by Linh towards the last toilets in the row. She opened the door and before going inside, gave Linh a seductive look of anticipation.

Linh waited a moment, double checking if the coast was clear. When she decided it was, Linh knocked on the door and hurried inside before anyone walked in.

Linh found Bian waiting with a smirk and cheeky expression. Her dress was folded up to around the waist, exposing the panties and legs with sexy long stockings to Linh with a sense of pride.

Your last chance with me love, before who knows when I will see you again – Bian whispered and extended an arm out to Linh.

I can’t kiss you, our make up will run out and they will notice – Linh playfully replied and positioned herself to crouch in front of Bian. She reminded herself the knees could not touch the floor.

Like a kid in a candy store, Linh impatiently pulled down Bian’s panties. Carefully, she started kissing around Bian’s lower lips. She could not eat it up like she grew used to, but she still wanted a final tasting.

Linh expertly pushed her tongue through the inside of the lips and traced it up and down as much as she could. She savored Bian, deeply inhaling the scent and flavor.  

Bian created more space by spreading, giving Linh more access to everything below.

But a few minutes later, a group of girls from the wedding strolled into the bathroom and decided to loudly discuss the fun they were having at the mirrors.

Linh stood up and Bian pecked her on the lips. A short kiss, followed by holding each other’s hands as if it was the last time.

The group outside signaled the end of their secret fling. They had to bid it farewell and keep in touch until they had another opportunity. They both agreed – sexting would be the way to go.

When the group left, Linh first quietly tiptoed out and went to a sink again. Bian joined a moment later. They went back to the ballroom separately after freshening up.  

The night ended well, and Jenny sincerely thanked both Bian and Linh for an amazing wedding. Little did everyone know what they were up to in the bathroom earlier.

A passion for women was reinvigorated in Linh, and after the wedding she tried to explore her desires more frequently. Especially online, finding other like minded older women to discreetly hang out with.

She kept in touch with Bian, even exchanged sexy photos and video called late at night a few times. But when they could see each other was unknown.

It was their secret, and both were anxious to meet again. Until then, Linh found the comfort of other women.

We hope you enjoy the other lesbian sex stories from Season 1.

For more about Linh check out How a Vietnamese Maid of Honor Had a Lesbian Affair with a Mature Woman in the Family with extra articles behind the story.

Have you got any experiences like Linh’s? Tell us about them discreetly. Read Me Tonight Lesbian Sex Stories.


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