Kiki’s Road Trip

Read Me Tonight Season 1 – Story 18

Kiki (21), and her close group of friends went on a road trip through California during a recent summer holiday break. To celebrate a successful trip, the girls played a card drinking game on the last night that sparked a drunk and curious lesbian group sex experience more than they bargained for.

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Kiki's Road Trip Read Me Tonight Lesbian Sex Stories
Source Amazon: Kiki’s Road Trip

Read Time: 29 Minutes

Kiki (21) is a Dutch university student in the final year of graduating with a business degree from the southern parts of the Netherlands. Together with 3 of her close childhood friends, Kiki embarked on a one-of-a-kind trip of a lifetime during a summer holiday break.

It was their annual tradition since they were old enough to go on a girls’ holiday, but that summer’s trip became far more special. And more intense since they never had a road trip before and far more intimate than ever thanks to a night of drinking.

The girls grew up in the same hometown and went through a lot of ups and downs together. The teenage years and slowly maturing, they partied together, studied together, and guided each other with relationship advice. A girl squad, that naturally also spent less time together the older they got but still managed an active group chat.

They were voluptuous, fit Dutch girls with long hair and 5’8” in height. Years of biking around town and playing various sports with a lifestyle of home cooked meals helped their overall fitness and it showed. 2 of them were blonde, Kiki had light brown hair and one was a dark brunette.

The 3 girls – Mandy, Nina and Mylou – were all in various stages of relationships with guys. Kiki was the only one who openly had female interests. Kiki discussed it with them at some point, and they were all cool with it and chose not to label her.

Kiki chalked it up to the years of growing up playing in a girls’ soccer team. The girls did not care, and it hardly ever affected their friendship besides the odd funny joke.

Over the years, they traveled together to places around southern and eastern Europe and even made it to Australia. But those were all trips with planned itineraries, so their parents worried less and sometimes the boyfriends came along. But that summer’s trip, it was just the 4 of them on a road trip in California USA. They prepared thoroughly for it in the months before departure and quadruple checked they brought along everything they needed.  

The trip started with a couple of days resting up in San Francisco, at a Fisherman’s Wharf hotel sharing 2 rooms. Then, they began to explore down the coast. The final destination was to drop off the rented van in San Diego. In the end they would make it back to Los Angeles by train and rest the last night in a hotel before flying back home again.  

Just when Kiki thought the trip could not have been any more memorable, the last night before the flight home proved to be perhaps the best one of them all.

While they had full energy to explore all the destinations along the Pacific Highway, by the time they got to San Diego and returned the van the exhaustion kicked in. Many nights of not sleeping comfortably had a way of catching up. They slept on the train ride to Los Angeles and decided to stay indoors for the last night rather than go out. The hotel had a comfortable bed they all needed badly at that point.

Kiki being the Hip Hop fan among the group, spotted a shop nearby the hotel that sold Olde English 40 oz and bought 6 bottles for them to drink. She heard about it many times in songs and was dying to try it, the opportunity almost presented itself. Mylou came along and bought a bottle of vodka and a couple of Cokes.

They shared 2 rooms again, and since Kiki got the larger one everyone gathered there to hang out for the final night. After freshening up individually they unplugged, drank, and played some music.

Mandy suggested they found the cards they brought along for the trip and played Kingsen. Or King’s Cup.

A fun drinking game the girls sometimes played with friends and other students. It required a lot of drinking and was good to do with a group of people before heading out later in the night. The game has some basic rules, but a lot can be modified to playing styles.


Place an empty (shot) glass in the middle of the group.

Distribute 1 deck of playing cards, facing down, in a circle around the glass.

Starting clockwise, each player picks a card from the circle and must complete a task that is assigned to the card.

Failure to complete a task and breaking the circle of cards are punished with drinking.

The game ends when a player picks the 4th King card of the deck and drinks the contents of the (shot) glass.

CARD ASSIGNMENTS (can be modified)

Ace – Reverse; switch to counter-clockwise or back to clockwise with each Ace card

2 – Two is for you; Player can choose another player who must drink

3 – Three is for me; Player must have a drink 

4 – Categories; Player can choose a subject matter; Each player around the room has 3-5 seconds to give an example within the category of the subject matter; The player who fails to provide a suitable example on time must drink (For example: countries, brands, types or groups of something, etc)

5 – Snake Eyes; Player is given the role of snake; Each time other players make direct eye contact they must drink; The role of snake is taken over by the next players who pick the 5 cards

6 – Drinking Buddy; Player can choose another player to be a drinking buddy; When either must drink the other must drink too

7 – The Table of 7; Start from the number 1; Each player around the room has 3-5 seconds to give the next number in order; Players must skip numbers that are in the Table of 7 (for example 7, 14, 21, etc) and numbers that have a 7 in them (for example 7, 17, 27, etc); First player who fails to provide a suitable example on time must drink

8 – Think of a Rule; Player can come up with a rule that other players must follow the rest of the game or be punished each time by drinking (For example: only speak with the tongue stuck out, only take a sip of drink after complimenting another player, may only go to the bathroom if first spin around three times until dizzy, get creative)  

9 – Cancel a Rule; Player can choose to cancel a rule that another player who previously picked the Think of a Rule card created; No drinking is required

10 – Quizmaster; Player is given the role of quizmaster; Each time another player directly answers a question from the quizmaster the other player must drink; The role of quizmaster is taken over by the next players who pick the 10 cards

Jack – Most Votes; Other players in the room must stick 1 hand in the air; Player who picked the Jack card excluded; Player will do a countdown and then the other players must point to one of each other; The player picked the most by everyone else must drink

Queen – Rise of the Queen; Player is given the role of queen; Each time the player stands up the other players must also stand up; The last player to do so must drink; The role of queen is taken over by the next players who pick the Queen cards

King – The King’s Cup; Each time when the King cards are picked the players must pour a drink into the glass in the middle; The player who picked the 4th King card ends the game and must drink the contents of the glass

Joker – Wild Joker; Player can choose which other card from Ace up to Queen they would like to assign to the Joker card; The other players must follow the chosen card assignment

The girls happily played an initial round of the game and settled into a rhythm and drinking pace. Kiki realized they already drank the bottle of vodka when she went to the bathroom for a break. With so many drinking cards but also rules to keep track of, the mind was quick to go with the drinking flow. The influence had a delayed effect but hit hard.

They still had all the 40 oz to go through, and the night was young at 11 PM on the last night of the trip. Life was good, Kiki reminded herself.

She loved the Snake Eyes and Quizmaster roles. They often caught people off guard and made it fun to tease each other into drinking.

Girls, remember that night for my birthday we played with the guys and changed some of the rules? Nina suggested when Kiki returned from the bathroom break.

The girls started giggling and agreed to play those rules again for a round. Everyone drunkenly eyed each other and teased with Ooh sounds.

That birthday night Nina brought up, they were drinking with the boyfriends as well and changed some of the more innocent cards to naughtier ones. From confessions to suggestive rules and dares, everyone went home that night excited for sex. The game had an arousal risk.


Ace – Reverse; switch to counter-clockwise or back to clockwise with each Ace card

2 – Two is for you; Player can choose another player who must drink twice

3 – Three is for me; Player must have a drink 

4 – Truth or Dare; Player can choose to answer a question Truthfully or to complete a Dare both given by the other players; If failing to go through with either options the player must drink twice

5 – Snake Eyes; Player is given the role of snake; Each time other players make direct eye contact they must drink; The role of snake is taken over by the next players who pick the 5 cards

6 – Drinking Buddy; Player can choose another player to be a drinking buddy; When either must drink the other must drink too

7 – I’ve Never; Each player going around the room must raise 3 fingers in the air and reveal something they have never done; Players that have done what was revealed must lower a finger each time and tell everyone the story of when it happened; Players are encouraged to guess what others might have done but they have not; The first player to lower all 3 fingers loses and must drink twice

8 – Think of a Rule; Player can come up with a rule that other players must follow the rest of the game or be punished each time by drinking

9 – Three drinks are fine; Player must have 3 drinks

10 – Quizmaster; Player is given the role of quizmaster; Each time another player directly answers a question from the quizmaster the other player must drink; The role of quizmaster is taken over by the next players who pick the 10 cards

Jack – Most Votes; Other players in the room must stick 1 hand in the air; Player who picked the Jack card excluded; Player will do a countdown and then the other players must point to one of each other; The player picked the most by everyone else must drink

Queen – Rise of the Queen; Player is given the role of queen; Each time the player stands up the other players must also stand up; The last player to do so must drink; The role of queen is taken over by the next players who pick the Queen cards

King – The King’s Cup; Each time when the King cards are picked the players must pour a drink into the glass in the middle; The player who picked the 4th King card ends the game and must drink the contents of the glass

Joker – Wild Joker; Player can choose which other card from Ace up to Queen they would like to assign to the Joker card; The other players must follow the chosen card assignment

The girls agreed on the new rules and got ready to play another round with new drinks – the Olde English. Everyone was excited, especially for the 4, 7 and Joker cards.

But to everyone’s demise, the first 5 card picks around the room were all drinking cards. Two times the 2 cards, a 6, a 9 and the Jack, all piling on more alcohol.

Kiki’s turn gave her Snake Eyes, which made everyone drink even more. Finally, it was Mylou who picked a 7 card, the I’ve Never…

Everyone raised their fingers and anticipated Mylou to start things off with the first reveal. Kiki’s turn was next and Mylou teased her for it and about what to say.  

I’ve Never… Passionately kissed a girl before – Mylou stated with a wide grin across the face aimed at Kiki, suggesting Mylou wanted Kiki to already lose one finger on something that was known to be true in Kiki’s case. It was tactful disguised as a cheap shot.

While everyone around the room laughed at what Mylou said, Mandy also lowered a finger.

Ooh look! Mandy’s finger – Kiki interrupted.

Yeah! Come on, spill. What happened? Nina playfully asked Mandy.

Well, remember last year, that lost Croatian girl we met leaving that festival? Mandy replied and asked the group. Everyone was hanging on to her words, curiously anticipating what Mandy was going to say next.

When I helped her to find the bus back to town, we talked for a bit and she kissed me, and I let her. For about a minute, and I think mostly because I found her very charming and attractive – Mandy explained with a chuckle.

Everyone broke out in laughter. The tension was released after the cliff hanger.

Then we added each other on messenger and parted ways – Mandy finished the quick story.

The girls were silent but pleasantly surprised by Mandy’s confession.

Oh my God Mandy, how come you are only Now sharing this! Mylou replied.

Yeah, here I thought, I’m the only one doing that – Kiki also commented.

To salute Mandy, everyone had a drink together. Then, unanimously, turned to Kiki for her kissing story.

Well, I’ve got a few to choose from, what does everyone want to know? Kiki playfully followed up.

For a moment, the girls contemplated on what to ask. The first one… The best one… The most recent one…

The recent one! Mylou blurted out and everyone immediately agreed.

Kiki giggled as she reached for a sip of drink. The girls egged her on to share the details.

Ok, I’m not going to name her to respect the privacy, it was someone from our soccer team, the night before we left for this trip. She came around to wish me farewell – Kiki carefully explained.

Kiki’s reply drew gasps from everyone around the room.

Ooh! I bet it was a fun farewell – all night long ha! Mylou teased drunkenly.

I wonder who she is – Nina interjected.

You don’t need to know; she’s exploring and wants it kept between us. I’m going to respect that – Kiki logically explained.

Kiki thought it was much more fun playing the game with just the girls. The guys, for example, would never have left the privacy comment alone and nagged Kiki all night into sharing more details. The girls gladly respected it and moved on to the next turn. Like the many cards remaining in their modified round of Kingsen.

But after discussing those stories, there was an invisible change to the dynamic in the room. A spark of electricity pulled a blanket of tension. It also still felt light-hearted enough to keep everyone in great spirits.

They nervously finished I’ve Never, sticking to mostly relationship topics and with a less sexual tone. The first instincts wanted to defuse some of the energy. Kiki was the first to lose all 3 fingers because she once made a chocolate cake for someone she was officially dating. Apparently, Nina never did that.

After I’ve Never ended, they refilled the drinks and kept playing with many drinking cards getting picked. Not much was said besides drinking salutes. Until Mylou picked a Truth or Dare card and changed the course of the game.

Dare – Mylou answered confidently.

The other girls took a moment and came up with a Dare for Mylou.

Nina broke the ice.

We dare you; Let your first passionate kiss with a girl be with Kiki – The words had so much energy in them they made the room quiet.

Ok fine, but you girls are SUCH nerds! Mylou replied teasing the others.

We don’t care, make out with Kiki – Nina playfully quipped back.

Kiki leaned in closer, expecting Mylou to meet her. Most would have a problem with being implicated in someone else’s Dare, but for Kiki it was quite the opposite if it involved kissing another girl.

Kiki saw Mylou hesitate the first time their eyes met, but then bravely closed them and followed the magnetic pull of Kiki to kiss for the first time.  

Their lips gently pressed, and the tongues naturally found each other for a meet and greet. Kiki lead the heated exchange, while Mylou froze nervously and let it all happen. The entire kiss lasted about a minute and a half and felt exciting, innocent, and passionate in an inexperienced kind of way. Mandy and Nina cheered them on in the background like they won at a game.

When they stopped, Mylou slowly opened the eyes again and seemed infatuated with Kiki. It took a moment to go back to normal and respond to the others, Mylou looked flustered but in a good way. She also took more sips from the drink, anticipating the others to resume playing. Kiki thought Mylou might have been hiding the fact that she liked it, time would tell.

Not long after the kiss, it was time for another round of I’ve Never.

A few more innocent reveals came out that still made Kiki lose 2 fingers. Then Mylou’s turn came up again and with a mischievous smile she briefly paused and half-mumbled the words –

I’ve Never, licked another girl – Followed by a look in Kiki’s direction.

The other girls were stunned, and for 5 seconds it became so quiet the silence made a noise. Mandy was the first to start laughing to break the tension. Others followed, including Kiki who lost the final finger and reached for a drink.

Cheeky – Kiki said just before taking a sip. Mylou replied with a gently poke on Kiki’s arm and smiled innocently, feeling like she pulled off a successful prank.

Was it also on the night before the trip? Nina asked curiously.

Yeah, you might as well know about it now – Kiki acknowledged.

The girls playfully gasped and discussed what they heard. Kiki blushed and anxiously tried to steer the conversation back to the game.

Nah, you have to tell us a bit more about it, you can’t just drop this on us and move on so easily – Mandy interjected, requesting to know more.

Ok, ok, yes, I do sometimes enjoy more than just kissing with a girl. Is that what I need to say? Kiki replied nervously, uncomfortable with the fact they were making her say it.

What about the night before the trip? Mylou asked.

She came over late at night after I was finished packing. We cuddled in bed to some romantic comedy movie and first made out and then also licked each other. It was a hot little session under the sheets, there, happy? Kiki blurted out wanting to change the topic.

Sure, but wow! We didn’t know – Mylou replied carefully.

More turns went by with everyone drinking more but the mood loosening up from the tension. Even when Mylou played again, she only picked the Queen card and was not able to stir up any trouble.

When Kiki played again, she picked what they thought was the last Truth or Dare card.

Dare – Kiki blurted out before anyone even asked. She was drunk enough to do something fun again with one of them. The inhibitions were lowered like beautiful panties around the knees and ankles.

Mylou leaned in and whispered things to Mandy and Nina that made all of them burst out in laughter.

No, we can’t – Nina said worried.

Yeah, come on I think it’s a great time for it – Mylou immediately replied, trying to convince them of something.

What is it? Kiki asked.

Mylou looked at the other girls, who looked back at her with a tense silence.

Go ahead, tell her – Mandy said.

We dare you to, give us all a little sample of what getting licked is like. We all don’t know, but since you enjoy doing it, why not show us? Mylou cautiously explained.

Kiki nervously laughed and blushed.

Are you too drunk or something? She managed to reply.

Mylou said nothing. Mandy and Nina looked confused at Kiki, unsure of what the intentions were.

Kiki suddenly felt uncomfortable with the silence. She was going along with the funny energy in the room but felt nervous about where Mylou was taking things.

How?! Kiki laughed it off.

Well, maybe this way – Mylou finally spoke and got up from her seat. The others drank more and watched.  

Mylou stood next to everyone and clumsily opened the buttons of her pants. While balancing herself she pulled down the pants to just above the knees.

In no time, Mylou stood in front of the others showing off her waist and cute white panties. Mylou’s hair covered the face loosely as she sat down again in the seat. Mandy and Nina were speechless and drank in awe.  

Go ahead, if you’re up for it – Mylou said to Kiki.

Kiki nervously fumbled around the table to refill her drink and brushed off the suggestions. But Mylou grabbed her hands, and while the rest anxiously watched pulled Kiki closer. It snapped Kiki out of her seat and down on bended knees for support. Suddenly, Kiki was not far from Mylou’s legs and she saw the panties peeking out over the folded pants. It oddly captivated Kiki while she still fought the urges.

Kiki found herself going along with it, unsure if it was because of being turned on or if the alcohol was peer pressuring her into not disappointing her friends.

When Kiki carefully crawled one step closer to Mylou, she felt Mylou’s hands on the head guiding the direction straight ahead. Mylou drunkenly laughed and abruptly pushed Kiki’s head into the exposed crotch, surprising Kiki with a mouthful of panties. Both hands were used to keep Kiki’s head firmly pressed.

Kiki was surprised by the sudden orders, it instinctively turned her on but also confused. If Mylou claimed to be inexperienced, how did she know about such dominant sexual roleplay?

Within seconds, Kiki stopped laughing and focused on the task at hand. And with her hands supporting, Kiki used her entire mouth to smooch all over Mylou’s panties.

Oh god, yes Kiki ­– Mylou quietly moaned after nearly a minute, still pressing Kiki’s head.

Kiki felt the staring eyes of Mandy and Nina looking down on her, leaning in from their seats to get a better look. It turned Kiki on and made her enjoy the curious attention from her friends. The drunken state of mind wanted to put on a show.

Swiftly with one hand, Kiki parted Mylou’s panties and exposed the rich, full lips and wet slit. The smell was herbal and soapy, implying something acidic. Kiki ignored and quickly pressed her tongue against it. She clumsily tried to taste, but just as abruptly Mylou sat upright again. Kiki wiped her mouth grinning at the other girls. Mylou fixed the panties and was thankful about everything.   

Kiki’s mind was dirty at that point, the alcohol took over and she wanted more to show her friends. If they were seriously curious, Kiki could show them all what desires could do. She turned her attention to Nina, deciding not to stand up from in front of Mylou’s seat.

I’ll do my dare, that’s fine, come on girls – Kiki said playfully, suggesting Nina and Mandy get into the same position.

The two looked at each other, shocked and shy. Kiki crawled over and placed her hands on their knees.

Don’t be scared now, I did it, come on – Mylou assured, applying her signature style of pressure.

Kiki helped Nina with unbuttoning and gently complimented on the black panties she found were already becoming wet.

Nina looked like she barely coped with being exposed like that, but let it happen with a nervous grin. The alcohol worked in funny ways sometimes.

Don’t be nervous Nina, you smell quite flowery, I like it and I’ll show you – Kiki said to calm her down, finding Nina’s hands and interlocking their fingers.

Kiki rubbed her firmly pouted lips up and down and side to side on Nina’s panties. Feeling them get wetter with anticipation.

She broke a hand free and similarly parted Nina’s panties to one side. Kiki admired the small strip of bush at the top and a juicy, petite set of lips that looked like a tasty fruit. Darker than Mylou’s and not as strong in flavor.

Kiki went on to lick Nina’s lower lips longer, tasting her friend’s straight pussy with drunken pleasure while Mandy and Mylou stared in awe. Everyone’s eyes had a bewildered look of consent for what they were doing, like they were all confused about enjoying it.

Yeah girl, Nina you baddy – Mylou encouraged them. Nina had the eyes closed, head tilted back and moaned with heavier breaths.

Moments later when she did not feel much of a build-up in Nina, Kiki came up from between the legs with her mouth slightly opened glossy from the second pussy in a row.

Is it my turn? Mandy asked playfully, far less nervous, and more willing than Nina.

Mandy had on grey sweatpants and easily slid them down to around the knees. She also wore white panties.

Kiki put her hands around Mandy’s waist when Mandy sat down again. Her head followed and plunged her face into Mandy’s panties. She moved her head around like a dog drinking from a bowl of water. Enjoying the muskier scent than the previous girls, and sensing a sticky flavor emerging.

Oh Kiki, my god, you are so naughty. I need to sit back – Mandy said and held Kiki by the head as she lowered herself back in the seat.

Kiki had her eyes closed and tongue slightly stuck out as Mandy guided her head back to the third crotch of the evening.

Mandy held the panties aside, Kiki leaned in and lapped up the honey-like juice of Mandy’s flavorsome slit. Kiki made it a point to moan herself and make munching sounds, so they knew she was into it. The drunken mind was up to no good.

More time went by before Kiki eased up again, pulling away from Mandy like she enjoyed a meal. And she did not wipe her mouth, instead sat back in her seat again and licked the edges she could reach. Mandy slightly leaked around her mouth and Kiki liked having it when drunk.

Everyone refilled their drinks and drank without saying a word. They were all in a state of disbelief, mixed with lust and tipsy desire. Kiki felt it, the girls stared at her with fire, curiosity, and passion. They were going to do more than what they just did, Kiki sensed it. It was like subconsciously they were all making the same decision.  

I can’t play the game anymore, to be honest. Maybe we should go to bed – Mylou suggested.

Yeah, let’s go now. Stay here, they gave us double beds – Kiki followed up.

The girls stood up and fixed themselves, then followed Kiki to the beds in the other corner of the room. Kiki quickly managed to take off her clothes, keeping just a shirt and panties on and jumped in one of the beds. Mylou did the same and jumped into the same bed. Mandy and Nina crawled into the other bed still with their clothes on.

It did not take long for the pants to also come off and be thrown on the floor from under the sheets.

As soon as they were all in bed, they turned to each other and kissed. Kiki and Mylou on one side and Mandy and Nina on the other, making out in comfortable beds after a long road trip. On their way home, but nobody would find out about that part of the trip.

The room filled up with subtle sounds of kissing, light moaning and bodies shuffling in bed sheets. The girls used their hands on each other, fondling from the shoulders to the boobs over the stomach down to between each other’s legs. Once they reached the panties, the hands went inside, and the grinding began. Mylou initiated Kiki’s hands while Mandy and Nina both explored innocently, Kiki loved every moment but suspected Mylou was hiding more than she let on.

Kiki turned around and saw the other girls writhing in each other’s arms. She directly looked at Nina, who had Mandy nibbling in the neck. Their eyes exchanged an intimate look, while Kiki herself was being fingered and necked by Mylou. For someone who was inexperienced, Mylou was very hungry and seemed to know what she was doing.

Lick me again, please – Mylou whispered to Kiki.

Kiki smirked proudly and crawled under the sheets down Mylou’s body to in between the legs. Mandy and Nina noticed how Kiki momentarily perked up from under the sheets to toss Mylou’s panties and laughed at the sight.  

Mylou’s head laid back in the pillow and turned to Mandy and Nina. She grabbed the cover and opened it, showing Kiki in the middle of eating her out. Kiki’s head was motioning up and down in quick succession, holding on to a rhythm for Mylou to hopefully get off to. Mandy and Nina watched and touched themselves along to the action.

Mandy initiated taking off hers and Nina’s panties. Then continued the make out. Nina also laid back, letting Mandy take the lead and watched everyone else. Kiki took full advantage of the situation with Mylou and moaned during the eating. Something she liked doing when licking because it showed the taste was nice and provided an extra vibration.

Kiki suddenly noticed in the other bed; Mandy was positioning herself to lick Nina.

Nina was sat upright, with the legs and knees bent, spread, and laid back in the bed. Mandy was on the stomach in the middle of the bent legs, eating from life’s vitamins. They looked careful and calculated. Exploring each other like newbies.

Mylou began to firmly hold onto Kiki’s head again, insinuating a build up was coming.

God damn it Kiki – Mylou said tensely, with the eyes closed and face concentrated on a climax.

Kiki took it as a positive sign to do more and munched at the center of Mylou’s tasty lips. Nina was also audible in the background, with her own experimental climax building along with the sight and sound of Mylou. Both Mandy and Kiki used their hands to apply pressure on the hips and stomachs of the girls they were eating. Motioning for a climax to erupt.

After a strong 60 seconds of pulsating, grinding, erratic breathing and loud exhaling, both Nina and Mylou pushed their girls away. The sensitivity kicked in and legs spasmed.

Kiki crawled away and looked over at Mandy who was already staring back at her. The 2 exchanged a naughty look, a cheeky grin of wet mischief.

Come here – Mylou suggested.

Kiki crawled up to face her, and Mylou motioned they moved to a 69 position.  

Kiki did not bother taking off her panties, she positioned on top and felt Mylou grab her by the ass and pulled down. Kiki then resumed licking Mylou and felt Mylou return the favour. Mylou’s mouth started eating at the center of Kiki’s panties and motioned Kiki’s hips to grind. Showing strong signs of previous experience.

Mandy eventually sat upright on the edge of the bed, faced Kiki and Mylou and fingered herself. Nina slowly lowered down to the floor and rested the head on Mandy’s knee and watched the hands in motion.

With the initial energy, Kiki was not far from getting off on Mylou even with the panties on. The rubbing and kissing created the perfect point of pressure.

Mandy licked the edges of her lips with Nina’s taste on them. And Nina looked innocently up at her, with the head rested. Nina gradually kissed around the knees and thighs, anticipating Mandy to finish herself.

The girls’ moaning changed again shortly after. Kiki fiercely pushed back down on Mylou’s mouth. She sat upright on Mylou’s face and gyrated her hips. Using Mylou to get off.

Nina noticed Mandy reacting to the sight and quickly leaned forward. As Mandy tried to synchronize her build up with Kiki, Nina surprised with strong and quick licks on the pussy. A few moments to taste, before backing off again and letting Mandy finish it off. Kiki climaxed on Mylou, and Mandy to herself and Nina’s watchful eyes.  

Almost immediately after they came, the girls had to laugh. Uncontrollably, for a few minutes.

They all laid in bed and stared at the ceiling. It felt great, and lightheaded. The laughing released tension.

Kiki did not remember how they fell asleep, and whether anyone was talking or not. She remembered staring at the ceiling with a huge smile on her face and then waking up the next day.

She woke up to the other girls awake, and on their phones typing messages.

Good morning – Kiki cautiously said.

The energy in the room was not tense, not awkward at all when the girls greeted her back. Mylou stood up first and before anyone else could, turned around to face them.

Look, last night was probably bound to happen at some point in our lives. I enjoyed it, everyone looked like they enjoyed it. Let’s not pressure each other into anything, it was what it was, and we can be cool – Mylou explained.

After a moment of silence, everyone gave each other a look, and agreed.

No one regret what happened, no one felt guilty. No one felt curious for more either and no one felt like it was a mistake.

They successfully checked out from the hotel and made it to the airport. The flight back was uneventful with most of them sleeping or watching a bunch of movies. The family and boyfriends waited for them back upon arrival for an emotional reunion.

The girls gave each other a final look as they went separate ways. The boyfriends would never know.

Sometimes alcohol and previous curiosities could lead to friends sharing intimacy in a temporary deep kind of way that did not need to be labelled. Fun could be just that if everyone agreed on the same terms.

Kiki’s friendship with Mylou, Mandy and Nina remained unchanged, they explored each other in a safe and fun environment and moved on. But it was not recommended for everyone and be careful.  

We hope you enjoy the other lesbian sex stories from Season 1.

For more about Kiki check out How a Group of Dutch Friends Had a Drunken Lesbian Night on a Road Trip in California with extra articles behind the story.

Have you got any experiences like Kiki’s? Tell us about them discreetly. Read Me Tonight Lesbian Sex Stories.

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