Jacqui and Her Group of Friends

Read Me Tonight Season 1 – Story 3

43-year-old Jacqui from Melbourne had a committed group of Friends with Benefits who were interested in expanding for the right girl to join them. The 5 women posted an ad and one lucky night got a reply from Amy, an early 20s self-proclaimed ‘woman enthusiast’, and met the girl at a hotel for a fun night in.

18+ Disclaimer – All rights reserved by Read Me Tonight, please contact for permission to use any parts of the work. And as always, enjoy yourselves, but make sure you are old enough.

Read Me Tonight Jacqui And Her Group Of Friends Season One Lesbian Sex Story Book Cover
Source Amazon: Jacqui and Her Group of Friends

Read Time: 30 Minutes

Jacqui (43) is a dark blonde Australian woman, short for her age at 5’6” but with a fit mature body and a confident and kind personality. She spent 8 years pole dancing instead of going to the gym, prior to having 2 kids, and became a successful financial adviser. She also shared custody of the kids with an ex-husband.

From a young age she always had an on and off again interest in girls which did not impact her marriage. She enjoyed the time with her ex before he cheated on her with a mutual friend through one of his buddies. She saw their texts before and after, not good…

One particular Thursday in the end of November in Melbourne Australia where she worked, she was having an off day at work. Was not feeling it. But she did not worry too much, that Friday she met up with her Group again at an apartment hotel in Southbank. Their monthly catch up was due, and she was craving it.

The Group were a couple of special friends that she collected over the years. They all met once a month for a girls’ night and got accommodation somewhere and hung out together, often leading to a hook up. Jacqui started it with one of her high school friends many years ago who was the same age. They would experiment and hook up whenever they were alone and kept doing it on the side throughout their lives. No matter the other relationships they were involved in, they had their own little time together.

Over the years, they met another lesbian couple by going out drinking and kept in touch with them. Even when that couple broke up officially on good terms, they would all still meet up whenever they could as a tight-knit group. And the fifth member they included was a girl they found by posting a personal ad online. She was a return customer for several months from the casual encounters section.

The ads they posted were normally a backup plan, they would still go out, have dinner and drinks and try to pick up a girl on the down low. But in case that did not work out, the ads were a plan B to see if any girls would respond to meeting with all of them. If neither worked, they could still as a plan C play with each other. 5 of them in total, all in the 40s but ranging, from 40 itself being the youngest to 49 the oldest. Jacqui and her friend from school have been hooking up with the lesbian ‘couple’ for nearly 5 years and the fifth girl joined them 10 months ago.

The fact they kept this group going after so many years was astonishing. Jacqui herself, her school friend Rose and the woman from the ad Danielle were all mums and involved with families, kids and careers. The lesbian ‘couple’ Kim and Bryony were also involved in other relationships, minus the kids part.

They met regularly, and in the recent months were able to meet every last Friday for a girls’ night their other partners were happy with. Jacqui was very much looking forward to this one.

This night they did not intend to go out, the ad was the main focus and they wanted to relax inside the serviced apartment they rented. Put the L Word show in the background, open many bottles of wine and maybe get some pizzas and salads. Everyone also took turns in the showers to freshen up and unwind since they met after work or dinners. They usually met early, around 7 PM and caught up all evening and into the early morning hours.

Babysitters and nannies and other family members would take care of home duties, partners were having their nights out, so the Group could take their time and come home any time before 4 AM.

Yes, even once a month the guys at their age still went out and made it a big one. Not knowing what the girls were really up to.

As Jacqui was finishing up her work that Thursday, she knew it was time to also put the ad up for the Friday. Previously, when she put ads days in advance, she found herself constantly wasting time talking to guys or girls who were not serious. By putting them a day in advance, she hopefully could catch the real ones early on and keep the conversation live enough to try and meet quickly. Otherwise it could be all talk no action.

A majority of the responses tend to not work out, as they are guys still trying or pretending or they are girls that want to just talk but never meet. Jacqui got 18-year old’s wanting their first time to college girls wanting sugar mommies to other women wanting to join their Group but a lot of them went nowhere after 1 or 2 initial messages.

Below is what happened that particular week in November, the ad Jacqui posted and the 1 girl that stood out to be a real one.

Group needing a girl


Age 43


Group of mature women in their 40s, needing a girl that wants to be a sub. We are clean, respectful and good looking ladies, sizes 10-12 and well kept with nice features. Have pics to share if you do too. Share your info and let’s talk. We can host you and will provide food and drinks. No men allowed.

Simple, elegant, naughty. Showing intent, asking for consent, and not wanting to repent.

The Group were discussing a fantasy for that night, loosely inspired by Pornhub videos they watched together the last time and wanted to find a girl they all could use – in a good way. To lick everyone, multiple times, perhaps with mask on to hide the identity for the girl if she wanted to. Just complete female passion and eating by someone naughty enough to do it. Nothing violent, no toys and weird scenarios. Women, hanging out with food and drinks, Netflix or even some music, clean and trimmed bodies and someone OK with licking all night long whenever, wherever, however, whatever.

Among all the crappy replies, was one that stood out later that evening, still in Jacqui’s office finishing up work.

Hi I’m Amy, single and woman enthusiast.

I’m 22 years old and keep fit by work and gym classes.

I would like to get involved if possible.



With the email was a pic attached of a selfie, a young brunette girl that looked a friendly and innocent kind of cute. She reminded Jacqui of one of those bubbly salesgirls in clothing shops. Real beauty and replying in such a way. Jacqui was intrigued.

Hey, thanks for the reply. Here is a pic of me, if you’re interested and have more yourself I can share of the group too. What are you keen on doing?

Jacqui replied, trying to start a conversation. The pic was just a selfie, showing the face just like Amy did, and a bit of neck/cleavage area. So Amy could see Jacqui was not a troll but a good looking lady of leisure.

Since Jacqui replied 2 hours after getting Amy’s message, she thought Amy would not be quick to respond and went back to finishing up her work for the day. But 5 minutes later, her phone popped up with a message.

Thanks for ur reply, u are beautiful. I like older women lol! I’m defo up for it.

And with that she also attached another pic. Another selfie, bit more zoomed in but the same face and hair. And a white work jacket probably from an office job. Check and check.

Cute! So you’re fine with 5 women and the implied situation?

Jacqui attached another pic of herself, also a different top and more cleavage this time, almost popping out.

The girl seemed to be responsive, Jacqui wanted to wait and see. In the meantime, she got all her stuff together on the desk to leave.

And yes, there was the reply. Conversation was on.

I don’t mind being the youngest lol, so are the other women mothers? And do u have a pic of them? Doesn’t matter if u don’t. Do you arrange these meets regularly?

Anything u want to know? 😊

Jacqui laughed to herself for a second. Does not matter if she does not share the group pic? What’s up with that?

Here’s a (discreet) group pic. And yes, all have families so hope you can appreciate.

Who do you live with? We will be hosting. We’ve played before and I was the sub, you can relieve me of licking duties.

Jacqui attached a pic of them sitting together on a ledge somewhere, you could see their full bodies and clothes, but the pic was cut off at the face and there was not much in the background. A bit of joking too to see if Amy was cool.

Wow u are all stunning, lovely smile on you too in your pics. I live with my mum at the moment.

Don’t mind being on licking duty lol. I will do it like a Dom haha 😊

Oh snap – that could potentially be bad. Or not…?

Ok well we need to make sure you shower afterwards or clean up at least. When I’ve done it before, can tell you your face will be wet and smelling of pussy after. I loved it though, they would stand around in a circle or just sit around the room on the couches and chairs.

Everyone’s sorted for the night and I am separated so we can all take our time hanging out.

Jacqui giggled typing the message, there was a hilarity to this and yet she was getting turned on.

I’m very discreet.

Sounds like an adventurous night. I need to be a part of this. Any naughtier pics?

Snap again, the dreaded nude photos. Ok, Jacqui had some, discreet of course. She would only share one this time, face cut off and with her boobs out and topless, the pants slightly unbuttoned with a downward kind of angle.

Ok sure, please yours also.

So can you make it to Southbank tomorrow around 8pm? Call us when you’re here and I’ll come down to get you. Can have drinks and get into it.

Jacqui had to go soon, hopefully she could lock in the girl and tell her friends.

Here is one of me.

Yes I can see you then, my number is (xxx).

I’d like to meet you in person but then wear a classy face mask when in the room? Just so I can completely lose myself in the moment.

Interesting. Sure, as long as she was a normal girl. Seemed to be by sharing her number.

Perfect, mine is (xxx). Very excited to meet you tomorrow, the ladies will love it.

And Jacqui left work. She was beyond excited, could not wait to share with the Group and for tomorrow to arrive. Plus, the number she gave the girl was one she bought just for that occasion no one else knew.

Later that night when all the housework was done and tended to, it was time to unwind and get ready for sleep. Jacqui found herself laughing hysterically at all the messages from the girls in the group chat. She shared the pictures and screenshots of the conversation with Amy about the following night. Everyone was getting raunchy and excited Jacqui could tell, emojis and suggestive memes flying with dirty commentary.

In bed, Jacqui’s thoughts drifted to what the next night could be like. She was picturing the girl on her knees, with them standing around her naked in a circle exactly like those bukkake videos she unfortunately sees as pop ups on Pornhub, looking down on the girl eating them out. She was too tired to finish herself off to this, but the smile on her face said it all. She closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Jacqui enjoyed Fridays, normally filled with doing things for her staff and the office. Most clients only got in touch by email. And that Friday at 5.15 PM on the dot she clocked off and went to check in to the apartment. Only a short 10-minute drive from her work.

She opened her other email just to check on any progress, and there was a message from Amy. 30 minutes ago.

Hey x are we still on tonight? I’m excited.

Oh my, Jacqui was getting nervous. But also excited, she replied.

Yeah we are excited too, give me a call when you’re around at 8 x

And as 5 PM went by, Jacqui wished her colleagues a great weekend and left the office. In the zone, confident, hot and bothered, but nervous too.

The serviced apartment had a smooth check in, and as Jacqui opened the doors and the lights turned on, she immediately felt comfortable. The room was spacious, with a large living area and attached kitchen and island. It looked like a 2 bedroom, with great furnishing and a warm interior. The view from the balcony was a high 14th floor, but facing the freeway, not another building so they luckily had more privacy than expected.

She turned the heating on to make the room warm enough to be naked in. Also put a few bottles of wine and Coronas in the fridge. She turned on Netflix and got comfortable, waiting for everyone to trickle in one by one. After 7 PM everyone was there and the last one using the shower, Danielle, came out to join them in the living area. Everyone was lively, catching up and enjoying wine.

After 7.30 PM though, the conversation turned to Amy. Most of them were convinced it would not happen. The conversations started getting very giggly though, from everyone. They were comfortable enough around each other to openly flirt and say things like eat pussy without feeling weird.

At 7.48 PM they all got startled, by a text, on Jacqui’s phone. It was from Amy, saying she was only a few stops away and would call her shortly. Silence hit the room. Everyone looked at each other, smirking but silent and shocked. After a minute of pondering, they settled on a quick reply – Sounds good.

The next 8 minutes were noticeably quiet, they all had more wine and nervous small talk. Then at 7.55 PM the phone rang. Jacqui just went for it, this was the moment and no more waiting.

Jacqui picked up lively, relieved to hear a girls’ voice on the other end. Saying she was Amy and on a street corner that was in eyesight from the apartment the Group were staying in. Jacqui looked, and there Amy was. Jeans and a coat, and at least from a distance, looked like her photos.

And as Jacqui was talking with her about coming down to meet, she reached for her jacket and left the room and the Group behind. She would meet Amy while keeping her on the phone, so she could be certain. Then would bring her back to the apartment.

Jacqui kept talking to Amy, just random chit chat and anxious giggles, as she approached the girl on the street corner. Oh my god I can’t believe I’m approaching you – Jacqui said as Amy hung up and approached to hug her.

They embraced and greeted each other; Jacqui smiled and took a good look at Amy. She was shocked Amy was the real deal.

Amy was also nervous but smiling, meeting Jacqui with warm eyes and a wide smile. She explained how she was also relieved that Jacqui was for real, and how she had the face mask in her purse. Jacqui did not mind if Amy wore that coming into the room. With such a situation about to play out the less they knew about Amy the better it was for everyone. They could all lose themselves in the moment without personal judgments.

Jacqui acknowledged what Amy suggested, and told her they had plenty of wine and Coronas left. Amy was the one who suggested they head back in.

Knock – knock. And Amy was the first to walk in, with Jacqui behind her introducing everyone.

Everyone greeted Amy and came over to kiss and hug. For 10 minutes the Group stood around the door area, talking lively and meeting Amy. But mostly small talk still, even though Amy wore a face mask they talked to her like it was the most casual date ever, not yet what they said they came to do. The mood had to be escalated, somehow, and preferably fast Jacqui told herself.

After a while, everyone sat around in the room to talk and some flirted. Amy was starting to relax in her seat, occasionally glancing at Jacqui. When she finished her drink, Jacqui suggested they went to the kitchen for another one. Secretly on her phone though, Jacqui was texting privately with Danielle about how it was all going. They were discussing how and when they should break the ice, when to make the right move to kick off the real festivities. Danielle pointed out the body language of the others talking to Amy, how they were silently already seducing and how Amy seemed to reciprocate the energy. How Amy’s legs were wide and angled towards Rose next to her, how she fluttered her hair a lot and looked at everyone around the room briefly but constantly involved. It almost seemed too good to be true, they just had to find a way to escalate things.

It was only Jacqui and Amy in the kitchen, opening another bottle of wine and pouring it into their glasses. Jacqui leaned in, and teased Amy for getting along quite well with Rose in particular. She suggested when they went back, that Amy should take a moment to stand in front of Rose, stare her down and try to have a kiss. Amy giggled, did not say anything but seemed to nod.

As Jacqui sat back down again, she saw Amy walk over to her seat with Rose. But she lingered and extended her hand to touch Rose’s shoulder. Rose looked up at Amy, as Amy gently moved her hand from Rose’s shoulder to Rose’s head and neckline. Amy caressed it, while the others looked at them in silence.

I think you should go for it AmyJacqui said out loud.

Everyone froze. Rose looked up at Amy and anticipated. Amy went in for a kiss, her hands cusping Rose’s head and their faces meeting. Amy leaned forward, holding onto Rose as they closed their eyes, starting to make out in front of the others. Here was this pretty girl in her twenties, having a full on make out with a grown woman like she was the dominant one.

Jacqui looked over to the others, everyone was captivated by Amy and Rose. The legs were slightly spreading out, hands were loosening their tops, drinks were flowing, and everyone anticipated more.

When Rose extended her hands around Amy’s waist, Jacqui got up from her seat. She wanted to get more drinks to the table within arm’s reach, and to put some music on for the background. The current Are & Be playlist on Spotify would suffice, she did not want to waste a lot of time searching.

When Jacqui returned to the Group, she noticed Amy making out with Danielle who was the next to Rose in the seats. Rose was gently feeling along Amy’s hips and back.

As Jacqui put the drinks down on the table, Amy broke her kiss with Danielle. Amy stood and looked at both Danielle and Rose with cheeky smile. She took another sip from her wine, a big swig, and undid the buttons and zipper on her own pants. The women softly cheered in the background.

Amy decided not to slide down her pants, instead opted to get down and sat on her bended knees in front of Rose. She gently caressed Rose up the inside of the legs, sending tingles down Rose’s spine with her electric touching from the ankles up to the knees and thighs. Luckily, like most had on, Rose wore an open dress that fit her well but was also flexible to fold up and expose more. Like a comfortable yet elegant house dress, Rose had it down to just above her knees where Amy was touching and could not wait for more.

Amy’s touches naturally reached the middle where Rose’s panties were, and Amy’s hand firmly took charge of pleasuring the area. Amy pressed against it in circular motion, feeling the response from Rose’s body. She also leaned forward and gently licked up Rose’s thighs with nice, gentle and long swoops from around the knees up to the crotch. Jacqui looked at the others, all fixated on Amy, and at Rose with her eyes closed. It felt like when they first met Danielle, but with an added excitement because Amy was quite young. No one cared, Amy wanted to be there. The moment was pure sex and womanhood, appreciation of giving oral, a sub or kitten or whatever the internet called it.

Rose adjusted her dress more and folded it up around her waist. She sat upright and took off her panties one leg at a time. She threw them to Amy who caught and immediately gave herself a strong whiff of the inside. Amy’s mouth opened and smiled as she caught the smell from Rose’s panties. She put Rose’s panties over her head, then Amy leaned forward and pressed Rose to lay back in her seat.

Jacqui was insanely turned on at the fact that this mature looking woman, her close friend, had this girl between her legs, and about to eat her inner lips. And there Amy went, headfirst into Rose’s crotch, like a scene from a movie. Amy’s head quickly began to twirl, and the Group could hear munching and slurping sounds of someone enjoying what they were eating. Not to mention Rose’s head dropping back and moaning coming out of her.  

This probably only went on for a few minutes but felt like longer than that. Everybody was captivated by Rose being eaten by the hungry and seemingly experienced Amy. Rose knew it, Amy knew it, everyone knew it, the body never lied, Rose was going to climax hard with a combination of excitement, pent up nervousness and great skill from Amy. Rose grabbed Amy’s head, who never separated contact between the mouth from Rose’s lips and pulsated to her when she came – suppressing her own mouth when she moaned out loud. Another long 30 seconds came and went where Amy kept lapping up on Rose until the post-climax sensitivity had enough.

Amy leaned back out from in between Rose’s thighs and was met with Danielle standing next to her. She only quickly gave the edges of her mouth a wipe, as Danielle slid down the panties and held the dress up. Danielle extended an open hand and Amy leaned forward into it.

Amy balanced her own hands on each side of Danielle’s waist and let Danielle guide her head. Her face went into Danielle’s crotch as well, a bit hairier compared to Rose but only in the top area for the nose. Where Amy was licking was clean and musky.

Danielle held Amy’s back of the head with one hand, the other held her dress up. Amy licked her in an upward motion, eating Danielle at an angle. Jacqui recalled among the group; Danielle was always a fan of standing oral. She would sneak in ways to eat or be eaten in situations where it looked like she was getting head.

Amy squeezed Danielle’s ass from behind, and Danielle laughed and made cute comments to the other women about how good Amy was. Jacqui could tell Danielle was just having fun and using Amy, she was not going to build up any time soon joking around like that but just let Amy eat. There was an innocent vibe to this, yet it was using someone’s services.

Kim and Bryony both stood up and lifted their dresses. They were the last ones to take off their panties and right after they walked over to Amy and Danielle. Rose was laid back in her seat and watched everything unfold in front of her.

They both stood on 2 sides surrounding Amy and gently placed their hands on the back of Amy’s head. Amy momentarily turned her head and looked up to both women with an innocent look, the I-just-ate-pussy look. Amy had both of their glistening lips in eyesight, one to the left and the other slightly closer to the right. Amy looked up to Danielle again, gave her lips one more quick smooch and then turned around to Bryony on the right.

Amy did the same thing again, grabbed Bryony from behind and pulled Bryony forward into her face. Amy’s mouth quickly opened again and tasted her third woman that night. Jacqui noticed Amy was loving herself in the moment more and more in less than an hour of meeting them. Amy had 3 women standing around her and Rose sitting in front of her. And all Jacqui could see and hear was moaning and heavy breathing and Amy licking passionately.

And yet again after more than 5 minutes, Amy got startled and interrupted to turn her attention to Kim. Bryony loved grinding herself strongly on Amy’s mouth that Amy sometimes just kept her tongue out and took a break, but Kim needed much more attention. Kim quickly pushed Amy’s mouth into her lips and held it there firmly. Amy had to twirl her tongue with a constant pressure on Kim.

As Amy got into her flow with Kim, Rose slid in a hand through her unbuttoned pants. Jacqui heard Kim moaning and held Amy’s head firmly, Amy herself moaned as she ate and simultaneously got touched. Kim and Bryony were making out with each other while all this was happening, a truly intensifying scene.  

Rose’s other free hand focused its way down Amy’s back into her ass, where a finger went through Amy’s crack and pulled it in closer. Amy moaned loudly onto Kim with a hand in both sides of her pants. Rose made Amy’s body spasm every time her finger pressed on Amy’s brown star in the middle. And when Rose suddenly pushed the finger in, and let it linger inside, still rubbing on Amy, Amy let out a screaming moan. It was long, up to 10 seconds and strong enough to stop her from being able to eat Kim. Amy just rested her face on Kim’s crotch, but could not lick. Amy felt electrical pleasure from the finger in her back and the wet stickiness on her face in her front.

Rose was determined to make Amy come. Kim began rubbing on herself quickly in order to match it. This turned Amy on even more, feeling Kim rub herself right in front of her with the sound and smell and gushing of the wet lips. It did not take long for Amy to come as she almost cried in pleasure, shaking up against Kim with trembling lips and writhing on Rose’s finger still inside her booty. That finger lit her up with pleasure, tingling all around and kept her mind numb.

As Rose took her hands out of Amy’s pants and the other women stood back, Amy remained seated. She caught her breath, hair a bit messy and face visibly wet. When she drank more wine, Jacqui requested Amy to crawl over to her.

Amy gulped a big sip of her drink and crawled over to Jacqui. She slid down Jacqui’s loosened pants and then pushed herself in between Jacqui’s legs. Amy deliberately exposed herself bent over to the other women, eating her fifth woman in succession that night.

Rose was the first to walk over and sat behind Amy who had the pants down to around the folded knees. Jacqui rested her hand on Amy’s head, as Rose’s head leaned into Amy’s booty from behind. Jacqui knew Rose loved ass the most out of everyone.

Rose began licking up and down Amy’s ass crack on top of her panties, firmly squeezed both Amy’s cheeks and licked the middle before letting go. Jacqui lifted her legs and held herself by the knees, same way she used to during sex with her ex. Amy was headfirst lapping away at the slit, Rose pulled Amy’s panties to the side and tasted her booty hole hungrily.

Anyone else want this booty? Rose asked out loud, giant smile on her face.

The others walked over to them and watched and drank more. They sat next to Rose and took turns more than a minute each eating Amy’s ass. They all loved Amy’s clean, pulsating star that just before enjoyed a powerful anal orgasm. It was so relaxed, enjoyed their tongues and very wet itself. Once one had enough of licking Amy’s booty, another giggled and took her place. Jacqui felt like a waterfall, leaking juice on Amy’s mouth while feeling Amy herself moan from below.

Jacqui got off to a minor orgasm, a small tremble compared to how much Jacqui was loving the whole thing. She shivered on Amy’s mouth, riding Amy’s tongue to completion with a decent build up time. It was more about the sight of Amy getting her ass eaten than feeling the actual build up. Still, almost as if Jacqui could not anticipate, she felt the quivers and release as she caressed Amy’s hair with desire.  

Well into their second hour, Bryony led Amy to one of the bedrooms. Amy requested to keep her clothes on and even pulled her pants back up again, still kept them unzipped though. Everyone was very friendly with each other at this point, slightly exhausted from the action. Bryony helped Amy lay down on the bed on her back and climbed on top. Bryony anxiously giggled when she put one leg around Amy’s waist, and hesitated, waiting to see if Amy was OK with this. And yes, she was. Amy even encouraged Bryony to climb up to her face below the mask.

Bryony told Amy to keep her mouth open, teeth out of the way and tongue stuck out. It was time to use Amy’s face as a device to masturbate on, so to speak.

Bryony began to apply pressure on Amy’s face, rocking back and forth and holding Amy’s top of the head to balance. Everyone else sat around and were fingering themselves again, some making out with each other and touching with the free hands. The room went quiet, all you could hear was the munching sound of Amy eating, the music in the other room and some kissing sounds. No talking, just purely women enjoying the moment. Amy touched herself as well with both hands, trusting the women not to straddle her face too roughly.

Jacqui felt herself building up again, this time stronger. She was the closest to Amy and Bryony in the circle, and as Bryony peaked herself from riding on Amy’s mouth Jacqui quickly took her spot after. Jacqui was in a hurry to get her lips to Amy, taking too long would slow down everything she just built up.

Amy quickly continued munching and Jacqui felt like she only needed 30 seconds to have a stronger climax. Whatever she missed out on before, was making up for itself. She was afraid Amy was suffocating, with how much Jacqui felt like she was straddling. Amy’s hands were multitasking her own pleasure, with rubbing and a finger inside and face full of juice.

After Jacqui, Kim took a turn grinding Amy’s mouth fiercely, then Danielle who was much gentler. Kim also only needed a few minutes, but Danielle took longer. The other women were playing with Danielle’s boobs and even had a finger in her backside, but as much as Danielle loved it, she probably already came a few times and needed more time on this one. When she straddled Amy, Danielle also noted how sticky the face felt on her thighs as she sat down.

Amy’s face was completely soaked after Danielle got off, also exhausted. Rose crawled over but faced the other way and climbed on Amy’s face in 69. She lowered herself onto Amy and felt Amy go for her ass. The tongue was quick to lap and twirl around Rose’s middle of the cheeks, and she rocked it back and forth on Amy’s mouth. Amy opened more of her mouth and took in Rose’s ass, feeling Rose pucker up and slide around on her tongue.  

What a beautiful sight this was Jacqui thought, Amy shivered and fingered herself with a face smothered in ass. And Amy let out another long moan, shivering and shaking to an orgasm with Rose on top of her. She pushed her face more into Rose’s ass to stop from breathing for a few seconds while getting off.  

Rose got up from Amy, and they all sat around relaxing for some time. Amy stayed on the bed, smiling and licked her lips and stared at the ceiling. The women sat around her, some kissing and caressing Amy gently. 20 minutes went by, no one spoke and they just spent time enjoying the after glows of orgasms and Amy’s eating.

Amy noticed the time and sat upright in the middle of everyone. She explained how she had to leave soon. It was 3 hours later, and her mouth was too tired to lick anyone anymore. She did encourage those that wanted another orgasm and that could, to get off by themselves one more time and she would help.

Jacqui laughed and tapped out, so did Kim. Too tired to go again, but they remained in the room. The others giggled and started masturbating again.

Amy crawled over to Rose and pushed her to lay down on the bed. And as Rose was fingering herself, Amy lowered her head and found the bottom, Rose’s tasty brown star and ate it again. Amy really dug into it, with tongue inside and even sucked it. She made Rose feel like her ass was being tongue tucked with her legs up in the air. A few minutes of this intensity and Rose shook and quivered into a minor orgasm at Amy’s encouragement.

Bryony and Danielle were well underway themselves, furiously rubbing at their wet slits next to each other waiting for Amy. Bryony already anticipated and lifted her legs to allow Amy access to her hole. Amy did the same thing again, putting her tongue in Bryony’s ass and making the entire area sensitive enough to come from. And minutes later Bryony succumbed again, writhing herself on Amy’s tongue and heavy breathing into an orgasm. Danielle was practically done seeing all of this, all Amy had to do was quickly touch Danielle’s ass for 10 seconds and she gushed some liquid all over Amy’s face. She was riled up from since it was Rose’s turn.

That was it, the group was officially done with their final orgasm. They lingered around for another minute or so and then stood up. Amy fixed her clothes and went in the bathroom to freshen up. Everyone drank more back on the couch and wore their dresses again.  

Jacqui cooked a frozen pizza in the apartment’s oven when Amy returned. Amy was shy but friendly, still with her mask on in front of them. She did not seem caught up in the idea of what just happened, that was a moment of pleasure and desire that did not need to be discussed.

The group openly talked it. Everyone ate pizza like friends and giggled at what they had just done. Amy explained she had to go back home again so it would not get too suspicious coming home late. She explained how even though they were her mom’s age, she really enjoyed the taste of women and got off on the feeling of the bodies reacting and building up to what she did. She loved the power.  

A stage in Amy’s life that may seen funny now, but everyone silently agreed. They all at some stage have been there before. When they were younger, obsessed with the female sexuality and how a woman tasted. Their own chance encounters in bars and through social networks, exploring different situations and flavors.

Amy came back, two more times after. But since then cancelled on 2 occasions because she started a relationship with a guy. She still says she will rain check and come back again, but for now the Group is without her. And they have reposted their ad again, reworded some of it. Hoping to see if a new girl will join them.

We hope you enjoy the other lesbian sex stories from Season 1.

For more about Jacqui check out How a Mature Lesbian Group of Friends with Benefits Invited a New Girl for Sex with extra articles and Pornhub videos.

Have you got any experiences like Jacqui’s or moments where you were part of group of girls fooling around? Tell us about them. Read Me Tonight Lesbian Sex Stories.

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