Bonnie Goes to a Rap Concert

Read Me Tonight Season 2 – Story 3

Bonnie (21), a student in Dallas, found herself stuck in the friend zone with a guy she had grown up with and developed feelings for. Determined to impress him, she took him to see his favourite rapper live, only to have her efforts backfire when he began flirting with another girl right in front of her. Crushed and heartbroken, Bonnie found herself seeking comfort in the arms of a seductive bar girl, who opened her eyes to a completely new world and an experience she had never even considered before.

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Bonnie Goes to a Rap Concert Read Me Tonight Lesbian Sex Stories
Source Amazon: Bonnie Goes to a Rap Concert

Read Time: 21 Minutes

Bonnie was a 21-year-old American student who was thriving in her new life on campus in Dallas, TX. Born and raised in Tennessee, Bonnie had a naturally bubbly and curious personality that made her easy to get along with. Her passion for language led her to study Advanced English, with hopes of pursuing a career in the field. Away from the watchful eye of her parents, Bonnie relished the freedom of college life and fully immersed herself in this exciting new chapter.

While most of her childhood friends had scattered to other cities, Bonnie found herself in Dallas with just one other friend from her circle: Richard, the son of her mom’s best friend. Growing up, he bothered her, but as they spent more time together, she found herself warming up to him. 

Bonnie’s friends had a nickname for her: Elle, inspired by her striking resemblance to Reese Witherspoon’s character in the movie. With her blonde hair, petite figure, and penchant for girly clothes, Bonnie certainly fit the bill. However, as she grew older, her interests evolved and she found herself more drawn to Miley Cyrus. Embracing a more mature and edgy aesthetic, Bonnie began to see herself less as the sweet and innocent Elle and more as a bold and confident version of herself.

For as long as she could remember, Bonnie had regarded Richard as extended family, the brother she never had. In their younger days, they would spend hours watching cartoons or playing video games like Tomb Raider, Sims, and even GTA. As they both grew older, Bonnie noticed that Richard was developing into a kind of guy that other girls would swoon over. But strangely, she never felt any romantic attraction to him herself. Through all of their teenage flings and crushes, Bonnie and Richard managed to maintain their friendship. 

Bonnie’s perception of Richard underwent a sudden and dramatic shift in the months leading up to their move to Dallas. Once a skinny, somewhat Sheldon kind of nerdy guy, Richard had transformed into a bona fide hunk in the vein of John Krasinski. To make matters worse, he exuded a newfound maturity that Bonnie found both captivating and frustrating. As she settled into her new life in Dallas, Bonnie leaned heavily on Richard for support and companionship, tapping into his expertise in everything from report writing to cooking. The more time they spent together, the more Bonnie’s feelings for Richard deepened – only to be met with a crushing realization: she was firmly entrenched in the friend zone. It was a bittersweet situation, made all the more poignant by the fact that Bonnie was, in many ways, the sister Richard had never had.

Their friendship was not always a bed of roses, though – Bonnie had to help him put out fires on more than one occasion, fires Richard caused by his unfaithful behavior with various girlfriends. While these moments frustrated Bonnie and left her sympathizing with the jilted women, they also awakened an older-sisterly protective instinct in her. As she comforted Richard through these stressful times, Bonnie also began to see him as a desirable catch – a hunky piece of man that other women wanted to be with. The intimacy between them grew even stronger, despite the fact that Bonnie’s own romantic feelings remained unrequited.

Another thing that often annoyed Bonnie was Richard’s taste in current rap music. He was into rappers who often decided not to rap in favor of yelling and high-energy mosh pit anthems that might be great at concerts, but not so much when they were trying to study together for exams with music blaring from tiny laptop speakers. And when Richard would belt out random catch phrases along with the music, it could be downright cringe-worthy – “Hundred on my wrist, Eighty on my wrist, D Rose D Rose D Rose D Rose!”

After many spirited debates, they finally settled on two rappers who stood out from the rest, and who did not annoy Bonnie as much. Ski Mask the Slump God and the late XXX were their picks, and despite not being a fan of the genre, Bonnie could not deny their songs.

When Bonnie discovered that Ski Mask was scheduled to perform in Dallas, she eagerly bought tickets for her and Richard. Not only was Richard not seeing anyone at the time, but his birthday was also coming up. Bonnie was determined to make a move and show Richard how much she cared for him, and Ski Mask seemed like the ideal occasion for a fun night out with just the two of them. Although Bonnie had never before attempted to capture his attention romantically, her instincts told her that this concert was the perfect opportunity to do so.

Bonnie went above and beyond by even organizing a surprise birthday dinner party for Richard with their mutual friends on campus. She gave the concert tickets as a gift in front of everyone, hoping to impress him with her thoughtfulness. Richard’s excitement was evident as he eagerly anticipated hearing his favorite songs played live amidst the moshing crowd of fans. Bonnie felt a sense of satisfaction as she basked in Richard’s gratitude, feeling like she had truly succeeded in spoiling him twice.

But she still had not made her ‘move’ yet. Despite spending more time together in the weeks leading up to the concert, Bonnie could not shake the feeling that it maybe was not the right time to make a romantic move. She hoped that Richard might develop feelings for her organically, but their time together remained platonic and lacked any truly intimate moments that could have taken their relationship to the next level.

Bonnie felt like she was making progress at times, where they seemed to be deeply connected. It showed in their messages, as well as when they hung out and helped each other. However, every now and then, Richard would still disappoint her by bringing up problems he was having with other girls he talked to. This brought her right back to the familiar, friendly position she had grown accustomed to. Though she hid her disappointment from him, it would keep her up at night.

She held onto the hope that the excitement and energy of the concert, along with a few drinks, might finally bring them closer. Plus, Richard was not seriously seeing anyone in the time leading up to the night, which gave Bonnie even more reason to believe that there was a chance for something more between them.

A week before, Richard shared a Ski Mask playlist with Bonnie to help her familiarize herself with the songs. Although she was not a personal fan of the rapper, she had bought the tickets to impress Richard. It was helpful to feel more prepared for the night ahead.

Fortunately, there were several songs in the playlist that Bonnie genuinely enjoyed. However, there were also some high-energy tracks that seemed tailor-made for wild mosh pits at live concerts, which Richard seemed to love the most. Bonnie had no plans to ruin his fun and decided to let him mosh in peace with the other guys.

Bonnie hoped that Richard would appreciate the effort she had put into getting the tickets and familiarizing herself with Ski Mask’s music. She was psyching herself up for a loud concert, but ultimately looked forward to spending some 1-on-1 time with Richard, especially afterwards.

On the day of the concert, Richard arrived at Bonnie’s door in a gentleman-like manner to pick her up for their date. They decided to grab a bite to eat before heading to the venue and joining the line to get in.

When they entered the venue, she quickly noticed the positive atmosphere among the fans. Another rapper was working the crowd, getting everyone excited and pumped up as they walked around searching for a spot to watch from.

Bonnie let Richard take the lead, as he seemed to be searching for the perfect spot to experience the bass in the room. He was not as talkative as he was outside, smiling at her a couple of times but also scanning the room frequently.

“You want a drink?” Bonnie asked, trying to strike up a conversation.

“Yeah, let me get us the first round, cider for you?” Richard replied.

Bonnie nodded. Richard gently tapped her on the shoulder and flashed her a smile, suggesting that she wait for him as he went to the bar to get the drinks.

She felt a surge of confidence. They were both in high spirits, and she had put effort into looking great for the night. She hoped Richard would notice, just like others seemed to, judging by their discreet looks.

Donning black skinny jeans, sneakers, and a red top that stopped at the belly button, Bonnie showcased her curves with confidence. She was not sure what the most appropriate attire for a mosh pit would be, but when she saw other girls in the crowd, she was relieved to see that she was not underdressed. 

Unfortunately, Bonnie’s positive spirits were quickly crushed as her gut feeling prompted her to look over at the bar, only to find that Richard had not returned yet, even after three songs. She spotted him standing next to the bar with two drinks in his hands, but also with another girl leaning in closely and engaged in animated conversation with him.

Bonnie thought the girl appeared to be a bit drunk and eager to dance with Richard, while he just smiled back and stood his ground. It crossed Bonnie’s mind that perhaps Richard needed some help getting rid of the girl. With determination, Bonnie made up her mind and decided to walk over. As she approached, she could not help but notice that the girl was dressed similarly to her, with different-colored hair and sneakers.

Richard noticed Bonnie approaching and smiled but did not introduce her to the girl. Instead, he leaned in and handed her the cider – 

“We started talking at the bar, I think she likes me, you don’t mind if I go get another drink with her, do you? I’ll be back before Ski…”

As he assumptively spoke to her, Bonnie thought she suddenly tasted grief in her mouth. Like her saliva changed. 

Richard seemed ignorant of how sharply his words cut Bonnie. She tensed her facial muscles, holding the appearance that ‘she did not mind’ – but she did. Any hopes for intimacy were crushed, it dawned on her just how much time she wasted on trying to get him to notice her feelings. Richard – the Dick. 

Shortly after, Richard turned around, put a hand on the new girl’s shoulder and walked back towards the bar. Bonnie watched him walk away through the crowd, her shoulders slouching and her face souring with disappointment. She felt unsure of what to do, suddenly finding herself alone at a concert where everyone else seemed to be paired up or in groups.

Fortunately, Bonnie’s eyes caught sight of another bar in the distance, on a raised part of the room that served as a back balcony with a view of the stage. It appeared to be less crowded and even had a few available seats.

Feeling defeated and lacking the energy to scan the room for a new spot, Bonnie retreated to the less crowded bar. She felt alone, sipping her cider quickly in an attempt to distract herself from the negative thoughts swirling in her mind. Avoiding most eye contact, she stared tensely at her drink, taking big sips as if trying to suppress her feelings.

Bonnie lost track of time until she realized her cider was empty, snapping her out of her trance. She paused her angry thoughts about the Dick and looked up, scanning the bar for where to get another drink.

Surprisingly, a girl who worked at the bar was already looking at her. Their eyes met like magnets, and Bonnie felt intimidated by her unreadable expression. The girl’s face appeared stern, with no smile, but her eyes exuded a gentle charisma that seemed to care for Bonnie. Unsure if the girl sympathized with her sadness or thought Bonnie was too drunk for another drink, she hesitated for a moment.

The girl never broke eye contact as she slowly approached Bonnie’s side of the bar. 

“Hey, what can I get you?” The girl asked Bonnie with a sudden friendly smile, instantly perking her up.

“A cider please” – Bonnie replied carefully and handed back the empty one, trying to match the girl’s smile. 

When the girl returned with the drink, Bonnie reached for her wallet, but the girl gestured that it was not necessary.

“My manager is at the main bar because Ski Mask is starting soon. I can give this to you but don’t tell anyone. It looks like you need it, you ok?” The girl asked curiously, wanting to talk.

Bonnie’s eyes widened in surprise. It struck her that someone she didn’t even know cared more about her feelings than the Dick, whom she had grown up with and was supposedly close to.

“I’ll be fine, just the usual dealing with disrespect from guys, you know…” – Bonnie replied and paused for the girl to talk again. 

“Yeah, I used to” – The girl replied and threw the comment back at Bonnie to continue. 

“See? But thank you so much though, I’m happy to pay. I don’t want to get you in trouble” – Bonnie replied humbled.

“It’s fine. So, are you here for Ski Mask, or as a date with this guy? Or both?” The girl asked. Bonnie glanced over at the rest of the bar and the crowd, realizing that most were eagerly anticipating the rapper’s intro.

“He was my date; he likes the rapper, and I wanted to impress him for his birthday. But as we speak, he’s smooching up to some other girl he just met. Ahh, it’s complicated. We grew up together as friends first,” Bonnie explained, but fumbled in the end, feeling a mix of frustration and disappointment.

“You were friends, you got feelings first, he didn’t, now he thinks it’s cool to flirt with other girls in front of you because he thinks it’s innocent?” The girl interrupted and filled in the rest. 

Bonnie froze and looked back at the girl in awe. It was astonishing how much this stranger seemed to understand about Bonnie just by staring into her eyes. The girl spoke with a caring authority that emotionally resonated with Bonnie at the right place and right time. It was as if she had a keen insight into Bonnie’s situation, and her words struck a chord, drawing her in.

“Yeah pretty much” – Bonnie admitted.

“So why don’t you do the same? He sounds like he won’t expect it” – The girl asked with genuine curiosity.

As Bonnie heard the question, she also felt an insanely loud rumbling in the room. She also heard loud singing – “This ain’t that bih, that ain’t this!”  

As soon as Ski Mask took the stage, the energy in the room shifted instantly. The rapper’s performance ignited a wild party atmosphere that reverberated through the entire venue, even reaching Bonnie all the way at the other bar. 

“Wow, sorry, this just turned up for me, I feel a bit nervous” – Bonnie managed to say, feeling her head throb with the bass and the aftermath of downing two ciders in quick succession. She managed a smile at the girl but found herself unable to concentrate and respond to the question.

“That’s alright, I’ll come with you to freshen up. The first thirty minutes of a main act’s show are usually slower for us at the bar,” the girl proposed confidently, leaving Bonnie feeling as though a response was not necessary.

The girl made her way to the other side of the bar, informed a coworker she was taking a break, and slipped through a small doorway into the crowd. She walked past Bonnie, gave a wink, and carried on. Bonnie seemed to understand her almost telepathically, trailing behind the girl as they navigated through the hallways towards the women’s bathrooms at the far end of the venue.

As two other girls exited the bathrooms, Bonnie and the bar girl slipped in just before the door shut. They approached the sinks and turned on the water. Though the bathroom was relatively quiet, neither of them spoke for a moment, simply listening to the muffled, pulsating music that reverberated through the walls while they rinsed their hands. Soon, another girl emerged from a cubicle, used the third sink, and then left, seemingly oblivious to their presence.

Once it appeared that they were alone, Bonnie could sense the girl’s eyes on her through the mirror’s reflection. The girl’s empathetic demeanor returned, capturing Bonnie’s more vulnerable side.

“Feel better?” The girl asked. 

“Definitely” – Bonnie replied quickly. 

“You sure?” The girl followed up.

“Yes,” Bonnie again replied, her eyes widening as she met the girl’s gaze through the mirror.

“Would you trust me?” The girl asked inquisitively. 

Bonnie nodded, and while maintaining eye contact, she turned off the water.

“What?” The girl asked more directly.

“Yes, I would trust…” – Bonnie hesitated, not wanting to say the word ‘you.’ 

The girl also turned off the water and took a step closer. She gently guided Bonnie by the shoulders to face her.

Bonnie looked back at the girl, her expression a blend of intimidation and fascination. With one hand on Bonnie’s shoulder, the girl tenderly brushed the hair away from her face, tucking it behind her ears.

“Precious little sweetheart, aren’t you? What a real Dick to disrespect you” – The girl said instinctively.

“Wh-wh-what’s your name?” Bonnie mumbled and tried to change the topic.  

“Do you really need to know?” the girl replied playfully, giving Bonnie a confident look that required no further explanation.

“Come with me,” the girl requested, taking Bonnie’s hands delicately and guiding her towards one of the cubicles. Unobserved by anyone else, the music continued loudly through the walls. 

Bonnie clasped her hands, apprehensive about what the bar girl had planned. As the cubicle door closed behind her, she felt two hands assertively pressing against her shoulders. The girl’s dominant energy might have made Bonnie uncomfortable on any other night, but in that moment, it was intoxicatingly seductive, offering an emotional escape. Venturing into uncharted territory, Bonnie found herself pleasantly surprised with each passing moment she continued to go along with it.

The bar girl slowly turned Bonnie around and traced her fingers delicately along Bonnie’s hands.

“I don’t have much time, but I can sense that the confusing lust you’re feeling is tied to your pent-up stress tonight. Will you trust me to help release it?” – The girl asked Bonnie gently, her voice soothing. As she caressed Bonnie’s face and lips, she elicited a more primal arousal. 

Bonnie simply nodded, closing her eyes in response.

Her heightened senses detected the girl’s body drawing nearer, radiating warmth and culminating in their lips meeting for a tender kiss. Bonnie froze and processed how it all felt, what feeling overcame her and how she would respond. But somehow that part slowly receded into the background, her eyes relaxed and the state of mind turned to chasing an unknown but welcome pleasure. 

Bonnie entrusted the bar girl with her first intimate encounter with another girl, reciprocating the kiss. Each interlocking of their lips was succulent, tender, and delightful. The sensation caused Bonnie’s body to tingle and her nipples to harden.

The bar girl gently unzipped Bonnie’s pants and pulled them open. With one hand, she tenderly caressed the fabric of Bonnie’s panties, while her other hand reached around from behind to grasp a handful of Bonnie’s curves. Their kisses remained unbroken, a continuous connection throughout the encounter.

The skillful movement of the girl’s hands sent shivers up Bonnie’s spine as her fingers pressed against the fabric of the panties, teasing Bonnie’s most sensitive area. 

Succumbing to the pleasurable sensations, Bonnie momentarily broke their kisses to release soft moans and catch her breath. Unconsciously, her body swayed in response to the girl’s touch, seeking even more of the unexpected intimacy.

“Let’s see what Mr. Insensitive would have missed out on tonight” – The girl confidently said, taking her hand out from Bonnie’s pants.

The bar girl dipped down to kneel in front of Bonnie and parted the unbuttoned flaps of the pants, creating more space to see the front of the panties. She leaned forward and passionately inhaled when she was close enough to get a scent of Bonnie. 

“Damn, you smell so good” – The girl said, as if she was sampling Bonnie. 

After a few tender whiffs and kisses, the girl deliberately parted the fabric and glided her tongue along Bonnie’s most intimate area. Caught off guard, Bonnie opened her eyes in astonishment, looking down at the girl below her.

What Bonnie witnessed was a display of unbridled passion for eating crotch and it turned her world upside down. Overwhelmed, she held her own head at an angle, her eyes closed once more. The sensation of being pleasured in this way for the first time both shocked and intrigued her. The girl’s touch was akin to a hungry cat’s—gentle, yet insistent—eliciting an enjoyable, almost ticklish feeling that never quite crossed the line into discomfort.

Bonnie leaned her head back against the wall, her hips instinctively pressing forward against the mouth that tantalized her. Though it felt like an eternity, a mere couple of minutes had passed. Waves of electric pleasure pulsed through Bonnie as the girl eagerly lapped up her most sensitive area.

With her eyes closed and attuned to her body, Bonnie felt spasms coursing wildly through her abdominal and thigh muscles. The sensation of release caught her off guard, causing her to look down at the girl, concerned about making a mess. Thankfully, it was all in her imagination. The girl stopped licking her and looked back up with a satisfied smile across the face.

The girl rose to her feet and embraced Bonnie in a kiss, inadvertently causing Bonnie to taste herself as any lingering juicy remnants mingled on the girl’s cheeks.

“I won’t ask you to do the same; I’m not even sure you’d know how. But here, kneel down. I want to leave my scent on you. If you run into that guy again, it doesn’t matter, let him catch a whiff of my fragrance on you. You wouldn’t mind that, would you?” – The girl’s commanding tone once again appealed to Bonnie’s submissive nature that night.

Bonnie nodded, staring at the bar girl’s chest rather than making eye contact. 

“Speak up” – The girl requested. 

“No, I wouldn’t mind” – Bonnie replied urgently and went along with it. 

Moments later, Bonnie hesitated again as the bar girl’s hands applied gentle pressure on her shoulders, encouraging her to kneel. With careful movements, she lowered herself and, almost instinctively, started to unbutton the girl’s pants.

“Good girl, I’ll open them up and lower them a bit so you can get a good mouthful soon” – The girl ordered seductively. 

As the pants came undone, the girl tugged down her panties as well, revealing an intimate area with delicate lips that Bonnie had only ever seen online. She marveled at the way the curves traced the contours of the girl’s lower abdomen, and how hairless and well-maintained everything appeared. A fresh, clean scent—reminiscent of lavender and mint—greeted Bonnie’s nostrils. The fragrance was pleasant and had a hint of citrus.

“Look at me. I’m going to get myself ready, and when I say so, you’ll suck on me, alright?” – The girl asked and instructed.

“Yes, I will” – Bonnie replied. In hindsight, that moment felt like an out-of-body experience. 

The girl hastily rubbed on herself, parting her lower lips in Bonnie’s face while her other hand moved purposefully. Bonnie heard the juicy swishes among the bass rumbles in the background and smelled the aroused aroma coming off the girl. It was intoxicatingly sweet. 

Moments later, the girl’s body tensed, her grip firmer. With her eyes rolling back in her head, she plunged her fingers more forcefully into herself. Bonnie sensed that it was almost time to get involved.

As the girl started to quiver slightly, Bonnie instinctively leaned forward, positioning her mouth beneath the girl’s hand. She felt the motion brushing against her nose and droplets of juice landing on her lips.

“Yes, now” – The girl moaned with urgency.

As the hand withdrew, Bonnie found herself with an unobstructed path to place her mouth on the girl’s aroused and glistening slit. Tentatively at first, she increased her pace after the third attempt. She had no choice, as the bar girl firmly grasped her head, pressing her crotch against Bonnie’s face. Though it made her feel used, the sensation of being so intimately connected provided a sense of emotional solace. The slick texture coated Bonnie’s tongue, seemingly responding to her mouth in a way that felt almost communicative. The experience was bewildering, yet Bonnie intuitively understood what she needed to do.

In Bonnie’s mind, she experienced a different kind of pleasure—not physical, but through her other senses. She felt a connection with the bar girl’s pussy and instinctively knew what to do and when. To her surprise, Bonnie discovered that she was a natural at it.

Once the girl’s inevitable trembling subsided, she stepped back and leaned against the wall to recover from the quickie. Bonnie rose to her feet, nervously fixing her clothing.

The girl also fixed her clothes, offering Bonnie a friendly smile as if the dominant energy had completely disappeared.

“I’ll give you my number. Just message me when you want more, alright? I won’t message you first” – The girl proposed.

Bonnie agreed, and deep down, she knew she would reach out. That first encounter, even though it took place in a bathroom at a rap concert, had been incredibly enjoyable, and it piqued her curiosity to try again.

The girl left first, sharing a quick kiss with Bonnie. Two minutes later, Bonnie followed suit. She paused for a moment by the sink, contemplating whether to wash up, but then recalled the bar girl’s earlier words about the fragrance and all. She walked out without washing up and looked at her phone.

Dick did send her a message asking where she was, but only a few minutes before she had left the bathroom. Throughout the time she spent there and earlier at the bar by herself, he did not bother to check on her.

Bonnie replied, informing him that she did not wait for him and had gone home. Her interest in him had vanished for good. In the days that followed, her thoughts were consumed by the bar girl.

She discovered a new side of herself, awakened by a girl she barely knew. This revelation made her feel more alive and sexual than ever, liberating her from the confines of the friend zone.

We hope you enjoy the other lesbian sex stories from our series.

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