Adriana Joins the Eat Club

Read Me Tonight Season 1 – Story 16

Adriana (33), was a Mexican from Los Angeles who as a student supported herself working in bars until she met an older woman who ran The Eat Club. Find out how by joining the club Adriana’s world changed, how she discovered her lesbian passions and how the relationships she made with the discreet VIPs helped her professionally.

18+ Disclaimer – All rights reserved by Read Me Tonight, please contact for permission to use any parts of the work. And as always, enjoy yourselves, but make sure you are old enough.

Adriana Joins the Eat Club Read Me Tonight Lesbian Sex Stories
Source Amazon: Adriana Joins the Eat Club

Read Time: 35 Minutes

Adriana (33) is a dedicated events coordinator from Los Angeles who in the past few years slowly established herself in the world of corporate events and parties. She was well-liked and most considered her pretty and voluptuous, but it took her a few years to master what she could do with the opportunities she had.

She grew up in East Los Angeles after her parents permanently moved from Mexico when she was young. It felt like her home and she saw herself as a proud local.

Her cheeks and lips were naturally rich, and she had medium-long brown hair to match. She liked when people mixed her with Jessica Alba and Selena Gomez, an association Adriana proudly wore.

Things were on the upswing in her career recently, but they have not always been that way. Adriana came from humble beginnings and saw her parents endure hardships. It gave her a strong motivation in life to do well and she used her opportunities to make the most of her personality and degree.

Adriana learned the value of work early on when she helped her mother with a cleaning business at various upscale houses and apartments around LA. After school she used to help with the day’s last 2 clients who were not quite the rich of the Hollywood Hills but were still far better off than other parts of LA Adriana saw growing up.

It was hard work, but Adriana remembered it fondly. Her mother was part of group of experienced cleaners with regular clients. They organised their own cleaning services and built a loyal network. Their kids like Adriana helped and earned some cash for themselves.

When Adriana was old enough, she began a university degree in LA and found her own jobs on the side. Starting with waitress jobs she moved around from restaurants and cafes. It was her plan of trying to make something of herself.

After a string of badly underpaid restaurant jobs and one particularly unsavory cafe with sleazy male customers, Adriana struck gold with a swanky cafe that served fusion Thai and Korean food to a mostly female local crowd. It felt a bit far from where she lived when she started the job, but it was a much-needed change at the time and it also paid better.

That job was a pivotal moment for Adriana. It changed aspects of her life in a positive way – forever. Like a breath of fresh air, she felt a positivity and gained confidence from her surprisingly friendly and inclusive new colleagues. The experience also helped with her grades, general motivation and improved her financial situation. Plus, the tips were the real saving grace, especially in her twenties at the time.

Many of the female customers were flirtatious and seemed to be lesbian or bisexual at the very least. Adriana even stood out among her other colleagues by being mostly straight herself. It was an interesting dynamic.

The customers regularly chatted with her when taking the orders. Adriana even began noticing return visitors. And getting tips after playful banter with them inspired new areas of Adriana’s sexuality. Previously never interested in girls intimately, everything changed for Adriana with the new job. She started enjoying the company from the regulars and her colleagues, and if she got home a bit drunk her mind often drifted to sexual thoughts about some of them. It would trigger an intense fingering that faded into sleep and was often ignored by Adriana the next day. Inexperienced and confused, Adriana initially suppressed these thoughts for months.  

On the weekends the cafe often had a quiet brunch period with mostly couples on dates or people by themselves getting just coffee. After 1 pm things got busier. Adriana used the morning to catch up on her studies or if there was not much to do, speculated and people-watched to guess what the customers were doing or talking about.

One quiet Sunday changed the course of her life – when Adriana found out about the Eat Club.

Seated at one table were a mature woman and younger girl closer to Adriana’s age. The woman wore a black work dress and white shirt with matching glasses, somewhere in her mid to late forties. Adriana thought she looked like someone from a law firm or corporate head office with tied up dark hair and stern eyes.

The other girl wore a smart casual combination of a black skirt and red open blouse. She was darker skinned with matching dark hair, Adriana thought it was exotic and perhaps Filipina influenced. The girl also wore black leggings and wrote intently into a notepad on their table. Adriana thought she looked like an assistant writing down notes from a meeting, and quickly became much more interested in the woman.

The woman did most of the talking and they both ordered coffee and avocado toast. Adriana secretly felt mesmerized by the woman. They were probably there for work, but Adriana’s imagination ran wild with the idea that the woman and the girl were dating. And at some point, the woman gave Adriana a couple of looks that caught her off guard. Adriana was either caught staring or the woman wanted to get the bill, it snapped Adriana out of the daydream.

Adriana was drawn to the woman’s dominant eyes, how she had a teacher’s charm and yet a bossy sexual energy. The third time their eyes met Adriana cracked and nervously smiled. For the first time in her straight life, another woman made her feel nervously aroused. And that third time the woman also cracked a smile back. Adriana fumbled around with her orders, pretending to work.

Adriana hated that the woman knew she was caught staring. It made her feel like an awkward teenager lusting for a teacher.

Moments later the woman gestured for Adriana to bring the bill. Adriana mustered up a friendly reply and walked over promptly to the woman’s table. The Filipina girl turned around with a neutral facial expression. She looked innocent and young in the face, also a bit shy. Most of the eye contact was with the woman.

Adriana handed the woman the bill and she immediately handed her back a hundred dollar note. Keep the rest – Adriana heard accompanied with a friendly smile from the woman.

When Adriana sorted out their table and plates, she noticed the 2 were still seated. She kept trying to look over discreetly without being noticed by the woman.

But the woman stared back at Adriana almost every time she tried, and after a few times seductively placed a hand on the Filipina girl’s bended knee. The hand gently rubbed up the Filipina’s leg almost up to the panties, and never broke eye contact with her.

Adriana froze wide-eyed.

After a bit of teasing, the 2 casually stood up and made their way for the exit. The Filipina first passed Adriana’s counter, then the woman. When she approached, the woman said goodbye to Adriana with a cheeky grin and handed a business card.

Adriana took it and replied kindly.

Only you check it out and let me know if you’re keen – The woman said as she briefly touched Adriana’s hand, then left the café.

Adriana froze again.

She smiled but said nothing. And her first response was to put the card safely away in her pocket. Making sure no one else saw it. She would read it later when the coast was clear.

Later that day after work, back at the apartment she rented with a friend from university, she opened her laptop.

The business card was a warm and deep-colored red, with on one side the Rolling Stones mouth logo and on the other side in a matching custom font a description of something called The Eat Club.

Kittens – Pets – Slaves – Daughters – Side Girls – Subs

We are here for you.

Cougars – Teachers – Masters – MILFs – Clients – Tops

Here for you to enjoy.

M – (phone number)

-Eat Club Forum link-

When Adriana logged in as a Guest, she could only read posts but not interact. But they all described what people wanted to do and where and when. Sexual activities and all women. Adriana excitedly scrolled through the list and had a wide smile across her face.

They appeared to look like personal ads from various girls and women that worshiped other girls sexually. It seemed with a lot of oral involved and whatever else they were comfortable with.

Adriana felt herself become wetter inside the panties. She dampened reading all the posts and scenarios they suggested. Some of them even had pictures and they were HOT! For someone as curious and closeted as Adriana was at that time, she could have easily masturbated to just reading the posts for weeks. But then she noticed Guest users could not log back in multiple times.  

The next day she still had that newfound confident feeling about secretly exploring her girl on girl fantasies. That Eat Club was the potential solution to her complex sexuality.

Adriana decided to text the M from the business card. And M replied within the hour, immediately suggesting a video call.

It took Adriana 10 minutes to decide before agreeing.  

It was late in the morning just before lunch time when M rang Adriana’s number. Adriana picked up but did not speak first. She was getting ready to go out for food and to enjoy a day off from work that following Monday. When the call connected, she saw the woman from the cafe sitting in what looked like a quiet office space. The woman had the hair done the same way but wore different clothes than what Adriana remembered.

Hey, glad you called – The woman broke the ice.

Hi – Adriana managed to say. She was nervous and giggled. Unsure about what she was doing.

I noticed you were looking yesterday and showed you the card. What did you think? The woman asked.

I read through the posts, yes. Is that where you met that girl you were with? Adriana curiously replied.

Yes, it’s a little community I’ve helped build for a while now with a few partners. We get girls posting and replying on a weekly basis for all sorts of fun stuff. It’s invite-only and I need to grant you a permission code for membership. Nothing too heavy and illegal – The woman casually explained.

Adriana was warming up to the idea listening to the woman explain the Club. She nodded along with an increasing level of interest.

I’ll need to sit down with you first before I can give you the permission code. What do you think, interested to join? You seemed flirty yesterday in a shy and straight-curious kind of way, which a lot of women will like – The woman followed up.

Adriana audibly laughed on the video call and stopped once she heard herself on the other end.

I’m kind of interested, yeah, but new to this – Adriana managed to mumble after a few anxious seconds of silence. It was a new side of hers she was exploring.

Good, when can you see me Downtown? I have this evening free for a couple of hours if that works – The woman suggested.

That works, I will be free later – Adriana confirmed after another moment of silence.

The woman further explained that, if it was a sexual curiosity type of thing for Adriana, they did not have to get to know each other too personally. A lot of especially the younger girls that post on the Club, just want to eat pussy sometimes without the judgment and labels for orientation or slutty behavior. It was all up to Adriana to explore in the ways she felt most comfortable.

Every member got personally verified by M or the partners and they did not allow for any dangerous or illicit activities.

M herself had 3 regular Side Girls, including that Filipino girl, that she met with and recruited for more girls such as Adriana with curiously acquired tastes for women. She liked being called M – a nod to being in charge of a network of lesbian freaks and sexy ‘spies’.

Adriana soaked up the information and smiled with an unfamiliar passion stirring inside. Happily nodding along and agreeing with the woman.

I’ll text you the details of where to meet me. See you later – The woman finished up their call.

Adriana clutched her phone and felt an anxious combination of naughty and nervous. Like a schoolgirl caught masturbating with her panties down by an older lesbian classmate. She was probably going to enjoy exploring, but it would feel awkward and weird in the beginning.

As Adriana had lunch, she got the text from M about a bar and restaurant Downtown she knew. They would meet there to discuss joining the Club.  

Adriana replied and confirmed. Making it an official plan for that day.

She spent the rest of the afternoon out and about. If she were back at home, she could talk herself out of going from being too nervous or lazy, so it was best to stay active.

Half an hour before she was supposed to meet M Adriana’s nerves really kicked in. She had sweaty palms and her inner shy voice awakened loudly. She decided to go early and find another nearby place for a pre-drink. Hopefully to calm herself with one in already before the meeting.  

5 minutes early, M texted she was already there. Adriana quickly finished her pint of beer and picked up the courage to find M waiting for her outside the bar.

Adriana wore a light brown jacket with a white top, jeans, and matching boots. Casual but still tried to impress. She spotted M and approached her quietly. M greeted first.  

M also wore a white top but with matching black jacket and skirt. The high heels looked expensive, red-bottomed and M had a link in one hand. She looked stunning which was intimidating for Adriana’s curiosity. To pull off such a sexy and mature look was something Adriana hoped to have later in life. What must the other members look like if they were all hand-picked as M claimed – Adriana wondered excitedly.  

They walked inside together after greeting and were immediately assigned a table and menus.

Adriana quickly felt comfortable talking to M face to face. She asked a lot of questions and M happily answered them all. It was pleasant and reassuring that the Club seemed to be real and managed by a friendly and passionate woman.

Adriana was impressed by the female-operated site and steadily growing interest. Profiles had mandatory photo requirements for most, but some were VIP and allowed some anonymity. Even more intriguing.

What do you think? M asked towards the end of their meal when Adriana had no further questions.

I’m interested – Adriana replied, much more confident than before.

Ok, good. Let’s go back to one of my nearby offices, I’ll get the bill. You have a quick test to pass and that gets you the membership – M said, trying to get a waiter’s attention.

What test is that? Adriana asked curiously.

Eat me. I need to know you will go through with this before making you a member – M explained matter of fact.  

Before Adriana could reply, a waiter interrupted them with the bill and took away their drinks. M stood up and reached for her jacket.

Adriana followed her outside and still had not replied. M paid with her card on the way out and assumptively started walking in the direction of her office.

And as Adriana tried to catch up to M, she stopped having the urge to reply. She followed M quietly down the street until they stopped at an office building.

In here. You know what’s expected when we go in there, right? Just to make sure – M cautiously spoke, testing the waters.

Adriana paused for a moment. M looked at her with a caring and warm expression, it soothed any remaining doubts Adriana still had.

Yeah, I need to eat you. Sure – Adriana replied, putting on confidence that she did not have.

M smiled and reached for the office swipe card in the wallet. They went inside and took the lift several floors up. The hallways were dark, but Adriana saw it was a professional suite-style shared office space. They were the only ones there at that time of the night.  

M took Adriana to the far corner of the office to a suite at the end of a smaller separated row. She turned some desk lights on while Adriana took her jacket off and folded it on one of the chairs. M also turned the laptop on, the unobstructed background view was of a small park across the street. The office itself looked corporate and had a rented feel to it, there was nothing personal there from M except for the laptop and some light paperwork.

While the laptop was getting ready M sat down and looked over at Adriana.

Adriana stood next to the chair holding her folded jacket. It was almost showtime and she felt the anticipation. Throughout the night the moment seemed far away and something they were still hypothetically talking about. Suddenly, Adriana was alone in an office with M, about to eat her first woman. Many of the regulars at the cafe told her about it, she also fantasized about it many drunken nights and looked up a few videos here and there. An increasing feeling of relief came over her though, like when waiting for something finally happens and the fantasy becomes a reality.

How would you like to do this? M asked curiously.

Not sure – Adriana replied and paused to shuffle her body around.

You’ll need to think about what your style is. You can post or reply but they all can request different things according to what they like doing – M explained.

What would you recommend for me? Adriana asked.

I’d say Kitten, Pet or maybe even Side Girl. You’re shy and you look like you would enjoy eating for a bit if the right woman presented it to you. But I don’t think you want anyone to dominate you or do some funny roleplay – M expertly assessed. Adriana was impressed by the quick and accurate profiling and smiled accordingly.

Come a bit closer, here – M gently followed up.

Adriana walked over carefully and stood near M’s chair. On the laptop screen she saw a Note with a username and password for a new user.

M stood up to face Adriana up close. For a moment they stared at each other, Adriana felt intimidated by the seductive gaze but had an urge not to look away.

M slowly rolled up her work skirt to around the waist. Adriana looked down and noticed the pantyhose and black panties underneath. M was quite fit and in fruit terms – ripe in every glorious sense of the word. She was an experienced, beautiful older woman. And most likely, M would taste unlike anything Adriana had up until that point in her life.

Adriana watched M slowly bend forward to slide down the pantyhose one leg at a time. She innocently enough even helped M to balance.

M put everything on the desk next to the laptop, including the panties. She crumbled them up with her fist, then reached for Adriana’s side of the head and gently pulled in for a kiss.

Adriana was caught staring at M’s crotch and the small bushy area around the top. When M kissed her, it felt unexpected. M’s lips and breath tasted neutral, and in seconds there was an intimate unspoken communication between them. It did not take long for Adriana to relax and stop thinking. She started enjoying the kiss.

After a moment Adriana also closed her eyes, letting M take control of their pace.

But when M broke the kiss, Adriana awakened from a minor trance confused and opened her eyes again.

Adriana watched M sit back down in the chair and placed her own panties carefully around her mouth and below her nose. Enjoying her own scent and fragrance. She also seductively spread her legs in the direction of Adriana.

Get down and enjoy the ride dear – M said to Adriana with a pleasant authority.

Adriana surrendered to the moment. She dropped down and held onto M’s knees for support. M’s wet lower lips were openly displayed in front of her, the first thought was YUMMY! – but she turned her head slightly to the side. Like a bungee jumper at the edge of a bridge, too afraid to take the leap.

You’re not hesitating, are you? M asked worried.

Well, no, maybe a little bit but I still want to – Adriana tried to say while smiling nervously. She could not finish the sentence properly. M leaned forward in the chair and used a hand to grab Adriana’s head from behind and pushed her into the middle of the crotch.  

One moment Adriana was anxiously procrastinating, the next she felt herself pushed into the slimy slit in between M’s legs. She had no time to adjust, but her first instinct was to open the mouth and extend the tongue like a cat. Blind leap of faith, she hoped it tasted great.

It tasted like a sweet and sour syrup. Kind of familiar, but also very new. Adriana immediately heard words of encouragement from M as she lapped at the lips. It took a few minutes but then Adriana felt what impact her licking was having inside M’s body. In the beginning M’s lips were more bitter and far less moist, but increasingly the entire crotch became sweeter, slimier, and succulent.

Adriana felt a love and appreciation feeding a hunger inside she never knew she had.

The power she experienced from eating another woman’s fruit and having the entire body reacting back to her mouth, the twitching and moving and gyrating and leaking – it felt like a recreational drug.

Adriana wrapped her hands around M’s thighs and leaned full force into M’s spread legs. She began eating like a thirsty kitten at a bowl of water. Her back and neck were arched in a perfect doggy style position, face-first pleasing another woman on her knees in a dark office Downtown. A much older woman. And quite a tasty woman. The thoughts intensified Adriana’s appetite.  

Adriana felt like a quick learner. If everyone tasted similarly like this, she saw herself getting used to it. She even loved the sounds; it was like passionate oyster slurping and music to Adriana’s ears.

When Adriana noticed how sticky her own cheeks and chin became, the horny inner spirit surged. She saw streams of juices all over M’s lips and thighs and became interested in the idea of being covered in it. She closed her eyes and mouth momentarily and took in the wetness. She rubbed it over most parts of her face, making herself a certified freak.

Did you just rub me all over your face intentionally? M asked pleasantly surprised.

Yeah – Adriana giggled from between the legs and immediately continued licking.

Keep eating, I’m close, that was so hot – M replied, sounding grateful.

Adriana did as she was told, anticipating whatever the climax would feel like. She felt M’s spasms inside the stomach and there was an impending sense of release.

M’s hands guided Adriana’s mouth around different parts of her slit, allowing for space to also use a couple of fingers. She moaned loudly while Adriana used the mouth to suck on the rest of her slit like a good girl. Adriana flickered the tongue around as M began to release tension and creamed to a climax.

Adriana’s entire mouth felt wet and sticky, and her nose was infected with the smell of M’s crotch juice.

Lick it all up slowly now baby – M writhed and muttered coming down from a powerful peak.

Adriana slowed down the pace and returned to the top of M’s slit again. She gently released her mouth and only let the tongue lap up and down. The juices went back to a saltier flavor again and were a lot more glue-ish at that stage, Adriana noticed but did not mind. There was a trail of juice from her tongue each time she pulled away from a lick, she took it as a badge of honor.

Ok, you’ve done enough – M abruptly said.

Adriana felt M’s hands push her away mid-lick. She remained on her knees as M sat upright in the chair.

M used two fingers to wipe the sides of Adriana’s mouth around the cheeks and chin. Then wiped them across Adriana’s lips, making Adriana taste her again. It felt naughty and Adriana played along with it, too engrossed in being a natural kitten to think about the situation. The scent was hypnotizing and kept Adriana on her knees.

Your lips look so wet and feel so soft Adriana, it’s amazing to see, you’re a natural – M commented.

Adriana giggled and nodded along. She felt dirty and sexy at the same time.  

I just need to check one more thing, we can do it quickly. And then I’ll set you up on the site – M said.

What is it? Adriana asked. She thought she sounded chirpy.

M stood up again and turned around in front of Adriana.

I need to know if you will also lick the back. That’s all – M said playfully.

Adriana burst out in laughter.

Well, are you serious about this? M asked sharply.

Adriana stopped laughing within seconds. She never thought she would do it but at that point wanted to become a member. M seemed to have nice booty cheeks and a clean middle; how bad could it be? Adriana asked herself.

Come on – M said, as she pulled apart the booty cheeks for Adriana.

Adriana closed her eyes and leaned in between. She was met with a musty smell of juice and something inexplicable. A bit sweaty, but not in a bad way. Her eyes disappeared in the crack and her tongue noticed a fig-like texture. A circle, full of nerve endings that waited for Adriana’s tongue.

M let Adriana eat her ass for a minute only, then decided to wrap things up.

Lick up my crack a few times dear, show me you don’t mind licking it like a true kitten – M requested seductively.

Adriana followed the instructions. She felt very dirty, kneeling into a strange woman’s ass. No one would find out what she did. It stirred a passion in Adriana that never died down since, even years later. As dirty as it was it felt extremely fun to do. Adriana became a secret lesbian for sex and wanted to taste more women. If one like M, could taste so unique and interesting and tasty, how many others would? Why not take advantage of the membership – Adriana encouraged herself.  

M interjected moments later.  

That’s enough, thanks Adriana – M said.

M reached for the panties and dressed back to normal. Adriana pulled out from M’s ass and wiped her mouth clean.

She nervously sat in a nearby chair and waited for M to continue the conversation. Parts of her face felt covered in dried juices, and she could still smell and taste the aroma of M on her breath and upper lip. It was oddly enjoyable, like M tagged her scent on Adriana.

M sat down again at the desk and barely spoke. She clicked a few times on the laptop then turned the screen around. A note was enlarged.

Write this down in your phone, you can use it for a month and then I will send you updates about new passwords – M instructed. Adriana immediately wrote it down and thanked her.

So, I can use the Club from now? Adriana asked.

Yes, you can see more of the people’s profiles and get involved in the posts, contact me with any issues – M replied.

Adriana nodded along as if she just got hired for a job and was excited to start.  

Just watch out with too many bad comments, generally no news is good news but if there are issues, they will let me know as moderator – M followed up with a friendly tone.

Okay, I’m sure I will be fine – Adriana replied jokingly with a sense of newly found confidence in her abilities.

And not long after they kissed each other goodbye. Adriana went back home anxious to see more posts and profiles.

M was very good at keeping in touch and they developed a friendly relationship over time. They hooked up again a few more times, but M became much more of a mentor and increasingly coached Adriana in other aspects of life when she needed it the most. Especially in recent years with her new career.

Adriana spent 2 nights reading through all the posts and profiles. She saw many she was interested in and worked up the courage to send a message. 

Many profiles were of beautiful older women in their 40s and 50s, wanting younger girls to treat like daughters or to roleplay like cougars, teachers, and bosses. There were also posts from girls around Adriana’s age, either offering to do things themselves or asking for other girls’ tongues. It was an interesting website and after reading through everything Adriana decided to message her top picks.

On the third night she replied to 4 posts. She got replies from 3 of them and things took off quickly thereafter –


Looking for an experienced friend

Malibu & West Hollywood



I’m looking for a DISCRETE attractive girl to come over for my fun. I’m interested in a SG with an appetite for the kitty.

Please be clean, respectful, and easy going, must have pics!!!

NDA required!!! I will Uber you to the destination and back.


2 Looking for a third 

Central LA

31 & 33

We are 2, Hispanic and AA, femme friends that regularly come to LA for work and stay in great hotels. Looking for a third girly side chick to come over late at night through the service entrances and get down to business with us. Please have a completed profile and NDA is required!


These two posts caught Adriana’s attention because the NDA term meant – Non-Disclosure Agreement.

Those who are interested in having the agreements signed could be a VIP. And these profiles were barely filled out themselves, clearly not wanting to share too much information.


Lick that kitty



LA local, horny and love to lick and be licked. Let’s have fun! Also into phone sex.


      Quick and to the point, Adriana liked it and it was in East LA.

That third post had a completed profile and a couple of pictures. She looked like a typical LA Downtown office brunette. A marketing or real estate kind of girl was the vibe Adriana got from the profile. In one picture, the girl wore white shorts with a brown sweater, in front of a mirror. In another she was bikini-clad on a beach somewhere, looking like a thick size 8 to 10 snack of a woman. Adriana found herself staring intently at the crotch in each photo, something she used to do before as well but with far less curiosity for what it might taste like. The new Adriana was hot for women without wanting to be labelled.  

Adriana threw herself into the Club’s world of secret hook-ups. The first two posts took a couple of days to respond, but when they did it set off an email trail full of sexting, pictures sharing and discussing when they could meet. The third post replied the same day.

Adriana could not tell by the messages and the edited photos if these were any particular VIPs she would recognize. But they very openly exchanged racy messages that did not hide much to the imagination about what it was they wanted from her.

When the time came to meet the first one, Adriana got picked up near her work in the evening and was driven out to a very expensive mansion West of LA. It was discreetly tucked away with a large bushy driveway so no one could see who lived there from the street.

The girl from the post mentioned there would be a security guard picking her up from the Uber. Adriana had to sign the NDA with him and then she would be allowed through the gates. Along the side of the main house Adriana was instructed to find the pool house and wait in front.  

Adriana wore a skin-tight black dress that night with white sneakers, hoping to impress with her curves. She also did her hair and accentuated her soft lips with products.  

Greeting her from the door of the pool house, was indeed someone Adriana recognized. It took every ounce of mental strength to not act starstruck. They walked inside and immediately shared some cups of wine and talked about the site they met through. Warming up with gentle banter to set a pleasant mood for the night. When the third wine was poured, things heated up just like what they texted about. The first few moments of meeting the girl in person felt like an out-of-body experience, Adriana had no idea what she was doing but went along with it to find out.

The VIP wore comfortable house clothes, a combination of pyjama pants and a blouse. The house itself was heated and the couch they sat on felt luxurious. Adriana might have been dreaming even though her body was physically there.

The VIP took their cups away for a fourth drink, but instead decided to return empty-handed and surprised Adriana with a kiss. From there, they began making out and forgot about the time passing. In just a few moments, they ate each other’s faces up and sucked on the neck lines like a passionate couple in love. It was fiery yet also gentle, like someone was going to catch them in the act.

Gradually, Adriana found herself laying on the stomach face-first between the VIPs spread legs on the floor in front of the couch. The VIP held Adriana’s hair gently and brushed it to the side, allowing Adriana’s face full access to the juicy lips but also some room to breathe.

For an equally long time, Adriana also found herself with her face in between the VIPs ass cheeks – munching booty as if it were one of her favorites things to do. It felt like they both made small talk, just to wait for the wine to kick in. They knew they were hooking up, but the alcohol had to break the ice.

And they kept drinking throughout the night, even as they paused in between the VIPs multiple climaxes. Adriana estimated she licked the VIP for up to 5 hours that night, they also went through 5 bottles of wine together. In hindsight, it was insane Adriana did it. But the VIP was very likeable and explained the sex life consisted of some lucky guys, but mostly discreet lesbian porn stars and girls from the Club. It had to be discreet because openly dating would create its own set of problems.  

When Adriana’s knees weakened on the floor, they would move to the couch and eventually the bedroom. Adriana licked as a passionate subordinate, she also had the VIP sat on her face and enjoyed eating the petite booty like a jar of honey.

Adriana’s makeup was worn out by the end of the night, her face tired and sticky, smelling like booty and wet crotch. But the VIP was impressed and invited her back more times. Over the years Adriana became more of a regular side chick whenever the VIP was not publicly dating anyone. They also became personal friends and did not always hook up either, sometimes just hung out.

And similarly, the girls from the second post became regulars over the years. The first time they met was around midnight on a random Monday night Adriana happened to be free on short notice. She was especially surprised to see who the girls were when she arrived at the hotel. One was also a VIP and the other was a friend or maybe assistant, Adriana was not sure.

The VIP was up-and-coming at the time with some successes under her belt. The assistant friend was feistier and bossier, the one who organised everything with Adriana. After long days working when they were in town, they relied on each other and the Club to have some fun even though not all of the girls they met became regulars. Adriana, under the right circumstances, could be the one.

When Adriana knocked on their door, the assistant let her in, and they talked for a bit while the VIP was in the shower. It felt like a pre-screening.

That time there was no drinking involved, and the vibe was more formal. Adriana felt like a hired girl. It was tense with a sexual energy she was not yet used to.

The assistant wore the hotel’s bathrobe and out of the blue after the small talk, dismantled it for Adriana. She sat back in the chair and asked Adriana to crawl and start licking. It was 5 minutes after she arrived.

There was a certain urgency to the interaction. In the messages they spoke friendly, cordial and playfully naughty, but face-to-face it was bossy and slightly judgmental.

Adriana quickly licked to get her own saliva in the mix, as the assistant’s initial flavor was soapy and sour.

And for the first few minutes, Adriana asked herself Why – it felt wrong to be rushed into having pussy without any intimacy or liquid courage beforehand. But luckily, any awkwardness was resolved quickly, when Adriana heard the VIP enter the room and recognized the voice.

Oh, they started without me – The VIP proclaimed and sat down next to her assistant on another chair.

They directed Adriana to crawl between both of their legs whenever they felt like switching her. Adriana was excited as she personally liked the VIP. And she had already thought sexually about her before in fantasies. But there Adriana was, tasting the same VIP in person and it was much better than the assistant.  

The VIPs legs looked so beautifully thick, it made the wet lips and slit look small and puffy in comparison. One lick, and Adriana felt like she put her tongue in a jar of sweet marmalade. It was a sticky and sweet heavenly aroma. A long time was spent crawling between their crotches, as the two got acquainted with Adriana’s new mouth skills.   

The VIP and the assistant did not hesitate though to also check their phones and read any messages from it. That hurt some of the intimacy, like Adriana was a stripper hired to lick them while they hung out in a luxurious hotel room. Something Adriana imagined guys would do. Oh well – she thought, continuing to please.  

More than an hour went by of Adriana eating them in turns.

Ok baby, you can go. We like you, if you want the regular job you can be our friend – The VIP interjected.

Adriana stopped what she was doing and sat upright. Her own affinity for the star made her agree. She generally did not enjoy that first encounter with them.

She will call you over again, we are here for another week. Then coming back again next month – And then the VIP stood up and walked back into the bathroom.

The assistant closed the robe again, gave Adriana a Thank You kiss and showed her to the door. Very impersonal, especially as Adriana was fully clothed the entire time. 

She’s tired now but I can tell she likes you. Come back and we will do more – The assistant said as she showed Adriana out.

And more they did. The next couple of times Adriana learned that depending on how the day went at work, the VIP would be friendly or not.

On the good days, she would drink with the assistant and Adriana and lick them as well. The VIP was not a bad eater herself.

But on the bad days, Adriana would lick them both a couple of times in silence and then be asked to leave. It was tough to predict. But their relationship lasted for years and that assistant helped Adriana at some stage with an employment opportunity. It paid off in the end.

As for the third post – that was some personal fun for Adriana with someone more like herself. She explored the idea of a naughty Friend With Benefits with another local girl, not a VIP by any means. Someone who also met M at some point to join.

She spoke to the girl a couple of times at night before falling asleep. The girl sounded pleasant and horny for the same thing.

They both were likeminded, about music, movies, and sex. Over time becoming friends.  

For the first time, Adriana met the girl at a shopping center. At the parking garage ticket machines, where they went to the girl’s car. The girl drove to the top floor of the garage and found the furthest corner away from any possible sight.

That first time was comfortable since they already established a connection over the phone and had each other’s personal photos as well. Meeting up felt the natural thing to do.

When the girl parked, they both got out and met each other at the passenger door. The nearest thing next to them was the railing for the edge of the parking garage and luckily, there was no other building overlooking them. They kissed instantly and teased each other. It felt naughty and dangerous to do it in a parking garage, but the spot was quiet and away from CCTV, other cars, or buildings. It was a blessing.

The girl wore jeans with a top just like what Adriana would wear sometimes. Adriana happened to be on the way to the gym that time and wore fresh gym clothes for their little impromptu warm up session.

They quickly progressed to touching each other inside the pants. And then the girl went down on Adriana first, by pulling down Adriana’s leggings and using one hand to slide the panties to the side. The girl crouched her face into Adriana’s crotch. Excitedly moaning herself while licking, which became a huge turn-on for Adriana.

Moments later, Adriana was on her own knees and returned the favor. Taking the time to kiss on top of the panties before sliding them to the side. Soaking up the girl’s flavor and devouring it. While the girl ate her for probably only two minutes, Adriana ate the girl for nearly ten.

They abruptly ended it when they heard a car coming. Quickly adjusting themselves and getting back in the car to leave. As they drove away, they laughed out loud with excitement. What a naughty thing they did and how they nearly got caught.

It was the beginning of a journey of Adriana’s sexuality with the Eat Club.

She met many more through the site and had return visits with plenty. As Adriana developed a real love for pussy, she played her part in the network of women supporting each other.

Whether the Eat Club still operates will not be known.

We hope you enjoy the other lesbian sex stories from Season 1.

For more about Adriana check out How a Mexican Girl Joined a Private Club of Rich and Famous Lesbians with extra articles behind the story.

Have you got any experiences like Adriana’s? Tell us about them discreetly. Read Me Tonight Lesbian Sex Stories.

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