Hana Dates Girls on Kakao

Read Me Tonight Season 1 – Story 20

Hana (38), a South Korean professional financial planner, yearned for love amidst her predominantly work-centric single life. She turned to the Kakao app in an attempt to connect with like-minded women in Seoul, eventually crossing paths with a younger Korean girl who captured her heart. Discover the story of how their romance began.

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Hana Dates Girls on Kakao Read Me Tonight Lesbian Sex Stories
Source Amazon: Hana Dates Girls on Kakao

Read Time: 20 Minutes

Hana, aged 38, was a fit and confident South Korean financial planner working at a successful firm in Seoul. She had dedicated close to a decade to nurturing and managing her portfolio of clients. While she was a Seoul native, her job had taken her to various parts of Korea, allowing her to interact with a wide array of people. These experiences shaped Hana into the strong, independent woman she is today.

Hana had harbored a lifelong fascination for women, yet she struggled to share this aspect of herself with friends and family. She believed that this secrecy had contributed to her developing a better sense of assertiveness as she matured. While this proved beneficial in her career and in the way she presented herself, it opened an entirely new chapter in her life when she applied the same attitude to connecting with like-minded women using the Kakao app.

Her male colleagues often found themselves perplexed by her single status. Hana, by no means lacking in looks, led a life that mirrored that of most professionals.

She stood tall at 5’8″ and with her long, flowing dark hair, complimented a figure between 8 and 10 in size. On occasions, after many drinks at the end of a work week, her colleagues would playfully compare her to the actress Ha Ji Won – coincidentally, also a personal secret girl crush of hers.

Following a few passionate yet brief encounters with other girls during her teenage years – secrets she had kept well-guarded – Hana’s twenties notably had no such experiences. During this time, she yearned for the love and connection that could only be found in the bond shared between special girlfriends.

Hana’s perspective took a significant turn when her career began to flourish. The direct feedback of excelling in her profession infused her with newfound energy and a fresh outlook on life. But this renewed vitality sparked a series of fantasies when Hana came across a scandal involving a K-Pop singer and multiple girls connected through Kakao. Despite the messiness of the scandal and its negative impact on those involved, the possibility of other Korean lesbian girls using the app intrigued Hana. She felt a strong desire to explore it for herself, despite initially using it just for friends and family.

While Seoul boasted its fair share of lesbian clubs that Hana occasionally frequented, openly pursuing romantic relationships with women never felt entirely comfortable to her. Many of the girls she encountered in these clubs seemed more interested in dancing or forming connections centered around doing activities as friends rather than romantic partners, with the occasional kiss or touch serving as the exception rather than the rule. Only on rare occasions did Hana meet someone genuinely interested in regular meetups that included sex, but these connections often came to an abrupt end due to the girls’ curious phases or the pressures they felt from their own families. Amidst numerous fleeting and underwhelming dates, Hana managed to find two girls who became regulars over the years.

The more assertive Hana became, the more she kept seeing negative influences on women that she had to overcome. Things she thought previously were just part of life, that was how it was explained to her, were actually degrading ways of having unnecessary mental control over others.

For one, Hana was appalled by some of the age discrimination on women over 30 when they went out to bars. Moreover, she was confused by prevailing societal views regarding sex, dating, and marriage. She yearned for the freedoms enjoyed in other countries, and the ability to enjoy sex without the need for secrecy or concealing any evidence of her desires. Hana did not want to miss out on anything without throwing her life upside down. She wanted pussy – and lots of it! 

Hana decided to make new, sexier photos to use with any potential matches in Kakao and was determined to explore what she could do with the app.

Within hours of exploring, Hana initiated her first conversations with girls whose profiles hinted at shared interests. However, she soon discovered that achieving the instant success she had envisioned wouldn’t be as straightforward as she had hoped.

One of the first connections she made took almost two weeks of continuous chatting before they eventually arranged to meet for coffee at a chosen location. Their interaction had a sense of caution and a gradual buildup towards something deeper.

In response to a flirty comment Hana had made about one of her photos, the girl messaged jokingly, “Before I decide if I really want you, I need to see you.” Finally, a sign of buy in. 

The girl introduced herself as Areum, just on the brink of turning 25, and she worked in a hotel at the reception. In her spare time, she had a passion for modeling and meticulously curated her own collection of photos for her various social accounts. Among them, Kakao held a special place, as it allowed her to connect with like-minded girls who shared her own desires and sexual inclinations.

Hana quickly discovered that Areum’s real-life beauty rivaled her striking appearance in the photos. Areum had flowing, medium-to-long brown hair, and her slender legs gracefully complemented the chic dresses and outfits she showcased in her numerous posts. Hana witnessed this firsthand when they finally met for coffee on a sunny Saturday in the vibrant Hongdae district of Seoul.

Their first meeting was marked by nervousness and a hint of apprehension. Hana found herself uncertain about what to anticipate and concerned about potential judgments from onlookers, given the age difference. She felt the weight of scrutiny once more and had a well-rehearsed, airtight story ready, just in case anyone questioned their coffee date.

She also felt guilty for even meeting a girl with sexual thoughts in mind. But she wanted some excitement in her life, her desires and inner appetite needed it. And to make her feel even worse, Hana arrived first and had to wait for Areum.

Luckily, just after two minutes of fidgeting and scanning her surroundings, Areum spotted Hana and rushed over with a joyful smile, greeting her with warm hugs and kisses on the cheeks.

“I apologize, but I’ve only got 30 minutes to spare before I have to run an errand for my cousin,” Areum explained, her tone carrying a hint of regret. “How about we grab coffee to go and take a walk around here?” She suggested, seeming genuinely apologetic.

Hana agreed, recognizing that she had no other option. Nonetheless, their leisurely walk still got pleasantly intimate.

As they strolled around, Hana sipping on a double shot Americano and Areum enjoying a latte, they effortlessly connected, establishing a natural and instant rapport that swiftly brought them to the point of their meeting.

They commented on shops they passed, engaging in playful touches on each other’s hands and shoulders while discussing sexy clothing items they saw. Their short date had an innocent charm, giving the impression that Areum was testing Hana’s intentions and discretion. Luckily, they were on the same page.

In a funny twist of fate, they both chose similar outfits in an effort to make a good impression on each other. Areum donned a leather skirt that showcased the legs, paired with a delicate sweater, while Hana opted for a blouse that complemented her skirt.

Regrettably, just 30 minutes later, Areum concluded their date. Hana continued with her day, anticipating that she might not hear from Areum again for some time. Despite the pleasant experience, a brief encounter like this often didn’t bode well for continued interest.

Later that day, as Hana sat down for dinner by herself, she was engrossed in responding to messages from other girls on Kakao when a message from Areum suddenly appeared.

“I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day; you looked absolutely stunning. Can we eat next time?” Areum concluded her message, accompanied by a playful tongue emoji.

Hana quickly realized that their short date earlier had, indeed, been a test. Now that Areum had met with Hana, they could venture into more intimate territory. Their budding connection was gaining legitimacy. Areum’s newfound relaxation and reciprocated flirting were a welcome relief, and Hana’s persistence in the conversation paid off.

“Sure, there’s an excellent BBQ near my place. Would you like to come and give it a try?” Hana responded.

“Sounds delicious. Food would be good too,” Areum playfully replied shortly after with a winking emoji.

Hana chuckled and promptly responded with a blushing smiley emoji.

They maintained daily conversations, and eventually, they arranged to meet for the Korean BBQ Hana had mentioned. The anticipation of their reunion was palpable, as they eagerly greeted each other with a change of work attire after long and tiring days for both.

Hana graciously offered to order portions of pork belly, beef short rib, extra servings of mushrooms, chilies, and a few rounds of beers. They settled in for a delightful meal, allowing their chemistry to flow effortlessly as they enjoyed each other’s company.

While enjoying their meal, they gradually shared the details from their respective lives and how work was going that week. Hana found solace in having a venting session with someone who offered understanding without judgment, marking yet another significant bonding moment between them.

“So, did you choose this place because it’s conveniently close to your home, with plans to take me there afterward?” Areum playfully interjected as they both jokingly declared themselves full at the end of the meal.

Hana burst into laughter, her eyes nervously locking with Areum’s, leaving her momentarily uncertain about how to respond.

“Don’t worry! Just kidding, no pressure,” Areum quickly added, flashing a reassuring smile. “Although I must admit, I might be slightly offended if you didn’t take me.”

“Check, please!” Hana immediately quipped, grabbing the waiter’s attention. Without hesitation, they finished their drinks, Hana settled the bill, and they made their way to Hana’s nearby apartment.

Riding up in the lift, Areum innocently asked if there was something comfortable she could change into. Hana readily offered a pair of sleeping shorts, fully aware that they were exceptionally short and left little to the imagination when it came to the legs.

Hana’s apartment had the power to impress anyone on its own; she merely had to show it. Areum wasted no time in exploring the space, her eyes wide with wonder as she admired the various features and took in the breathtaking view from the balcony. Along the way, she showered Hana with compliments, genuinely impressed by the surroundings.

Hana led Areum to the en suite bathroom in the bedroom, giving her some privacy to freshen up and change into the shorts. In the meantime, Hana set out some wine and turned the TV to YouTube. She picked a video from an award show featuring a famous boy band’s performance showcasing a medley of their greatest hits.

When Areum returned, she settled beside Hana on the couch, curling up and holding her legs close. Hana handed her a drink, and they briefly raised their glasses in a silent toast to the boy band’s performance.

After the first video, they watched more, and started a lively conversation after the first glass of wine. Having a friend to share such moments with was a welcome breath of fresh air in Hana’s life, infusing her arousal with a sense of fun and companionship.

“So, you must spend time with quite a few girls around here, don’t you?” Areum asked with genuine curiosity.

“Actually, not really,” Hana giggled in response.

“You seem a bit shy, but I’m not entirely convinced,” Areum persisted with her questioning. “Maybe it’s just that you haven’t had much experience?”

“No, I haven’t,” Hana defended herself. “But it’s something I’d like.”

“That’s alright, I’m not an expert either. We’ll figure it out,” Areum replied with a reassuring tone.

Hana carefully slipped off the couch and made her way toward the TV, where an extension cord held a phone charger. She plugged her phone in and then returned to the couch with equal care.

Areum stretched out her legs on the floor, settling comfortably into the couch while Hana returned. However, when Hana gently brushed her knees, Areum responded by crossing her legs in a yoga pose and leaning forward, her laughter laced with nervous anticipation. An alluring energy began to draw them closer without the need for words as they locked eyes for a moment.

Hana tenderly traced her fingers along Areum’s bent knees, planting a brief, meaningful kiss on the softly closed lips. 

On the second attempt, as Hana leaned in for another kiss, Areum responded in kind, her hands embracing Hana into their attraction for each other.

Hana’s hands glided up Areum’s thighs and firmly grasped her by the waist, tilting their heads for a passionate and intimate make-out session.

“How committed are you willing to be for me?” Areum asked under her breath.

“Keep going like this, and I’m all yours,” Hana replied with a playful smile, her desire to continue kissing Areum quite evident.

Areum sat up, extending her legs out of the yoga pose, and then stretched them flat on the floor. Her legs parted in front of Hana, fully exposing the patch of shorts nestled between the thighs.

Areum used two fingers and gently pushed the shorts aside from the middle, exposing herself fully to Hana. The wet lips that awaited were visibly wet and moist, ripe for a licking. There was a musky smell filling Hana’s nostrils and delighting the senses to the potential flavor of the girl’s body.

“Devotion, yeah?” Areum asked once more, her eyes suggestive.

“Yes, I am,” Hana replied, already on her way down toward Areum’s crotch with her tongue extended and one eye closed.

Like a real fan, she lapped up Areum between those lower lips and allowed her mouth to naturally salivate. The juices changed from salty to sweet and syrup-like rather quickly making it truly an honor to be able to taste.

“Ahhh, yes, like that is great. Make sure to enjoy it too,” Areum moaned looking down on the munching Hana.

Hana felt some bushy hairs from Areum’s patch resting in her nose, but in her mouth, she felt no hairs at all. However, she did get coated in Areum’s flavor all over the tongue, edges of the mouth, upper lip and chin.

Abruptly, after just a few minutes into their passionate fun, Areum gently pushed Hana away and stood up.

“Wiping your mouth without a care in the world, except for how to hide my taste,” Areum teased, a mischievous glint in her eye.

“Let’s go to my bed, I can give you more tongue if you want,” Hana suggested.

“You love it, don’t you?” Areum quipped in response.

Hana said nothing but looked up with a slightly embarrassed expression.

Areum helped Hana to stand up. They held each other’s hands and made their way to the nearby bedroom, where the door was already open.

Hana climbed on top of Areum as she threw them on the bed. They passionately continued, letting the hands feel each other up and the kisses explore other areas too such as behind the ears and around the neck.

She reached under Areum’s shirt and playfully cupped and squeezed and pinched around the nipples. When Areum started doing the same, Hana kissed her way down to the shorts again. She slid them off in no time and discovered there had never been any panties there to begin with.

In return, Areum seductively spread one leg and used her hand to open the lower lips, making a V shape with her fingers that had space for Hana’s face in the middle.

Hana eagerly flicked her tongue around the little sensitive button at the top and then also throughout the entire slit between the fingers holding it open. Her mouth increasingly planted itself firmly in Areum’s crotch, with her cheeks feeling the inner moisture covering it in its heavenly slime.

“Ah yeah, yeah, there, yeah, my god thank you so much,” Areum moaned out loud, not making any sense but expressing a lot of gratitude for what she was feeling. She held Hana with both hands, guiding how much pressure to apply with the mouth. It was sincerely motivated eating between secret pussy lovers.

Once the stomach tightened, it never let go until finished. Areum built up to a laid-back climax that rushed the senses and flushed her body temperature. She pressed up against Hana’s mouth and released her tension from the center of where the pleasure was being given.

Hana waited for any further guidance. Unless told not to, she was happy to keep licking, especially if there was any cream that may have poured out from the orgasm. Not long after though, Areum stopped her and instead wanted to kiss again.

They lovingly rolled around in the sheets, still calming down from their first climax together. Then Areum helped Hana to undress, tossing her clothes to the side. Suddenly, Hana also found herself naked.

Areum guided Hana on top of her, covering her face gently to find the tongue. Without any hesitation, Areum’s mouth latched onto Hana’s pussy and its natural movements and responses. Hana felt so hot for Areum, sitting on her face took less than 5 minutes to spectacularly finish.

In hindsight, it felt like Areum was more experienced than she let on. She knew exactly how to eat, where and how much pressure to apply and how to talk back to the lower lips to ensure something was building up. Areum did not appear to be even the slightest bit disgusted, she licked fast and she licked generously like someone who enjoyed giving head.

Hana felt short bursts of pleasure while holding onto Areum’s head, giving Areum the release she was licking for. As soon as it got sensitive, Hana climbed off the girl’s face and laid down next to her.

They continued to cuddle, strengthening their connection with each passing moment. Their emotions were palpable, and laughter filled the room as they expressed their affection for each other. It turned into a heartwarming and almost romantic scene from a movie.

Later in the night, they changed into comfortable pajamas and curled up on the couch, watching a Korean drama. Soon they drifted off to sleep in each other’s comforting embrace. 

When morning arrived, they woke each other up with sweet kisses, sharing a warm shower together before getting another coffee. Eventually, they bid each other farewell, parting ways with a sense of confidence for the day ahead.

Little did they know, their initial night together sparked a connection that would endure, surprising them both, especially considering Areum wasn’t the only girl Hana had been chatting with.

After spending many nights aroused by herself, Hana quickly grew fond of Areum. Every time they met, she felt a delightful rush of butterflies in her stomach, a wonderful side effect from her newfound assertiveness in dating.

Even if she still met with other girls, Hana found herself thinking about Areum more and more. Other connections just never felt strong enough. Maybe it was love, or maybe it was a sexual addiction to 1 person.

The exact moment Hana knew she wanted to be with Areum exclusively, came when she met with a Korean flight attendant staying at a hotel for work.

The flight attendant, just a few years Hana’s junior, met her for wine at the hotel bar. Despite their good rapport, there were instances when the flight attendant’s service-oriented professionalism showed. Hana sensed a distinct formality in their interaction and at first attempted to infuse a bit of flirtatiousness into the conversation.

But when the flight attendant invited her back to the room, the energy of their rapport changed. As soon as the door closed behind them, Hana was kissed and had hands feeling her up everywhere. She did not have to go through with it, there was nothing overpowering going on, but she felt a certain uneasiness to do something sexual abruptly. Even if it was enjoyable. Whatever connection they had stayed back at the hotel bar and did not join them in the room.

Hana knew by accepting the invitation and by flirting back many times she was going ahead with the advances. The flight attendant seemed to quickly forget about any attempts to be polite, wanting to undress Hana rather quickly. Even when Hana slightly hesitated, the flight attendant persisted and wanted to crawl under Hana’s skirt using a nearby chair.

Hana weighed the situation carefully. When Areum was between her legs it felt amazing, the flight attendant’s tongue was so much rougher, almost like a real cat. 

Luckily, the flight attendant inserted a finger along with the moving tongue. It was enough to get through, albeit with a lot of mental concentration. Hana made herself focus on the finger more than anything else, hoping the girl would move on to something else soon.

After Hana’s small orgasm the flight attendant stood up, licked the finger that was just inside Hana clean and took off her own panties. She then walked back over to Hana and awkwardly arched her hips forward, expecting Hana to take it from there.

Hana saw a bushy patch of landing strip above a small set of dark grey-colored lips. The flight attendant’s hands grabbed her head and pulled it closer. Hana slid off the chair and had to crouch, closing her eyes and eating the girl hesitantly.

It was not a bad experience; the girl tasted a bit like salted caramel, and it was mostly clean. But Hana could not get into it. She missed Areum and had no interest in finding out how the girl’s climax would interact.

A few moments later, she stepped back and sat on the edge of the bed. Hana crawled over and quickly continued eating her, wanting to get it over and done with.

Nothing was said, the flight attendant just held Hana by the back of the head and tried to relax.

On her knees and hunched over, Hana caught a glimpse of herself in a distant bathroom mirror. With the flight attendant laid back and legs off the bed, Hana watched and judged herself for eating the girl at that moment. It felt wrong, and dirty in a bad way.

The flight attendant simply used Hana and also got off with the help of an additional finger. When she climaxed from the selfish pleasure, she wiped her sticky fingers on Hana’s cheeks and chin. Not once considering if Hana liked any of it.

Not long after, as if the encounter hadn’t been impersonal enough, the flight attendant mentioned her early morning alarm for work and began bidding farewell. Hana could not wait to get out of there and gladly hugged her before making an exit.

She took a taxi home and thoroughly showered herself before going to bed, washing off any remains from the unpleasant flight attendant.

On the way, she reached out to Areum and got a reply within minutes. It was a ray of hope for the evening, as she longed for a peaceful night’s sleep, free from overthinking and giving herself a headache.

The following night, Hana asked Areum to come over after work to spend some quality time together. She felt a strong desire to nurture and care for Areum; after the encounter with the flight attendant, she felt even more devoted to their budding relationship.

Areum arrived late, around 11:30 PM, tired but sporting a warm smile as she greeted Hana at the door.

She managed to have dinner, but was still feeling a bit peckish. Fortunately, Hana had prepared some Kimbap with kimchi. They enjoyed it together before deciding to go to bed.

Hana assisted Areum in undressing and prepared the shower for her. While Areum cleaned herself, Hana also took care of preparing the bed and the mood lighting. She fluffed up the pillows and arranged small pockets of bed sheets for both of them to nestle into.

When Areum returned wrapped in a towel, Hana happily discarded it on the floor and drew Areum into a tender and lingering kiss.

“You’re amazing, Hana,” Areum murmured softly, her eyes closed, utterly captivated by Hana’s loving gestures.

Hana gently guided Areum to the edge of the bed, in the same position as the flight attendant – reclined with her legs hanging off the edge, soon to be eaten again.

Through the large mirror from the ensuite bathroom’s hallway, Hana caught a similar glimpse of herself. Hunched over, about to do the same thing as the night before. However, this time, despite both of their fatigue leading to a more rapid pace just like with the flight attendant, the vibe remained lighthearted and sensual. There was no hint of awkwardness in the air. 

Hana even enjoyed seeing herself do it for nearly 20 minutes, with Areum concentrating as hard as she could. It took a little longer, more pressure had to be released first before the relaxing and electric pleasures could take over.

Hana’s hands pressed Areum’s lower stomach when appropriate and played with the furry patch of hair just under her nose. The sounds of strong munching and muffled moaning filled the room.

Areum eventually had a quiet, but long orgasm that Hana felt through her mouth. The body shook and rocked with a deliberate focus. And when she finally released, Hana’s mouth let go and cracked a wide smile.

Hana watched Areum crawling around on the bed, stretching in blissful peace and after-pleasure. The corners of Hana’s mouth had to be wiped; it got sticky.

“Come and hold me,” Areum asked, slipping under the cover to one side of the bed.

Hana gladly joined her. They spooned and kissed each other to sleep.

She became infatuated with one of the first girls she had met through Kakao. Hana knew Areum was the right girl when others started to feel left. Nothing necessarily against them, Hana just wasn’t ready for them as much as she was ready for Areum to be a part of her life.

Hana and Areum are currently still seeing each other. Their close friends know, but they have not yet told their families. One day, Hana convinced herself.

We hope you enjoy the other lesbian sex stories from our series.

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