Chloe’s Flight Home

Read Me Tonight Season 1 – Story 15

Chloe (22), was a Dutch graduate student flying back home after a holiday visiting her older sister in Australia. On a quiet flight she befriended a Swedish girl over some complimentary wines and an in-flight movie. The girls pulled the blankets together and got intimate, plus much more at the airport’s bathroom when it was early in the morning. No one found out about their quickie.

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Chloe's Flight Home Read Me Tonight Lesbian Sex Stories
Source Amazon: Chloe’s Flight Home

Read Time: 18 Minutes

Chloe (22) is a newly graduated Dutch student who was flying back to Amsterdam in preparation for a new job and a start to new career. The people she met completing her thesis offered a job two months after graduation and Chloe used the time to visit her older sister in Melbourne Australia who lived and worked full-time already on her own. It became a truly rewarding holiday.

She graduated towards Human Resources just like her sister and picked up plenty of valuable tips during their time together. How to make certain reports, what data was most important, how to deal with difficult people, the bosses, also general life tips on saving money and dating. Chloe’s sister discussed it all with the pride of an older sibling.

She was small in size but did not lack in the looks department. 5’6” in height and a size 8 fit body and booty to match. She had long and flowing blonde hair over a pretty face with delicate features. When she wore dresses or active wear she felt the many admiring looks.

Chloe’s sister had her own tickets booked for Christmas in Amsterdam later that year, which made the goodbye less sad when it was time for Chloe to leave. They would see each other again by the end of the year.

To save some money Chloe booked three flights home with stopovers in Taiwan and South Korea. She wore her best active wear, the preferred choice of clothing for when she had to travel long distances.

Her sister came along to the airport and helped with the baggage check-in as well as the inevitable waiting in line. In front of them stood a dark-haired girl around the same age as Chloe who seemed to be by herself. When Chloe and her sister joined the line, the girl smiled at her briefly but then looked away on the phone again. She also appeared to be European and wore a cool travelling outfit that was both baggy and stylish, something Chloe noticed thanks to the short but sincere moment of eye contact.  

The line progressed and shortly after the baggage went off on the carousel, Chloe said goodbye to her sister. She passed security and spent some time browsing shops. That was the boring time before boarding since she did not want to spend money.  

Chloe was given a window seat in one of the back rows of the plane. She quickly noticed how half-empty the plane was after boarding and made big plans for the extra space she had. Elderly people and a couple of families were scattered around the front of the plane. There was no one for 6 rows in front of her in the back. A true blessing that hardly ever happened on flights unless it was an unpopular one. Chloe stored her carry-on and got comfortable in the seat.

Time went by without any new passengers coming near her section of the plane. But suddenly Chloe noticed the same European girl from before in the line and she was approaching the back of the plane. Chloe stared, anticipating which row the girl would stop at.

The girl kept approaching the back, closer and closer. Chloe froze when the girl looked at her and gave her another friendly smile from halfway down the plane. The girl walked all the way to Chloe’s row and greeted her in English. She put a bag in the storage and sat in the aisle seat of the row across from Chloe.

Hey, it’s just you and me in the back, I was the last one to board. I’m Lynn – The girl said and reached out to Chloe with an engaging presence.  

I’m Chloe. Nice to meet you – Chloe replied and shook her hand.

We are lucky with the empty flight… – Lynn giggled and sparked a conversation with Chloe.

They were genuinely interested in sparking a connection. The energy was mutual, and both were into each other’s stories about who they were, why there were in Australia and where they were flying to next. The airline luckily served meals and drinks soon after departure and they spent a good amount of time chatting away like new friends.

Lynn was 24, Swedish and on her way back home to Stockholm. She knew no one in Australia but always wanted to spend a few weeks exploring. She appeared slightly taller than Chloe in the plane, 5’8” and similar in size. She wore black jeans and a light jacket with sneakers. She looked very comfortable, and quite sophisticated in a sexy kind of way.  

Lynn just celebrated a first anniversary with her new job in Law, so she treated herself to a trip. She was single after 2 failed teenage relationships but enjoyed herself she bragged to Chloe.

When Chloe mentioned she studied HR Lynn offered up great advice from the legal side. General tips for reporting and some conflict resolving. Chloe enjoyed talking to Lynn and could not figure out if Lynn was talkative because of their second drink or if she really liked Chloe as well.

An older flight attendant in her 50s interrupted them to pick up the empty drinks.

We are about to turn off the lights for the rest of the flight. Can I get you one more drink? The flight attendant warmly asked them, bending down to her knees in the aisle and reaching over their laps for the glasses. The girls happily agreed.

The lights dimmed as the flight attendant walked away.

Want to watch a movie together on the middle screen? I’ll jump over when she brings the drink – Lynn quipped.

Chloe was caught off guard. She did not want to show any underlying excitement.   

Yes of course, comedy? Chloe replied.

Sure, check what they have – Lynn quickly said. In the distance the flight attendant walked down the aisle again with two small bottles of wine and cups.

With an affectionate smile on her face, the flight attendant gave them their drinks and quickly walked away.

Moments later, Lynn crawled across the aisle with the complimentary blanket in hand and sat in the aisle seat next to Chloe. They adjusted the trays of the middle seat for their drinks, plugged in the headsets and pressed play on a Will Smith movie.

They both shared a look as they found their angles to watch the screen, resting on the middle seat’s arm rests.

Their heads were not far apart, and the blankets overlapped to become part of a larger cover. It did not take long for their knees to touch as they rested. They had to, thanks to the chair in front of them bending the legs.  

They finished that third drink in the first 30 minutes of the movie. Each time one of them laughed at something from the movie, the other would smile too and briefly make eye contact. There was an increasingly flirty vibe that Chloe hoped Lynn also felt. Such vibes Chloe picked up on when she met new girls and was able to categorize new friends as just friends or with benefits.

The last drink hit Chloe hard after the final sip. Her brain relaxed and started to think sexually. Eyesight became focused and less anxious and more confident. When she cupped her empty drink, Chloe mustered up a courageous thought. She sat upright, snatched the empty cup from Lynn’s hand too and asked Lynn to put them on a tray in the other aisle. While Lynn did that Chloe closed their wine bottles and put them in the pouch of the chair.

Chloe still sat upright when Lynn returned. She closed the tray of the middle seat and in the process also quickly leaned forward to surprise Lynn with a kiss on the mouth. Taking a second to pause, Chloe quickly planted another as well showing intention to make out more. Lynn kissed back both times but the third time, pushed Chloe back.

No, sorry – Lynn said confusingly.

Chloe immediately felt horrified and awkwardly smiled trying to play it off cool.  

My friend got arrested on a plane once. Similar. It is a bad idea because they have cameras even if there is no one – Lynn followed up.

Chloe was not sure if it was a rejection or an invitation to something more private. She must have looked confused.

Come, sit back in your chair – Lynn suggested and smiled at Chloe.

As soon as Chloe sat back and adjusted her side of the blanket, she felt Lynn’s hand finding hers underneath and stroked it gently. Seductively.

Their eyes briefly met. Lynn stared at Chloe and made a Shh sound, her hand wandered to Chloe’s top of the leg. It quickly drifted inward to Chloe’s thighs and gently stroked all over. Chloe adjusted in the seat, widely grinned, and closed the eyes momentarily.

Lynn’s hand found the center of Chloe’s crotch and pressed down in motions. Chloe let out a long sigh, coping with her breathing pattern from the new sensation. Lynn all the while looked at her mischievously, it made up for the previous rejection.

While the movie kept playing, Chloe lowered herself in the seat and enabled more access for Lynn’s hands to find their way to the top of Chloe’s active wear. Lynn followed and found her way inside quickly, ignoring Chloe’s panties.

Losing no time, Lynn’s fingers parted Chloe’s already gooey lips and multi tasked so much in and outside of the slit Chloe had to hold on to the handles of the arm rests. Chloe was wet enough to allow Lynn full hand movements without any discomfort. Chloe’s legs also began shaking and she grinded her hips as much as she could along to Lynn’s rhythm.

Chloe first tilted her head away from Lynn, building up the deeply satisfying feelings of delight. But eventually she turned in Lynn’s direction. With a face full of pleasure.

Lynn had the other hand inside her own unbuttoned pants, rubbing to the same rhythm. The wetter Chloe got the more she relaxed until she broke free of the arm rests and seductively joined inside Lynn’s pants.

They both had a hand in each other’s panties under the blankets. Their heads tilted back but the eyes kept a lookout for anyone approaching. No one interrupted, and more than 15 minutes went by as they fingered each other playfully and pretended to watch the movie. It was hard not to kiss; their eye contact was so strong it would have instantly melted an ice sculpture.

Chloe always felt an initial nervous stage when hooking up with girls she just met. She was very much into it, but mostly straight in the rest of her life and did not want to confuse friends and family with the girl on girl promiscuity. That was a side she usually explored in combination with alcohol.

Suddenly, Lynn took her hand out from Chloe’s panties and immediately pulled it up to her face. She passionately rubbed it along the ridges of her nose and mouth, using her tongue to try Chloe’s juices. Chloe witnessed Lynn’s passionate display and gushed from inside. It was electrifying, to see Lynn gladly subject herself to such an acquired taste.

Let me lick you when we land – Lynn whispered.

Ok… – Chloe managed to reply softly.

Then, Lynn’s hand went back in Chloe’s panties. They continued playing with each other.  

Lynn was the first to start shaking in her seat more frequently, prompting a similar build up in Chloe.

Oh… I want to come with you, yes – Lynn whispered under her breath.

Chloe replied with soft moans, trembles, and stomach contractions, but Lynn was the first to release herself. Chloe felt it, and 30 seconds after crossed her own delightful peak.

Lynn again pulled her hand out and licked the fingers clean with a dirty look on her face. She smiled to Chloe, almost proud of herself.  

Chloe’s hand felt wet too, but she used a napkin. They adjusted the panties in the seat, briefly sobered up, smiled at each other mischievously and continued the movie. No one noticed them.

Twenty minutes later they both fell asleep, with the heads and shoulders pressed against each other. The friendly flight attendant who brought them the drinks came around to wake them for the landing. Time to put the seat belts back on.

They slowly woke up and adjusted their eyes to being in the cabin with the lights on again. Chloe’s panties felt damp, but her mind felt happy and satisfied. Also, nervous again though, the alcohol had worn off after the nap.

They exchanged some nervous small talk about the nap and the movie. Even Lynn had calmed down and was not as talkative or flirty anymore. But just before the actual landing, Lynn managed to playfully quip –

I still know what I said before our nap…

Chloe looked at her with a cheeky grin.

Really? Chloe asked.

Lynn did not reply but innocently looked down to Chloe’s crotch. She licked her lips once and looked back up at Chloe affirmatively.

Luckily, they had the same connecting flight to South Korea but then they had different flights back to Europe. When they walked off the plane the mature flight attendant gave them the same affectionate smile and look again, like Chloe and Lynn got an extra attentive farewell.  

Were you also picking up vibes from that old woman? Chloe laughed.

Yes! Lynn replied giggling out loud.  

After figuring out where they had to go next and how long they had, Chloe was anxious to find a quiet bathroom for them to enjoy. Coincidentally they arrived very early and most of the airport was closed before 5 AM. They had an hour to spare before the next boarding call.

They walked past a food court area and found a long corridor of brand clothing stores. All the way in the end, there was a bathroom for ladies separated from the men’s one which was a level higher and reached with escalators. Inside, they had a spacious and fully covered bathroom stall and no other passengers around in that section. Chloe and Lynn snuck in.

They both freshened up and washed their hands and faces. Chloe handed out tissues she grabbed from the wall. And after disposing them, a long 30-second pause followed. They both nervously stared at each other.

I thought you were going to do something? Chloe poked. Insinuating what Lynn told her earlier on the plane.

You still want? Lynn anxiously asked but smiled.

Sure, if you don’t mind it after our flight and all… – Chloe replied and paused.  

Moments later still in silence, Chloe realized she had to initiate.

Chloe stepped forward to face Lynn. They held hands, then Chloe placed them around her hips and leaned in to kiss Lynn. Their levels of desire quickly increased. Heavier breathing followed sloppier tongue kissing and the hands went for each other’s crotch. If someone walked in, they would have seen them rubbing each other secretly like curious schoolgirls. Kind of wrong, but sexy.

Chloe broke it off, she knew they had to go into a stall. She walked around a flustered Lynn and opened the last one in the row. Lynn quickly joined her as the door closed.

Lynn grabbed Chloe by the shoulders and pushed her up against the wall. Chloe could barely close the lid on the toilet. Lynn grabbed by the hair from the side and pulled Chloe sideways in a heated kiss. The tiny amounts of force played with each other’s psyche and they built a lust for each other that matched the sexual tension back on the plane.

I don’t want to waste any more time in case we get interrupted – Lynn said and stopped kissing.

Lynn crouched down to her knees and faced Chloe’s crotch. She quickly pulled the active wear down to around the knees. Holding onto Chloe’s hips, Lynn plunged her face with several smooches on top of Chloe’s panties. Enticing the dampness first.

Oh, so wet already – Lynn said out loud and giggled. Chloe quickly motioned – Shh!!

Lynn happily pulled down the panties.

Just as quickly, she ate up Chloe’s lower lips vigorously, purposefully, and seemed to be enjoying herself. Chloe held onto Lynn’s head and leaned back for the ride. Lynn wanted it, which was a huge turn on, but Chloe usually had trouble having an orgasm standing up. She went along with it though, allowing Lynn to have her sweet and sour peach.  

Lynn munched and lapped Chloe like an experienced eater, even guiding Chloe to what she wanted to do with her mouth.  

Five minutes went by with an interesting consistency building in Chloe’s stomach. Her gut tightened her pussy around Lynn’s mouth and gushed. It felt amazing, her outer lips felt the pushing and humming of Lynn’s mouth and the full-tongue lapping. Consistently building urgency and showing true pleasure towards doing that for Chloe. It blew Chloe’s mind, she moaned and softly screamed herself into a powerful and muffled climax. Her entire body froze in electricity trying to be quiet.  

Chloe naturally pushed Lynn away before it became too sensitive. Lynn adjusted herself up and leaned in to kiss. Lynn’s mouth and tongue felt like it had a sticky layer, the juices of herself Chloe thought. They kissed again even though Chloe had trouble calming down her breathing, she slouched into Lynn’s embrace.

You taste so good Chloe – Lynn said gently. Her hands around Chloe.

Try me – Lynn followed up. And guided Chloe on the shoulders to kneel.  

Chloe felt stuck in a sleepy daze but allowed herself to be encouraged into the same licking position. She looked up at Lynn with a tired and anxious look, the sweet moment just before it began.  

Lynn opened the pants and dropped them down to around the knees along with the panties. She leaned back against the wall and used her hands to open her lower lips for Chloe like a Y.

Here – Lynn encouraged.   Chloe felt nervous, it was a while since she last did it and she became conscious of the fact they just spent a long flight together and fingered as well. Just forget about the initial taste, it will be good after a while – Chloe reminded herself.

Chloe closed her eyes and plunged herself into Lynn’s wet lips. It was not as bad as she thought it would be, on the third lick she started liking it and settled in to eat Lynn up with pleasure.

Lynn was much more experienced at it. She had a naughty smile as she looked down and held Chloe by the hair. She gently guided Chloe to the pace she wanted, instructing rather than being forceful.

Chloe’s mouth, chin, and area under the nose got wet from Lynn. It was oyster-like and salty, but very tolerable and when combined with a girl she sparked a connection with made eating it a pleasure. Like a chore to look forward to.

Luckily, there were still no signs of the doors opening outside. Even though no one could see Chloe on her knees, they could probably hear soft moaning and munching from the other side of the thin wall at that point. Chloe admittedly felt dirty in the first minute, somewhere at an airport bathroom on her knees licking at a stranger girl’s sloppy crotch. But she felt Lynn getting wetter and wetter from what she was doing, so the intimacy took over and made the licking fun.  

Even though Lynn seemed more experienced, she took nearly 10 minutes to build her climax. Chloe felt tired but persisted. Lynn spasmed and strongly encouraged Chloe, releasing some creamier juice Chloe physically felt on her tongue was different. Chloe pushed away open-mouthed and licked around her own lips to taste whatever leaked. She was surprised and unsure of how to feel about it, she felt ashamed yet wanted to stay in that moment forever. Chloe knew she was being freaky when she liked the taste of it.

Lynn recovered quickly and giggled looking at Chloe’s confused and slutty face, wiping the glaze around her mouth with a grin.  

I was not sure if I would like it, but that was fun – Chloe said playfully.

Thank you so much – Lynn replied and helped Chloe to stand up. They both fixed themselves to look presentable again.

Shortly after they quietly left the stall, washed up again and went outside to look for a quick snack in the time remaining.

They only found one coffee and over-priced sandwich cafe that was open. They decided to share a sandwich, and both had a black coffee to wake up.

The flight to South Korea was not long, then they had to quickly say goodbye to catch more connecting flights back to their own countries. And unfortunately, they were not seated near each other for that flight.

They used the most of their time together and exchanged Facebook details to stay in touch.

On that next flight they playfully used the screen’s chat function to message each other more but did not type anything incriminating, they just playfully talked about movies and their lives back home. Chloe was happy about what transpired, and it might have been the cherry on top of the cake that already had icing. The last thing on her holiday helped her move on to the next chapter in her life confidently.  

They still message each other on birthdays, holidays, and random drunken nights out. Occasionally they even video call and a few times even masturbated in bed together. But they have not had any other chances yet to meet again. One day soon hopefully.

We hope you enjoy the other lesbian sex stories from Season 1.

For more about Chloe check out How a Dutch and a Swedish Lesbian Girl Hooked Up on Their Flight Back Home with extra articles behind the story.

Have you got any experiences like Chloe’s? Tell us about them discreetly. Read Me Tonight Lesbian Sex Stories.

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