Kim Decides to Work from Home

Read Me Tonight Season 2 – Story 4

Kim (27) was hit hard by the pandemic, struggling with job loss, financial instability, and the end of a long-term relationship. Despite the challenges, her flatmate Jasmine, an unemployed student, appeared to remain unfazed and spent much of her time privately in her bedroom. Discover when Kim found out about Jasmine’s online activities.

18+ Disclaimer – All rights reserved by Read Me Tonight, please contact for permission to use any parts of the work. And as always, enjoy yourselves, but make sure you are old enough. Kim’s story is one half of Kim & Taylor: First Time Lesbian Stories from Season 2. We hope you enjoy.

Kim and Taylor First Time Lesbians 2 3 Read Me Tonight Lesbian Sex Stories
Source Amazon: Kim & Taylor: The First Time Lesbian Stories 2 & 3

Read Time: 55 Minutes

With over six years of experience in hotel management, 27-year-old Singaporean Kim was well on her way to a successful career. Born in Singapore, she spent a significant portion of her childhood in London, UK, due to her parents’ work. After they settled down, Kim pursued a business degree and eventually moved out to live on her own.

Like many of her peers, Kim had a plan for her future: to establish a successful career, build a stable and happy family life, and achieve financial security. But despite her best efforts and dedication, she found herself struggling to cope with setbacks and to maintain a positive facade in front of others. With all the challenges, Kim remained determined to work towards her ultimate goal.

Kim’s multilingual abilities and confidence in expressing herself from a young age led her to form close friendships that she cherished deeply. However, even her closest friends were unable to prepare her for the heartache of a 4-year relationship ending due to the other person losing interest and engaging in unfaithful behavior.

Her friends were also unable to prepare her for the ups and downs of working in the corporate hotel industry. Kim would often feel confident and capable one week, and then experience a dip in her self-esteem the next. The stress and pressure of the job would affect her even in her personal life, causing her to doubt her abilities and question her self-worth. These fluctuations in confidence intensified following the ending of her relationship.

The pandemic dealt an additional blow to Kim’s life, as the first wave hit her industry hard. After having recently taken out a bank loan to become a homeowner, she saw her steady work disappear within just two months of the hotel being impacted. This left her job prospects dire, with fierce competition for limited opportunities.

In the midst of personal turmoil, Kim found a glimmer of hope in her new housemate, Jasmine. She moved in shortly after Kim had secured the loan for the apartment.

Jasmine, like Kim, was a Singaporean raised in the UK, and a few years younger than her. As she was enrolled in several online courses in marketing and IT systems, Kim assumed that was what Jasmine spent most of her time doing when she was away.

Despite getting along well, Jasmine had a more reserved personality compared to the more outgoing people in Kim’s hotel industry. Jasmine possessed a quiet and kind nature that Kim appreciated for its innocence and loving qualities. She noticed that Jasmine was shy and reserved, similar to herself, and did not go out as often as other people her age. As a result, Jasmine spent a lot of time at home and was there for Kim during some of the personal struggles.

As Kim struggled to navigate the challenges of unemployment, she found unexpected support in her flatmate Jasmine. It wasn’t until she spent more time at home that she began to notice something peculiar about Jasmine’s seemingly typical student lifestyle.

Though Jasmine spent most of her time studying, she always paid her share of the rent and bills on time, and even helped with groceries and cleaning, while never leaving the apartment for any amount of time long enough to suggest she worked a job. And as the pandemic hit, Jasmine seemed relaxed and unconcerned about her financial stability, leaving Kim to wonder just what it was that her flatmate was up to.

Kim couldn’t help but wonder how Jasmine was able to maintain such a carefree attitude, especially when it came to financial stability. As she struggled to deal with the losses in her own life, Jasmine seemed to have a secret source of security that left Kim curious and determined to find out more, without crossing any boundaries of privacy.

Sometimes they cooked together and hung out afterwards. That was often the only chance Kim had to find out more. Otherwise, Jasmine was usually inside her room with the door closed. Even when her friends visited, they would only briefly greet Kim before heading straight to Jasmine’s room, leaving Kim with more questions than answers.

It had been a while since their last cooking session. With Kim now spending more time at home, she was eager to schedule another meal with her housemate and to catch up on life.

Hey Jas x I was thinking of whipping up another batch of laksa on Thursday, are you interested? – Kim sent Jasmine the message one Monday afternoon, feeling inspired by the discounted ingredients she saw at the shops. 

Count me in! Chicken laksa? Can’t wait! – Jasmine replied shortly after. The plans for a fun and delicious catch up were set in motion.

As the day of the laksa approached, both Kim and Jasmine couldn’t help but feel excited. They eagerly ran into each other throughout the week, discussing the recipe and preparations. And when Thursday afternoon finally rolled around, Kim was busy prepping the ingredients while Jasmine returned from a quick shopping trip with not one, but two bottles of wine. It was clear that they were ready for a delicious and cozy girls’ night in.

“It’s been a while since we’ve had a chance to catch up and unwind, hasn’t it?” Jasmine said, handing Kim a glass of wine as she stirred the simmering laksa on the stove. “I’ve noticed you’ve seemed a bit stressed lately. Is everything okay?”

Jasmine’s keen perception was evident as she quickly picked up on the stress in Kim’s eyes, even in their brief interactions. Her emotional intelligence was impressive, catching Kim by surprise.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine, don’t worry, and I think the laksa’s going to turn out great, are you hungry?” – Kim stirred and tried changing the topic. 

“Nearly there,” Jasmine replied, a hint of exhaustion in her tone. “I’ve been more starved for conversation this week than food.”

“Feel free to rant, I’m happy to listen” – Kim suggested and switched her attention to the pieces of chicken cooking separately in another pot. 

And while Kim finished and plated two bowls of laksa, Jasmine took the opportunity to rant. She opened up to Kim about the string of unfortunate events that had plagued her all week. 

There were fraudulent bank transactions on her account, amounting to thousands of pounds, which she had to quickly dispute. Additionally, one of her cousins had failed to return a personal favor that would have provided much-needed financial assistance. To make matters worse, she had also begun a new IT course that she was struggling to understand. 

As Jasmine shared the details of that difficult week, Kim listened attentively and expressed her genuine sympathy. But the mention of financial struggles sparked an opportunity for Kim to ask further about Jasmine’s employment situation.

With a genuine tone of concern, Kim asked, “Jas, are you having any financial trouble at the moment? If there’s anything I can do to help, you can let me know.”

As they savored the delicious laksa, a comfortable silence fell between them. Jasmine took her time enjoying a spoonful of noodles, soup, and chicken, not feeling the least bit self-conscious about indulging in the delicious meal.

“I’ll be okay, don’t worry about rent and expenses. I guess I never told you what I do to make extra money, did I?” Jasmine followed up, seemingly volunteering the information that Kim had been curious about all along.

“No, you haven’t, and I didn’t want to pry. Is there something you’d like to tell me?” Kim asked with a friendly chuckle.

“Well, I feel a bit weird about telling” – Jasmine interjected and paused again.

“Oh no, don’t be, why? Is it something illegal or that you’re uncomfortable sharing?” Kim followed up, trying to keep the conversation flowing.

“No, no, it’s nothing like that,” Jasmine laughed and shook her head, quickly dismissing the idea.

“Don’t worry, it’s just something that’s not exactly safe for work” – Jasmine explained, being mindful of her choice of words to prevent any negative reaction from Kim.

But Kim’s mind quickly pieced together the clues and she had a good idea of what Jasmine meant.

Kim immediately thought that it could be some form of online work, but didn’t want to jump to conclusions. She wanted to give Jasmine the space to share more information about her work if she wanted to. 

As Kim pondered over Jasmine’s words, she quickly realized that it likely wasn’t sex work with clients. Random people never visited Jasmine at the apartment besides a shy girlfriend she met a few times, and Jasmine never left for more than a couple of hours at a time. This led Kim to believe that it must have something to do with Jasmine’s laptop, which was sitting nearby with her Gmail open. She was convinced that the two were connected in some way.

“What do you mean, like showing your fanny online?” – Kim asked with curious intrigue as Jasmine sipped on her laksa.

Jasmine couldn’t help but laugh at Kim’s question and as she did, a piece of chicken slipped from her spoon, creating a small splatter of soup. Quickly wiping it up with a napkin, she looked up at Kim and with a playful tone replied, “Let’s just say I do, would it bother you?”

Jasmine’s bold response caught Kim off guard, leaving her momentarily speechless as she processed the candidness and self-assurance in Jasmine’s words.

“Well, to be honest, it might have bothered my previous self a bit. But that version of me seems so distant now, especially after all the recent changes I’ve gone through, both personally and professionally. I’m not quite sure who the new me is yet, but you seem to be doing so much better at the moment. I’m not judging, to be honest, I’m probably a bit envious,” Kim explained as she let out a sigh.

“It’s been a while since I’ve expressed my thoughts like that,” said Kim, feeling a bit uneasy. “I’m not used to being so open, but I hope I made sense.”

“I’m sorry to hear that Kim, I could see you were under some stress a few times we talked recently” – Jasmine replied with a slight pause left in the end for Kim to continue. 

“I’ll be okay,” Kim said, her confidence returning as she spoke. “Things have been tough, but I have a feeling that I’ll bounce back. I always do.”

“Good, and if you ever need to vent or get rid of some bad energy, don’t hesitate to reach out to me” – Jasmine kindly offered. 

“I appreciate the offer, Jas. Recently, I’ve had some lingering relationship and work-related hurt feelings, but let’s save that for another time. Right now, I’m feeling very positive with this delicious laksa in front of me,” Kim said, joking and slurping another spoonful of soup and noodles.

A moment of silence passed as they both focused on their food. However, occasionally they would catch each other’s gaze and exchange a knowing look, as if they had bonded over their shared experiences of persevering through difficult times.

“One thing though” – Jasmine curiously spoke again and paused. 

“Yes?” Kim responded immediately, looking up from her bowl.

“Sure, we both feel a bit better now after opening up but… My cat’s out of the bag now, don’t you think?” Jasmine carefully followed up, nervous but still with a hint of joking. 

“Is that pun intended?” Kim joked back. 

Jasmine said nothing but playfully gave Kim a sarcastic look of Ha-ha-very-funny. 

“Oh, yes, yes, right, your work in the bedroom” – Kim followed up and smiled.

“Yeah, are you going to be OK about me doing it? I don’t have any interest in another job for the time being, I actually like this” – Jasmine explained.  

“Hope you don’t mind me asking, what do you actually do that you like so much? I’ve read the occasional articles about camming, streaming and things like premium accounts of models but the articles were usually negative and if they were positive than it still brought up an image of dealing with sleazy men and teenage boys who pay for pictures and underwear” – Kim’s own curiosity about the subject was also out of the bag now. 

“I’ve seen those too before I considered this. But I found a way around it that works for me at least” – Jasmine suggested, like a magician who knew the secret to a trick. 

“How is that?” Kim curiously asked. 

“I do private streams with people I meet through Insta, mostly women but sometimes also couples, and mostly by myself or with that friend who sometimes comes over you’ve seen. It’s like working with a select group of people who I first screen and who treat me with respect. I also set boundaries for what I am comfortable with and what I am not. It’s not for everyone, but it works really well for me.” – Jasmine explained, with a sense of pride and empowerment in her voice.

“Is it masturbating?” Kim giggled from just saying the word. It felt absurd to ask. 

“Sometimes, yes. But also, gaming, talking, watching them, or making videos on request. Depends on what they want to see and donate. I have sometimes sent my panties as well, sure” – Jasmine joked in the end, trying to loosen the tension about the revelations. 

“And your friend? She sits next to you and does the same or…?” Kim asked and paused, sounding curiously like a student asking their teacher for an explanation.

“She comes whenever I have women who want to watch girl on girl things. They sometimes can pay the most. I give them a fun hour or two away from their daily routines. And they get off to something more personal than high-production porn or someone making generic videos for an entire fanbase” – Jasmine explained.

After hearing Jasmine’s explanation, Kim was in awe. The negative perceptions she might have had no longer weighed on her mind. She was open to any opportunity that could improve her current situation and was impressed by Jasmine’s confidence in her chosen path. 

Kim quickly warmed to the idea of connecting with other women online. Having experienced the complexities of navigating her own thoughts and desires over the years, she was intrigued by the possibility. Jasmine seemed to enjoy it and was getting paid, that was important to note. And despite leading a predominantly straight life, Kim often drunkenly found herself sexually drawn to K-pop singers from several girl groups like Red Velvet, TWICE, Mamamoo, also BLACKPINK. So when Jasmine introduced her to the idea of streaming with other women, including sexually, Kim knew it was something she could try to explore.

“You seem curious, do you want to see what it’s like? My friend is coming over again this weekend, you could see for yourself” Jasmine suggested carefully after a moment of silence. 

“Maybe…” – Kim quietly replied.

“Maybe sit in the corner and watch, and don’t freak out. But most importantly, try to enjoy the show” – Jasmine joked and tried to playfully poke Kim across the table with one of her chopsticks. 

They both laughed to ease the tension. Kim agreed to join and was curious to see what the experience would be like. Despite feeling a bit nervous, she had a lingering interest in the idea and hoped it would not be as awkward as she feared.

After finishing their laksas and wine, Jasmine offered to clean up the bowls before they both settled in for a good night’s sleep.

The following day, Kim and Jasmine only saw each other briefly. Though she was curious, Kim did not dare ask for more explicit details about what Jasmine and her friend actually did together. But she suspected that it was far more than just conversations in front of a laptop. While she felt uncertain, the idea of exploring this new opportunity with her friend’s guidance was both exciting and unsettling.

On that coming Saturday, Kim slept in and when she finally got up, she found Jasmine in the kitchen enjoying a bowl of oats and a banana.

“Good morning” – Jasmine perked up when Kim walked in. 

“Hey, good morning” – Kim quickly replied and reached for the instant coffee.

“My friend will be here at 12, she’s supportive of you watching and deciding if you want to join, but asked if it’s okay that you don’t know her name? She’s just a bit guarded about her personal life, that’s all,” Jasmine explained casually, as if she assumed Kim would be fine with it.

“Join? I thought I was only watching” – Kim nervously replied, trying to correct Jasmine on that part of the assumption.

“Yes, yes, I know, you don’t have to do anything but watch, then decide later, but trust me, I think you will” – Jasmine joked and continued eating her oats.

It felt like a small victory, to win a verbal agreement that she could just watch and decide later whether to do anything. But it still did not help with the feeling of being unsure of what she was getting into. 

“Is your coffee ready? I can show you the setup while we wait for her to get here” – Jasmine suggested and brought her bowl and banana peel back to the kitchen counter. 

Kim nodded and, cup in hand, followed Jasmine to the bedroom.

When Kim entered the room, she noticed a small desk on one side of the room, equipped with a camera and an additional screen connected to a laptop. A chair had been placed next to the desk, presumably for Kim to sit in. The equipment was all set up to face the bed on the other side of the room. There was a shelf attached to the wall next to the bed, resembling a nightstand. On it, was another laptop with a gaming controller plugged in, ready for use.

The bed Jasmine set up for the session was inviting and cozy, with soft, light blue sheets and multiple large pillows for both comfort and visual appeal. The window blinds had been adjusted to allow light in while ensuring privacy. The room was surprisingly tidy, with no clothes or clutter in sight, everything appeared to be neatly stored away in the large closet space behind the mirrors. The only indication of disarray was the technical equipment.

“Make yourself comfortable in the chair, we’re going to do 2 streams and then head out for a bite to eat and try to make a short video for a girl’s special request. The first stream will watch us play a game; the second will be to catch up with this married woman who likes to fool around a lot” – Jasmine explained. 

“OK, makes sense” – Kim replied, trying to play it cool and to not seem nervous.

“If you feel the need to leave, just do so quietly please, they can’t know you are there watching” – Jasmine pleaded sincerely. Kim assured her there would be no cock ups. 

Jasmine went on to explain her approach to using social media to connect with other women. She shared how she used her accounts privately to filter out men and select the women who she felt would be the best fit as supporters. By being selective, she was able to enjoy the connections she made, rather than feeling like it was just a way to make money. She acknowledged that she could potentially earn more by being less picky, but her priority was finding the right women to connect with.

Jasmine further shared that when they stream together, they talk or watch and comment on videos. They also play games together. But some of her followers would request personalized sexual videos or ask for clothing items, both clean and worn, as part of the experience. Jasmine mentioned that it was a good balance and variety for her.

Kim listened attentively, taking in all the information provided. Jasmine spoke about her experiences with a sense of positivity and fulfillment. Despite the reminder to keep it private, Jasmine never gave off the impression of regret or dissatisfaction.

The sound of the intercom buzzing jolted Kim out of her concentration. Jasmine’s friend was here, early by more than 10 minutes.

“Ah she’s here. Must be keen today, last time she was late” – Jasmine quickly got up from behind her laptop and went to open the door, leaving Kim alone in the bedroom.

Soon, the sound of friendly chatter and footsteps grew closer as Jasmine and her friend approached the bedroom. Kim held her breath in anticipation, her nerves on edge. As the friend walked in first, followed by Jasmine, Kim was relieved to see that introductions were unnecessary. Jasmine took the lead, “I believe you two have met before. So, let’s get ready. Kayla wants to go live in 20 minutes and watch GTA Online. I’ll go make us some coffee.”

Kim and the friend greeted each other and exchanged pleasantries.

“So, do you know this Kayla?” Kim asked curiously trying to spark a conversation.

“Yeah, she watched us a couple of times already. She’s really sweet and a bit nerdy with girls, we like her energy a lot. Do you know what she also likes to see?” The friend asked Kim suggestively.

“You mean, besides the game?” Kim replied with the innocence of someone who did not know a lot.   

“Yeah” – The friend instantly answered and paused for Kim to talk again.

“No, I actually don’t know specifically, only what seems to be implied” – Kim finally confessed. 

The friend shot Kim a cheeky grin and said nothing. Jasmine came back with three steaming cups of instant coffee and passed them out. They sipped away while Jasmine set up the laptop, and Kim and the friend eagerly waited for the stream to begin.

“Kayla’s ready when we are” – Jasmine exclaimed, as Kim’s sudden excitement grew with a flutter of nerves.

Jasmine quickly opened the second laptop and booted up the game. The friend excused herself to change into a different top, fix her hair, and put on sunglasses. In a matter of moments, the atmosphere shifted as Jasmine and the friend transitioned into work mode, seeming to forget about Kim’s presence.

As the game loaded in the background, Jasmine quickly changed into a more appropriate outfit, slipping out of her joggers and folding them nearby on the shelf. The friend, noticing the change, complimented Jasmine on her choice of black panties and commented on the fresh, fruity scent of her recently washed hair, setting the tone for their upcoming live stream.

Kim felt her cheeks flush as she watched Jasmine and her friend interact. The genuine and flirtatious display of affection between the two was something she had never witnessed up close and personal, and it was more akin to something she had only seen in movies. The way Jasmine looked, dressed in only her panties and a loose top, with toned legs and a very attractive V-shape, only added to the intensity of the moment. She couldn’t help but be drawn in by Jasmine’s reciprocating flirtatious energy.

With the game paused, Jasmine shifted her focus to the second laptop and leaned forward on her knees to start typing. Meanwhile, the friend patiently waited and continued to show affection towards Jasmine, and gently touched Jasmine’s booty cheeks with a cheeky smile. 

“Hey, are you on?” Jasmine asked when some muffled static came through the speakers. 

“Yes, I’m here, have I come through yet?” The voice asked, presumably Kayla. 

Jasmine eagerly greeted the camera on the laptop, as if Kayla were present with them in the room.

The friend, who had been affectionately cuddling with Jasmine, also greeted Kayla and asked how her day had been, complimenting her appearance and expressing excitement to see Jasmine play. Their genuine enthusiasm and likable demeanor helped create a comfortable atmosphere for everyone, including the nervous Kim.

As they eagerly delved into the world of GTA, Jasmine sat confidently on the bed with her legs stretched out and controller in hand. She leaned back against her friend, who affectionately caressed her shoulders, chest, and stomach. Together, the trio excitedly suggested different things to do in the game, all the while maintaining a playful and flirtatious banter with Kayla on the other end.

Kim noticed that more than 20 minutes had passed as she watched Jasmine, her friend, and Kayla play GTA and joke around. The only indication that they were streaming was the occasional sound of a cash register, indicating that they were making money. Despite this, they seemed to be having a great time, fully immersed in the game and each other’s company.

But then, as if on purpose, the friend’s caressing moved over to Jasmine’s thighs. Specifically the inner thighs, from the knees and to the middle where the panties were. It took a moment before Kayla noticed it. 

“Oh, you’re trying to make her wet again, aren’t you?” Kayla suggestively asked with a different tone of voice. 

“You know I do” – The friend replied playfully and began rubbing her hand on top of Jasmine’s panties.

“Make sure to tell me how she tastes this time… my gosh I wish I was there with you” – Kayla increasingly blushed through the speakers. 

The suggestion also made Kim blush who steadily heated up in her own panties. There was no doubt anymore, just the sight of Jasmine being touched like that made Kim lust in ways she only felt about the K-pop girl groups before. And those times she was drunk, this time she was not, she felt it coming from deep inside. 

Jasmine continued to play the game with a playful grin on her face and an occasional arch of her back to match the rhythm of the friend’s touches.

“Why don’t you lean back against the pillows? Looks like she’s about to drool all over you” – Kayla spoke again with confidence in the dirty talk. Kim felt the urge to touch herself badly but resisted every bit of it.

Jasmine sat upright and let her friend kneel next to the bed. She then fell back into a set of pillows stacked up for support with one leg on and the other leg off the bed next to her friend. It created a perfect angle of the spread and beautiful thighs with the back of her friend’s head slowly approaching it.  

Kim’s breath momentarily froze and watched on in full amazement. It felt surreal to see another girl, clothed and so soft-spoken, be so willing to kneel and dive between Jasmine’s legs. 

The friend kissed her way up Jasmine’s thigh and loudly inhaled and smooched on Jasmine’s panties like it was her breakfast. And not just once or twice, Kim counted at least 11 times before she stopped inhaling and focused on just kissing the entire area around the panties. 

The girl gently licked around Jasmine’s thighs, on the edges of the panties and through the fabric as well. And it became evident Jasmine struggled to play the game focused anymore. 

“Oh yes, you sure do love her, how does she taste?” Kayla asked and gushed through the screen. 

“So sweet and already tangy, I can’t wait to take these off” – The friend replied with a suggestive tone like she knew exactly what she wanted to say. Jasmine smiled as 2 consecutive cash register sounds rang. 

“When they’re wet enough, wear them around your head, will you do that for me?” Kayla seductively asked. 

“Of course, I will do it for myself as well” – The friend joked and continued working Jasmine’s crotch. 

“I love how happy you look being dirty, let me see you lick those panties well and rub on them, get them really wet” – Kayla’s words sexually pierced Kim’s innocent ears with lust, passion and fiery desire wrapped up in a dirty blanket of promiscuity and love for pussy. 

The friend lapped long strokes of the tongue across the middle of Jasmine’s panties. Consciously, she made sure to be loud and vocal in her enjoyment, ensuring that everyone in the room could hear her own pleasure. 

Jasmine paused the game, leaving the in-game radio station playing in the background. As she leaned forward to put the controller down, her friend continued to lick, following her movements.

When Fergie’s song Glamorous started playing, her friend had enough of teasing.

“I love this song! Those need to come off now, they feel wet enough” – The friend hurried and helped Jasmine’s panties with sliding off. 

“Wow look at your enthusiasm, go girl” – Kayla commented and another cash register sound rang.

As soon as the panties were off, the friend held them to her face and inhaled more. Without Kayla noticing, Jasmine quickly glanced at Kim then back to her friend. Kim felt caught watching with a flustered expression.

The girl gently guided Jasmine back down, with both legs spread off the bed, and took a moment to touch herself to Jasmine’s scent.  

“Is the inside nice and sticky for you with the scent you wanted?” Kayla asked like a certified freak, catching Kim off guard with such fierce sexual prowess.

“Oh my god yes, it’s so fragrant” – The friend answered, almost obsessively.

She wrapped the panties with Jasmine’s scent around her head, covering up half of her face, particularly the lips and nose where she could enjoy it more. 

Jasmine watched for a bit then made a bold move. She lifted one of her legs back onto the bed, giving her friend a clear invitation to indulge.

The friend touched herself with one hand, balanced with the other, and instinctively leaned forward into Jasmine’s lower lips again. She kissed, licked and gently sucked in and around the sweet slit like she was eating dessert and not using cutlery.

“How’s she doing?” Kayla asked seductively. 

“Amazing, I’m feeling very hot here” – Jasmine replied and slowly closed her eyes. 

“I love how much she loves it, you’re in her mouth and on her nose at the same time and I can hear every single munch here” – Kayla joked and let off 3 more cash register sounds. 

Kayla was right about the munching, Kim thought, as her own hand carefully drifted to the center of her legs and applied some pressure. She had to touch herself, even just a little bit, the visual and strong sounds filled the room with a lust that was hard to deny. 

“Are you still breathing there?” Kayla joked after a few minutes of the indulgence. 

“Oh my god, yes” – The friend mumbled and came up from between Jasmine’s legs for a deep breath.

“Wipe her face with your panties, even I can see from here it’s messy” – Kayla asked.

Jasmine reached over and tenderly wiped her friend’s face with the panties, wiping all around the edges of the mouth and chin. The friend playfully stuck out her tongue, allowing the panties to pass by with every wipe.

“Which one do you love more?” Kayla asked jokingly.

“I love her scent, but it can’t beat the real thing…” – The friend replied and bent down to Jasmine’s lower lips again, sucking the soul out of her with an immediate and loud slurp. Jasmine smiled and tried to keep up.

“Some girls love fancy cocktails, other girls love taking the bottle straight to the face, don’t they?” – Kayla joked and made Jasmine laugh. 

Soon, Jasmine relaxed into the pillows, cradling her friend’s head with both hands.

Kim instinctively read Jasmine, sensing a climax approaching. She was caught up in the excitement, when someone ate like that it was only inevitable. With increasing intensity, Kim felt a similar urge to build up along with Jasmine, as they witnessed the friend’s passion. 

“Just like that, you look amazing, finish her off, please don’t stop” – Kayla encouraged on Jasmine’s behalf and seemed to lightly moan through the speakers.

Minutes later, Jasmine started breathing louder and longer. She gripped her friend by the head and released spasms of pleasure. In the final moments of her bliss, Jasmine thrust against her friend’s face, into a mouth that kept on eating even after she was done. 

The friend followed every movement and used her mouth expertly. But eventually, Jasmine pulled her face away. She had visible grool, and Jasmine got too sensitive. The friend pulled her hand out from her own panties and rubbed her wet fingers around the edges of the mouth, blending them with Jasmine’s sticky glaze. She smiled while showing off her dirty side and made Jasmine and Kayla blush.

“That was so good, you ok?” Kayla complimented and asked.

“Yeah it was” – A flustered Jasmine replied, barely keeping her eyes open. 

“Do you still have that pink butt thing you showed me last time?” Kayla asked and let off a cash register sound.

“It’s right here” – The friend replied before Jasmine could and went to get it from the nearby shelf. Jasmine laughed and nervously closed her legs.

“Touch yourself with that in you, then maybe she can clean you up” – Kayla suggested. 

The friend opened Jasmine’s legs again and instinctively leaned in a bit lower, below the incredible lips she just ate. She licked Jasmine’s brown star a few times to prep it, then positioned the small vibrating stick of fun on it for entry. Slowly and confidently, it slid into Jasmine and gently cradled before sending shockwaves of pleasure. 

The friend held it there for as long as it took and resumed touching herself again with the other free hand. Jasmine’s panties were still wrapped around her face from before.

Jasmine started using both hands on herself as well, one to rub and the other to penetrate to a similar rhythm as the toy. Crackles of little moans and groans came through the speakers as Kayla watched along. 

Kim watched it all with envious pleasure, eager to release the fire within her own pants, but too nervous to show any signs and she did not want to mess up the stream. It had been a while since she felt such inner conflict.

Soon enough, Jasmine rocked to a climactic build up of energy. She moaned loudly as the toy caused a frenzy with the nerve endings around her brown star. 

“Oh yes, yes, I’m coming too, yes!” Kayla whispered through the speakers.

Everyone fell silent for a moment, basking in what they felt deep inside. The friend then removed the toy and placed it nearby on the floor. Another cash register sound echoed.

“I don’t think she came yet, can she lick you clean and get herself off for us? But quick, I need to go soon unfortunately” – Kayla said and dropped two more cash register sounds. 

Jasmine tried to guide her friend down again but the girl licked her wet fingers instead. 

“Quick please, I badly want to see you lick her creamy pussy” – Kayla asked again and dropped another generous cash register sound.

The friend bent down into Jasmine’s lower lips again and loudly rubbed her mouth and nose inside the sticky sweet slit. She bobbed up and down, left and right and momentarily even smothered herself. She made it hard to breath while touching herself into a frenzied short but sweet climax with a mouthful of the squirming Jasmine. 

Just as she got off, the sticky smothering made her cough. She gasped for air as she unexpectedly swallowed some of the juice. Jasmine jolted from the sensitivity after allowing the girl to eat her like a fruit. 

But the friend was not fazed, and returned to licking a few more times before finally sitting up again with a happy expression. She took Jasmine’s panties off of her head, gave them one last inhale, and tossed them on the other side of the bed. 

“Oh wow, that was so good, you’re all over and inside me” – The friend said, knowing it sounded dirty and opened her mouth to the laptop for Kayla to see.

Four more cash register sounds rang. Kayla complimented them on a job well done.

“Girls, I have to go, it was truly great, I hope for you too, keep in touch, yeah?” – Kayla said and blew a kiss to them. The call ended shortly after they said goodbye. 

Jasmine kissed her friend and went to the toilet. The girl stayed on the floor with her head resting on the bed and gave Kim a cute look like she knew exactly she just performed to an audience. 

Kim froze and looked back at her with silent admiration.

“Did you like it? Our next show is in 30 minutes, get a drink if you need” – Jasmine returned and suggested to Kim. 

“Wow, that was new for me” – Kim admitted and felt humbled.

Kim slowly stood up and also went to the loo. As soon as the door closed though, she threw herself back up against the wall almost possessed with desire. She closed her eyes, put a hand inside her panties and furiously fingered like a woman on a mission. She finally could do it after holding it in for what felt like an insanely long time. 

She replayed images of the lustful friend, with a face completely covered in Jasmine’s scent. Within just a minute, Kim drove herself wild and climaxed to powerful images of Jasmine’s orgasming body. 

But unlike other times she got off and sobered up afterwards, that time Kim stayed aroused. The hand in the panties came out and instead of washing up, Kim surprised herself by placing the fingers in her mouth to taste. In just seconds, she took to it and licked them entirely clean. But when Kim caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, she felt prompted to stop. 

After freshening up, Kim went to the kitchen for a glass of cold water and returned to Jasmine’s bedroom. The two girls were on the bed, with Jasmine on her laptop and her friend on the phone, both deeply engrossed in their screens. Kim silently took her seat in the corner chair.

A few minutes of silence passed. The expectation of what was to come kept Kim on an aroused edge, but she tried her best to suppress it and return to a calm state.

“Who’s up next?” Kim asked, trying to break the ice.

“An older woman, she never told us her name and never has more than 45 minutes free to see us in the small window of time away from her family. You’ll see, she’s nice but keeps the chit chat short and gets straight to the point. And she’s very generous if I take the strap” – Jasmine explained and smirked at the end. 

Kim laughed along, as if she was privy to the same joke. Her friend reached under the bed and retrieved the strap, which intimidated Kim with its ominous sexual appearance and Jasmine’s friend’s mischievous demeanor.

As they talked, Jasmine changed into comfortable joggers and new panties and returned to her laptop. Kim noticed that the butt toy and the used panties from before were nowhere in sight, assuming they were disposed of as evidence of their naughty activities.

“Are you ready? I think she’s about to…,” Jasmine asked her friend as she squinted at the screen, pausing momentarily.

“Yeah, go ahead,” the friend replied playfully, “but are YOU ready?”

“Quiet, you goof,” Jasmine playfully retorted. She was interrupted by an incoming call request from the woman.

Jasmine focused her attention on the woman appearing on the screen. A soft, sophisticated accent greeted the girls through the speakers with a friendly “hello” accompanied by a cash register sound.

And as Jasmine mentioned, just two minutes after exchanging greetings and pleasantries, the woman asked, “Are my girls ready?”

The girls huddled together and replied in unison, “Yes ma’am, right here!”

The woman instructed Jasmine to undress and bend over the bed in the doggy position, and to arch back for the camera as much as comfortably possible. Another cash register sound rang as Jasmine positioned herself.

Jasmine showed everyone a perfect, full moon view from behind. Kim noticed the brown star in between the cheeks, the gorgeous lips below it and could not help but feel attracted to them. Like when dogs greet each other, Kim felt a strong desire to bury her nose in there. Instead, she opened her legs slightly in the chair and settled in for the second show, the mood in the room once again filled with lust.

When Jasmine reached back and seductively ran her fingers through the crack of her ass, the woman rang another cash register sound.

“You know what I like, get your ass nice and ready, help her” – The woman suddenly instructed the friend. 

Kim felt a nervous flutter in her stomach as she realized the direction this playful interaction was headed towards. 

The friend watched Jasmine with biting lips and a drooling expression. She moved closer, right where dogs greet each other. Without hesitating, she kissed and followed Jasmine’s hand as it was self-pleasuring. 

Even though Kim could not see it up close, she knew when the friend had stuck her tongue out. Jasmine’s breathing changed and a little moan escaped, signaling something extra nice happened. 

“Ride her face” – The woman instructed and whispered moans through the speakers.

Jasmine stopped touching herself, but the friend continued with her tongue up and down the crack and wet lips.

The friend tilted her neck back for a better mouthful and extended the tongue as far as she could into the center of Jasmine’s booty cheeks. It sounded like muffled bobbing-for-apples and it drove Kim wild with a submissive desire.  

Eventually catching up to the instruction, the friend pulled away from Jasmine and licked her lips clean around the edges. Jasmine sat upright and bent her knees; the friend layed down and faced the woman on the screen. 

A cash register sound rang. Jasmine slowly lowered herself on her friend’s face. Her legs were spread for the camera as she used her hands behind her back for balance. Two more register sounds rang.

The friend’s face disappeared under Jasmine. But Kim noticed the jaws moved a lot. The mouth munched despite being smothered. It took them a minute to adjust before Jasmine finally balanced enough to rock back and forth comfortably. 

“You decide when you’re ready, love” – The woman encouraged.

The friend ran her hands up and down Jasmine’s back while appreciating the ass with her face. She breathed with Jasmine on top, and subtle gasps and moans were drowned out by wet munching sounds and Jasmine’s cries of pleasure. 

The friend clearly had a desire for Jasmine the way she enjoyed being sat on. Her body moved along to Jasmine’s rhythm. And like a sexy snake seductively slithering, her tongue was out and overflowed with stickiness. 

“Wow you 2 look so good, I can hear her eating you through here, she really likes it” – The woman praised. More cash register sounds echoed triumphantly through the speakers. 

Kim felt the urge to touch herself again, the day would be too much to handle otherwise. She noticed the girls were not paying attention to her anyway, and so she unleashed her deepest lesbian voyeur and momentarily got away with it. She strangely felt liberated as her mind weakened to the lust again.

It quickly became difficult for Jasmine to stay in that position for a longer period of time. She sat upright with her legs spread across her friend’s chest and face. Her lower lips noticeably grazed by her friend’s chin and created a perfect opportunity for a mouthful of sticky pussy the girl immediately took. The slurping sound it made was loud and reminiscent of drinking from an icy cup with a straw.  

As Jasmine adjusted, the full weight of her body sat on her friend. It never interrupted any of the action though. 

In the newly seated position, Jasmine was able to rest on the bed more for support. She cupped her lips below with one hand, and managed to slide a finger in her brown star from behind with the other. Her friend looked on from below as Jasmine jammed the finger in and out several times. The other hand gently rubbed on herself as the finger worked its magic, and both created an electric tension across her abdomen Kim noticed put all of Jasmine’s bodily senses on high alert.  

Jasmine’s breathing got stronger and heavier. The friend stuck out her tongue again and licked on the other side from where Jasmine’s hands were putting in work. Two more cash register sounds rang from the woman. 

“I want it… now” – Jasmine barely could say it out loud. 

“Go ahead” – The woman dripped with seduction as she encouraged.

Jasmine delicately removed the finger, and held the other hand in front of her friend, who eagerly accepted and licked the palm clean after savoring every last lick.

“Good girl” – The woman urged for more.

Gracefully, Jasmine moved away from her friend and reached for the nearby strap. She tossed it to the friend and slipped into the doggy position, facing the camera with a renewed sense of horniness and anticipation.

The friend quickly stood up and undressed down to her panties. She wrapped the strap around her waist, and reached for a small bottle of lubricant. Kim instinctively knew they had done that many times before with the confidence and experience they both exuded. 

The friend expertly positioned herself behind Jasmine to straddle the Face-Down-Ass-Up position Kim had heard of before in many rap songs. Jasmine’s friend looked almost menacing, brimming with sexual energy behind the strap. Kim knew she would not be able to stand straight after, if the girl came at her in that way.

There was a playful slap of Jasmine’s booty cheeks before the strap went poking in between. Gradually, the friend found the right hole. Once the tip went in, Jasmine’s face disappeared into the pillow and tensely began breathing to a visibly much stronger sensation. 

The friend gently pushed the strap all the way in and then stopped. She did not move nor thrust, but instead waited for Jasmine to adjust to its size naturally. 

“Oh my God… please… Ok, yeah, yeah, give it more, ohhhhh” – Jasmine managed to let out, with a shaky voice and eyes rolled back each time she came up from the pillow. 

“I think she’s ready” – The woman suggested.

Suddenly, the friend thrusted into Jasmine. Again. And again. Then stopped again. Jasmine loudly moaned each time, like she was getting an itch scratched in one of the most physically intensive ways possible. 

“Do you need more lube love?” The woman asked when they paused.

“No…” – Jasmine replied under her breath.

“No, what?” The woman asked with some authority. 

“No, ma’am, no, just give it to me, it feels so good, my god, please” – Jasmine replied flustered but willing. She reached back and held her friend by the waist, encouraging more back shots. 

At that point, the friend went in. Jasmine felt strong thrusts of the strap, as the room filled up with the sound of booty cheeks being clapped against, the slightly squeaky and lubed strap entering repeatedly and Jasmine’s muffled moans from her face in the pillow. Both hands held onto the bed sheets as she received the pounding. 

“Pull her head up, I want to see how she’s enjoying it” – The woman bluntly suggested.

The friend leaned over and held Jasmine’s hair up to lift her from the pillow. Her face had changed, and melted with the pleasure she tried to keep up with. The eyes seemed almost closed, but the grin was wide and mischievous. 

“Can you face me?” – The woman asked. 

Jasmine let out a soft squeak when the friend pulled out. The girl sat down on the edge of the bed and guided the shaky-legged Jasmine into the new position. She created enough space for Jasmine to lean and bounce up against the strap.

Jasmine looked tired, but also gladly changed. She slowly fit the strap inside again and took it entirely. 

“Don’t close your eyes, look at me, show me how it is, you look so beautiful I’m actually not far from getting off” – The woman suggested. Multiple cash register sounds rang out. 

Jasmine looked back at the screen and started showing how much she enjoyed it.

“It feels so tight, it’s scratching me in such a good way, I can barely talk, I just want it over and over again” – Jasmine barely composed herself. She was louder than usual and seemingly under a sexual spell.  

Jasmine’s slow bouncing on the strap got interrupted by her friend who leaned off the bed and thrusted from under her. It pierced Jasmine’s star faster and caused her eyes to close again. Her breathing also intensified to the new pace. 

Kim felt incredibly hot inside her clothes. She circled on and around her panties and created an amazing sensation along to the same rhythm that Jasmine was feeling. Normally she recognized the stages of her own climax, but in the rush of watching it all unfold Kim experienced a gushing release of nerve endings throughout her entire groin that did not seem to calm down. She bit her lips just to avoid making a sound and closed her legs each time the flushes of orgasms came out of nowhere, then reopened again and continued. 

Even more unusually, instead of experiencing a sense of calm after the storm, Kim continued to crave the same feeling multiple times. Although she felt smaller releases, they only served as appetizers, leaving her hungering for more.

“Stand up and bend over, maybe hold onto your knees” – The woman requested. Each freaky word lit up Kim’s senses with lust. 

Jasmine anxiously stood up and bent over, holding herself by the knees for support as the friend re-entered from behind with the strap. Naturally it started to take over Jasmine’s body again as the woman watched on with a cash register sound.

Kim focused on Jasmine’s face and how the eyes succumbed to the pleasure rammed into her. She looked a little tired, but also heavily enjoying it. Jasmine let out small – “Ah, Ah, Ahhhh” – sounds each time she was penetrated. It had a slutty look and feel to it, bent over like that for a pounding, but it was glorious to see Jasmine love it so much. Her ass would likely be sore that day in the best way possible.  

“You’re getting me off, I’m so close. Pin her down on the bed, give me the Kim K pose love, I know you can handle it” – The woman moaned and instructed. 

The friend abruptly pulled out again as 2 more cash register sounds came through.

The friend helped move Jasmine along by the waist. She let herself fall on the bed, gently positioned on the stomach with her booty perked up for access, but kept her legs together. 

“Can you have it love?” The friend whispered in Kim’s ear as she straddled and kissed around her lobe. 

“Yeah, just go in, the pain feels really good” – Jasmine replied much more soft-spoken and submissive, like the pleasure had won in a competition and she surrendered to it.

Her friend balanced on top with a subtleness that came from previous experience, found the star again and pushed inside. In no time, the friend went back to working on Jasmine’s booty, both hands and feet firmly planted. 

“Be honest love, have you come yet?” The woman asked as she quietly moaned through the speakers.

“A few times actually…” – Jasmine replied and tried to catch up with the strap inside her.

“That’s right, you’ve sounded the same the whole time, I almost couldn’t tell when” – The woman replied jokingly. Another cash register sound came through. 

The woman was right, Kim was also surprised Jasmine came a few times. Sure, it sounded like Jasmine was having one giant orgasm the entire time, but Kim still expected a kind of build up to something. 

The sight of Jasmine and the sound of the dirty talking was enough to give Kim a shaky leg in her approach to another quiet orgasm. She shifted in her seat watching the friend’s body pushing into Jasmine’s. From that position, Jasmine’s climax felt strongly present in the room, near its fullest potential. 

“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, I’m going to come” – The woman loudly whispered through the speakers almost in sync with Kim. It was as if they were connected without knowing it. 

The friend kept going, Jasmine kept moaning and Kim’s lust kept growing. There seemed to be no end in sight. 

“Keep going, come in her ass, don’t worry she’s already had plenty” – The woman sensually commented, pleased with the results.

The girl took the words of encouragement and ran with them until she was adjusted on top of Jasmine in a downward angle. 

Jasmine’s moaning got so constant she almost sounded possessed with sexual electricity flowing through her. She never let go of the bedsheets and held on for the ride. 

“Oh yes, yes, I’m going to come in you love, oh my, yes” – The friend moaned in the back of Jasmine’s head. 

She awkwardly thrust her final climactic moments and tried to stay in the position without tipping over. More cash register sounds filled the room along with Jasmine’s pleasure. Until the friend pulled out and walked away to unstrap. The calm after the storm finally started. 

“I got a bit more left for you girls, is the strap wet inside?” The woman suggestively asked. 

“Yeah, a bit” – The friend checked and also showed the woman.

“Let her have some, the least she could do, right?” The woman suggested, and rang another cash register sound. 

The friend smiled and gave Jasmine a look of anticipation.

Jasmine stood up from the bed with some sensitivity. The friend took her hands affectionately and kissed her. The inside of the strap was then held nearby, not far from Jasmine’s face. Soon to enjoy the full scent of. 

“That’s right love, enjoy it, do you also want to use your tongue for a bit? I have a few minutes left” – The woman gently asked and guided them along with more cash register sounds. 

Jasmine slowly ducked in front of her friend and pulled down the panties. Not to take them off, but just to show enough so she could lick around the lower lips. It did not last long before the woman already interjected and thanked them for an amazing show. Jasmine stood up again with the help of her friend.

After agreeing to meet again the following week, the girls sat next to each other and waved goodbye to the woman on the laptop.

As soon as it was over, Jasmine laid back on the bed and nervously smiled. The friend cuddled up next to her, but only for a moment. They then stood up and returned back to normal. 

Kim sat silently in her chair, speechless and sexually flustered.

Jasmine retreated to the bathroom, closing the door behind her, while her friend tidied up the bedroom. Nearly 20 minutes passed before she emerged.

The friend finally broke the ice and asked Kim for her comments, “What did you think?”

“That looked intense, but also like a lot of fun, I guess” – Kim replied quietly, still feeling shy and overwhelmed by the rush of emotions she’d experienced just moments before.

“All those little sounds you heard? We did good today” – The friend playfully bragged about their ‘performances’. 

Kim smiled back at the girl. In a strange twist of fate, she felt happy for them and their way of enjoying themselves without going overboard and risking negative consequences. Although she had been nervous leading up to that day and had pictured it differently, what she saw was two girlfriends fully enjoying each other’s company in a tasteful, private way, with only one other person watching. This was a far cry from being seen by many anonymous viewers on a live stream.

The cash register donations were like gifts, a way for the viewer to show their appreciation for the girls’ willingness to share the experience and take suggestions or instructions. Almost as if the viewer was directing their own lesbian fantasy through the girls. The feeling was odd, and almost romantic, in the way that a horror movie can sometimes feel like an action-adventure.

“Do you want to freshen up? I also have a loo, you don’t have to wait for Jas” – Kim kindly suggested.

“No, it’s fine, I like wearing it on me until I get home, so to speak. It’s my own little kink” – The friend replied casually, Jasmine’s stickiness on her face was like a badge of honor, one she would wear like lotion on her skin.

Kim blushed at the naughty idea and paused silently. 

“I don’t expect you to understand, but it’s like it all leaked out as a result of what and, more importantly, how I was doing what I was doing. So when I feel her on me, I’m proud to have had that power over her. It’s like a compliment when her body reacts well to my advances. And to top it off, she tastes really great too!” – The friend explained carefully.

The friend knew that saying that would make Kim laugh, and it did. The tension dissipated, and Kim felt a familiar, pre-sex energy returning as she chuckled.

Jasmine returned wearing a new top, jeans, and with a towel wrapped around her wet hair. She looked refreshed and invigorated, with a mist of shower water floating around her that instantly caught Kim’s curious attention. After witnessing Jasmine’s pleasure, she started to look like a snack to Kim’s newfound affection.

“Who’s hungry for a late lunch?” Jasmine joked as if nothing had happened. 

“I could eat again” – The friend responded playfully and made everyone laugh. 

Not long after, Kim joined the girls for a meal and drinks at a nearby pub within walking distance. She could not help but wonder when they would bring up the third activity for the day, but was too shy to ask. In the meantime, she had built up quite an appetite and was looking forward to the food.

It appeared that everything was back to normal. Jasmine and her friend chatted away on mundane topics, with Kim content to listen in. They ordered and devoured schnitzels and pints, relishing the satisfying feeling that followed, and basked in a comfortable silence.

“You want to get it over with?” Jasmine suddenly asked her friend.

“Yeah, let’s go” – The girl instantly replied, downing the rest of her pint in one big sip.

“Get what over with?” Kim curiously asked.

“Our request video, a girl asked to see me hook up in a public toilet with a ‘stranger’ and to make it sleazy” – Jasmine explained and held up the sarcastic air quotes when she said stranger. 

“She’s a Dutch lesbian stud with a very slutty imagination, and this is our third video for her. I already fingered Jas on a bus one late night, as ‘strangers’, and I also dressed up in a Halloween school girl outfit one day and ‘snuck into the apartment for an affair with a married woman’. Just for fun” – The friend further explained and also held up the air quotes.

The friend spoke about the previous videos like they were funny movie scenes. Kim found herself laughing along but also felt a growing curiosity to see evidence of these encounters that they were so sarcastically discussing.

“Hold on, what day was this? I missed the show where you pretended to sneak in?” Kim joined in the conversation, finally speaking up after mostly staying quiet throughout the meal.

“You weren’t home, Kim. I kept this private for a reason” – Jasmine replied with a playful tone, grazing the top of Kim’s hand lightly. It sent butterfly tingles racing and caused Kim’s hand to pull back.

Jasmine took one last swig of her pint until it was an empty glass. The girls rose from their seats simultaneously. Jasmine gave Kim a secret smile and a wink before disappearing from view. “Just five minutes” – They assured her.

Kim was left feeling confused and left out. She anxiously prayed that no one would catch them since they had not paid yet and she had been with them the whole time prior. Fortunately, the pub was quiet that day, and they did not draw any attention.

Kim tried to stay calm, composed herself, and patiently waited. She nibbled on the remaining chips on the plate, finished her pint, and went through her phone. She tried her best to be inconspicuous. When the waitress came to collect the plates, Kim ordered another round of pints, hoping to avoid any suspicion. She repeated to herself to stay relaxed.

Kim breathed a sigh of relief as she watched the girls return to the table nearly 15 minutes later. They looked just as they had before, and nothing seemed out of place. Either they had not done anything, or they had managed to pull it off without being caught. Kim was curious, but decided not to pry and instead just greeted them.

The girls sat down just as the friendly waitress arrived with three fresh pints. Kim was glad that they could continue with their day.

“Thanks for ordering more, Kim. Do you want to see our video?” Jasmine asked with a proud grin, now that they were in the clear.

“Yes” – Kim eagerly agreed and leaned in closer to Jasmine’s phone, surprised by her own level of interest. Jasmine smiled and pulled up the video.

Kim nervously took the phone from Jasmine, her hands shaking with anticipation. She could not help but feel a surge of arousal as she realized what she was about to watch. As she pressed play, she noticed that the video was almost 8 minutes long and quickly turned down the volume to avoid any unwanted attention. The girls continued to chat and drink, but Kim was completely engrossed in the video, her attention fixated on the screen.

The video showed Jasmine turning off the running water and grabbing a paper towel from a nearby dispenser. Filmed from her own POV, it only showed her body from the shoulders down, never revealing her face in the mirror. Kim was impressed by how realistic it seemed. If she stumbled upon the video online without knowing it was Jasmine, she would have assumed it was a genuinely secret recording. 

Jasmine then turned around, revealing in the background her friend standing in front of an open cubicle door. The two girls made it seem as if they were strangers, communicating only through their body language without speaking a word. The friend brought sunglasses, but she had them on in the video and not back at their table.

Suddenly, the friend began to touch herself suggestively on the front of her pants, before slowly making her way inside the cubicle. She looked back at Jasmine the entire time before closing the door behind her.

Jasmine presumably took a moment to contemplate before walking towards the same cubicle. She gave a gentle knock on the door and waited.

The cubicle door opened, revealing the friend standing there with her panties down around her knees, her hand already exploring and cupping a breast under her shirt. Without hesitation, Jasmine joined and approached the girl.

Jasmine first watched her friend pleasuring herself. Then, she reached over and gently inserted a finger inside her friend, pulsating a few times to quickly intensify the feeling. Moments later after taking it out again, Jasmine brought the finger closer to her friend’s mouth and demonstrated how the girl instinctively wanted to lick it clean. 

And for a few seconds, Jasmine allowed it. She then intimately guided her friend to crouch down for more. 

Kim was intrigued to see how unrecognizable the friend was in the video as she sleazily dipped to unzip Jasmine’s pants and pulled everything down to around the knees.

For the remaining few minutes, the girl eagerly and enthusiastically pleasured Jasmine with her mouth, giving a sense of taboo and excitement to the act of giving a ‘stranger some head in a pub’s toilet’.

As Kim watched the rest of the video, she felt a different arousal. She knew exactly what kind of lust was awakened within her. At that moment, she made the mental decision – “I want to do this”

During the last 45 seconds of the video, Jasmine slowly moved in rhythm to the girl’s face before finally pulling away. She quickly fixed the clothes while the friend watched and seductively licked her lips. The friend stayed crouched in the cubicle while Jasmine left, and the last image in the video was of the door closing.

The girls fell silent as they noticed Kim placed the phone back on the table. Her expression was a mixture of shock and arousal after watching the video.

“I can tell that you enjoyed it” – Jasmine joked.

“I think…I want to try this” – Kim hesitantly spoke up. She was not sure how far she was willing to go, but the desire to experience something similar to what she had just watched in the video was strong.

“Looks like our shows and videos are about to get even better” – Jasmine said, glancing back at Kim with a nod of approval. She turned to her friend with a sly grin. The two girls shared a moment, offering their support to Kim in joining their streaming sisterhood as the newest member.

Stay tuned for Kim’s Follow Up story, coming soon! And if you’re looking for more sizzling lesbian sex stories, be sure to check out the rest of our series. You won’t be disappointed!

Enjoy Taylor Got Caught Paying for Her Lesbian Desires HERE

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